Let's have the first official post be a review of my top 10 favorite cartoons in no particular order.

10. The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack

This show is, in one word, bizarre. Some may brush it off as a sort of
obnoxious Spongebob rip off, but i assure you, it is anything but.
The character of Flapjack is a small, adventurous child, not unlike
another protagonist on this list. But what really sets this show apart from
any other, is its fatherly figure, Captain K'nuckles. This man is a
delight. With the voice of Brian Doyle Murray (Flying Dutchman on Spongebob),
K'nuckles is a pirate, but, a good pirate, who wants one thing, candy.
This show uses odd and memorable sound effects, and one of my favorite
things in cartoons; hyper-realistic close-up art. Sometimes painted, but
usually made of clay, it uses gross-out imagery, usually paired with a stock
sound of a man screaming. When i think about this show, I always first think
of these moments.

9. The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy

This is another weird one. This time, earlier in my childhood. In a way, this
is the show that got me into voice acting, as my friends and I would spend recess
doing impressions of Fred Fredburger, the single greatest character in all of
American cinema, animated or otherwise. The show itself is surrounded in the idea
of the supernatural/occult. I mean, one of the three main characters is the grim
f*cking reaper. The other two being the idiot boy with a huge nose, and the tsundere
without one. My theory is that if Billy and Mandy had children, they'd cancel out
and be normal. The kids terrorize Grim, using his power and artifacts for their own
personal enjoyment. While Grim hates Billy and Mandy, his arch nemesis, or one of them,
is the Boogeyman. His whole schtick is that he was the would-be reaper of Earth
before Grim stole it from him, which, incidentally, is why the Spider Queen hates
him from that one TV movie they had, "Billy and Mandy: Bath for my Fire Peen"

8. Adventure Time

This one means A LOT to me. I remember when this show started, my sister
and I would watch it at our grandmother's house, then eat a bunch of popsicles and use
the sticks to make paper puppets and re-enact our favorite scenes and what-if scenarios.
This is one of those shows that has a lot of fart jokes and poop humor, but uses them to
cover some emotional, heart warming, and sometimes dark story lines. Every character, main
or background, gets some really good moments. Even having entire episodes without Finn and
Jake. With it ending recently, the emotions are still fresh for me, and I have to say, while
I wouldnt go so far as to say it's my favorite cartoon, I do believe that objectively, it is
one of the best. I don't have a lot of "must watch" titles, but if i did, this would
be one of them.

7. He-Man and the Masters of the Universe

This show is so bad it's good. Re-used, over-used, terrible animation, all to sell some pretty
cool toys. That's really why I like this show, I love the toys. Sure, I had a He-man show when
I was a kid, that was dark and edgy, but you can't beat the classics. He-Man and it's spin-off
She-Ra, were pretty much the same show, except the latter didn't have Skeletor. 0/10! Skeletor is
just so much fun to watch, he's just an idiot with a spooky face. Every month is spooktober to
this dude. The heroes didn't have much personality, but the villains were always just delightful.

6. Rick and Morty

When i first saw commercials for this show on Adult Swim, I thought it was just some other dumb
late night Adult Cartoon, in the same vein as China, IL or Mr. Pickles, but I soon
learned the contrary. I am not one of the people who believe you have to be smart to watch Rick and
Morty, or that watching it makes you smarter. I believe you can enjoy it on the surface level or dig
deeper to understand more where the show is coming from. I mean, this show won an Emmy for an episode
where the main character turns into a pickle. This show astounds me with how two faced it is. One
episode you have the question of "what if you had to bury yoursefl. What would that do to you." and
in another episode, you've got "OOH WHEE! OK RICK, I'M MR. POOPY BUTTHOLE! How does that
happen? It's just mind boggling. And that's why I love it.

5. Dragon Ball

Now, this entry is not for the complete series. Super drags on, GT was problematic, and Buu sucked.
This is for the original. The one and only Dragon Ball. Goku taveling the world, meeting interesting
people, and learning martial arts, not defending the planet from invading alien threats using a new
somehow more powerful then we thought posible beam attack. There's something pure about Dragon Ball,
and I think that's one of the reasons I prefer it. It's just fun.And that's exactly what an
action cartoon should be. Fun, not a chore.

4. Transformers '84

This one is very similar to my thoughts on He-Man. It's a fun toy commercial, i just personally like
Transformers more than He-Man. They're like fun little puzzles. The characters are, again, similar to
He-Man's. The Autobot's didn't have much character other than "noble hero loyal to Optimus Prime", but
the Decepticons are interesting. Megatron has a history with Optimus, Soundwave is loyal to a fault,
Starscream is a treacherous bastard looking for power. They just seem much more fleshed out. But again,
it's a toy commercial.

3. Teen Titans Go!

Alright, alright, hold on. I know what you're thinking, is he about to destroy his reputation before
he even has one?
Maybe, but this is my list, I feel strongly about this, so shut up. The main argument
I ever hear about this show is that it's not the original. Well guess what, it's not trying to be the original.
By the way, if you're mark of quality is whether or not a show is the original Teen Titans show, youre gonna have
a bad time watching tv, friend. You'd be surprised how many shows aren't Teen Titans. The other argument
is "I dont like fart jokes. This show wasn't on when I was a kid, if this show is so good, why wasn't it made
sooner?" You do know this isn't some distopian future, where the goernment forces you to watch TTG, right? Just
change the channel and let me have a show I like. The show can be a bit annoying at times, but that's not the whole
show. I guess it's more of a guilty pleasure of mine.

2. Courage the Cowardly Dog

You were either a Disney kid, a Nick kid, or a CN kid, I was a CN kid, as you may have noticed by the
other entries. No other show brings me back to those days as a kid watching CN than Courage.
Memorable characters, monsters, and episodes in general. There have been hundreds of articles
putting Courage on a list of "TV shows you didn't realize were secretly terrifying" or some Screen Rant
crap like that. "Return the slab", that French duck, and those Siamese twin librarians were
just some of the things that this show did to engrain itself into your mind. I'mglad to have been born
when I did, to have grown up with this show. I want to personally thank John Dilworth for
creating such a wonderful memory for me.

1. One Punch Man

"ONE PUUUUNCH!" That theme song pumps me the Hell up! I'm not big on anime, but this is a
winner in my book. Saitama just seems like a side character in everyone else's stories.
Everyone has these overly-long backstories that mean noting to him. Oh, you're a scientist
who hates the human race, with an army of clones? Don't care. You're king of all aquatic life?
Bye. You think I care you're bored? F*ck you. Die. Buh bye. See you later alligator. Saitama is
just what I needed as everyone around me was saying I should watch this anime, or that anime,
then one day I caught the third episode of OPM on Toonami, and I was in love. I love it when
nothing means anything, and everything doesn't matter in the end. Roll that up in a parody of all
the stuff I hate about anime? You got me.