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Foose Ball
Notations used
player B
player A
player A player B
offence rod(3men) - 1a offence rod(3men) - 1b
middle rod(5men) - 2a middle rod(5men) - 2b
defence rod(3men) - 3a defence rod(3men) - 3b
golly rod(2men) - 4a golly rod(2men) - 4b
score count - A score count - B
each men in a rod numbered 1,2... starting from that player side.
eg. for player A : middleman of offence rod : 1a2, fartherest man on golly rod : 4a3
you are playing yellow (as A) ; opponent B
bank closest to you : A bank, opponent's bank : B bank
you are right handed, ie most power come from right handed shots; left handed shots can be used but rare(need sometime playing before using them)
notice 7dots near 1a and 1b rods. Ball placement may be explained relative to those dots. Lets assume dots near 1a belongs to A and dots near 1b belongs to B. Dots near 1a are numbered so that closest dot to A is dot-a1, far most dot is dot-a7
this is the same for player B(dots near 1b). when considering player B's dots in the eye of player A, closest dot to A is dot-b7; far most dot is dot-b1
objective of the game
ball serverd via hole in between rods 2a and 2b. each player should try to shoot to the goal right hand side goal.
eg. Player B tries to shoot goal A - Special Photo Effects on your Snapshots !
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