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This has been an ongoing search for an original copy...complete with the box and instructions whenever possible, but this list contains not one Illegal Bootleg Disk...commonly known as CDR's.

I have been working on this list for almost 4 years now and I have alot of time and money invested into my collection. I hope this will enlighten some of the questions of "Did this or that ever get released"...lol....but this is in no way an official US Released Title Listing. It is mearly what I have been able to get me hands on.
US Released Games That I Own

Some of these Imports are impossible for me to put a name associated with it. If anyone out there can help me identify some of the "Unknowns", I would appreciate the help.
Thanks, Steve
Import Titles That I Own

This page is a listing of everything I am looking for, so if you happen to have one of these titles and are looking for someone to buy it....just drop me an email and we'll take it from there. If you know of a title that is defiantly a US Released Title and it is not on my list that I own or are looking for, please feel free to let me know about it, but only if you are positive it was released please.
My 3DO Want List

In this page you will find a listing of all the extra games I have acquired through many trades and such. If you find anything that is of interest to you, please feel free to email me about the game and/or games and I will get back to you. I will try to update this every time I acquire something new for it.
Thanks, Steve
My Extra 3DO Games

In this section, you will find many different help and/or cheat books for the 3DO. There is the magazines called "3" as well and even a Japanese book in there too.
Thanks, Steve
Books and Magazines

This list is just as it may sound....lol.....not much to add except the list.
Peripherals That I Own

In this section, you will find various photos of the different types of controlers that are commonly available for the 3DO. Sometime soon, I will try to get a photo of each controller that was made in the US for the 3DO system, but this list could turn out to be bigger than it truely needs to be. There are some controllers that are identical to others.....such as the one that came with the game Zhadnost...which was exactly the same as a few other Logitec controllers with a different # on it.
Thanks, Steve

This was probably the hardest for me to put onto my page, but I always see people asking this question everywhere, so I figured I had to add this onto my page. After alot of thinking about which ones to finally put on this list, I have decided to keep it for the US Released Titles Only. There is no way to say that there is not any imports that should have made this list, because there most certainly are a few I though about, but my collection right now is centered on obtaining every US Released Title.
Thanks, Steve
My 25 Favorite 3DO Games

I added this section basically for one reason....I have a prototype of a M2 Controller and did not know where to list it...lol. This is the only one I have actually been able to find and I acquired it from someone who......"works in the business"......no names of course.....but I do not know anyone out there, nor have I heard of anyone else actually owning one of these....so without anymore delays.....here it is.
Thanks, Steve
Misc. 3DO Stuff I Have

In this section, you will find photos of a few different articles of clothes that was giving to me by a friend in the 3DO industry. I would like to thank Jim J. for all of the items in this section.
Thanks, Steve

This is a listing of the different styles of the 3DO machines. Included in this list is one from Sanyo, but I have no clue if this item was actually released anywhere. If anyone out there has one of these machines, Please contact me...with a photo if possible.....and I will list it here.
Thanks, Steve
3DO Players

Links To Other 3DO Sites

What would a web site be without those 3DO Cheats....lol. This is probably the best one I have found so far. I would like to thank Al Amaloo for letting me put a quick link to it.
Cheats For The 3DO Games

In this section, I would like to take the time to thank a few people out there who have helped me in one way or another with this site, or my 3DO collection. These are just a few people of the many that helped me in the 4 years that I have been collecting this 3DO collection of mine.
Thanks, Steve


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