Close the Door and the Room Disappears!

This is an interesting bug given to me by Blair Yeany and it causes an interesting little effect. While at the Roswell complex on Day 6 after you have set off the emergency alarm so that you can go into the storage room, open the storage room door and stand in the opening so that you can see both rooms. Now close the door. You will now be inside the door! You will not be able to go into the storage room, but as you noticed, about a second after you closed the door, the main room disappeared! You can now walk around in it, however the same boundaries will exist as when the room is visible. You will even see objects such as the telephone and fan. If you look towards the storage room, you will see right inside. Here are some pictures:

roswell.jpg (8419 bytes) roswell2.jpg (5999 bytes)

Also another similar thing I just found myself is while you are in the underground complex, close the door to the fan room on yourself. After you do this, go through the door into the fan room. Notice the fan is not moving, however if you use the abductor on it Tex will say how he needs to stop the fan first.

Want to see more disappearing rooms? Well try these one's out from Overseer!

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