Rotor's Workshop

Rotor sez:

Nothin' just yet. I need to go pic hunting one of these days . . .

This here page has been set up to list all of the recent updates I've done! For those of you who remember my old "What's New?" page . . . it won't be anything like that. All of the old updates will be gotten rid of once the new updates take place. Anyway, this is basically to keep the main page from being cluttered up all to heck and back with my updating nonsense. =]
So here we go!

Well, let's get the little stuff out of the way first, neh? =] I've updated my Author's Profile a bit, and updated the Help File to include my new section, Al and Cal's Fun Zone, which currently only has the Sonic SatAM Drinking Game sitting in it's arsenal for now. Oh, and I took down MasterMind's link on the Links Page, 'cause it got attacked by a nasty virus or something and ain't there no more.

Now on to the big part of this update! Don't listen to any of Syna-Eve's whinin' . . . her story, Friends Forever is a shinin' example of excellent literature! Beware, tho', kiddies, 'cause it's rated R. I still recommend it, however, because it's truly a moving piece.

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