Recreation HomePage

Here are the National Carrom Champions from Sri Lanka
1958 - Inasipille 1959 - A S M Aroos 1960 - D S K Dassanayake
1961 - A S M Aroos 1962 - A S M Aroos 1963 - A S M Aroos
1964 - M S Ghouse 1965 - M S Ghouse 1966 - (NO tounament)
1967 - R R Perera 1968 - M S Hasan Alli 1969 - Sarath Wijesinghe
1970 - (NO tounament) 1971 - (NO tounament) 1972 - Ranjan Fernando
1973 - M S Hasan Alli 1974 - Lanley Mathaisz 1975 - Ranjan Fernando
1976 - (NO tounament) 1977 - Ranjan Fernando 1978 - (NO tounament)
1979 - Ranjan Fernando 1980 - (NO tounament) 1981 - Bradley Mathaisz
1982 - Lanley Mathaisz 1983 - Lanley Mathaisz 1984 - Lanley Mathaisz
1985 - (NO tounament) 1986 - A Kannangara 1987 - J N Abeywardena
1988 - Bradley Mathaisz 1989 - A Kannangara 1990 - Lanley Mathaisz
1991 - Lanley Mathaisz 1992 - (NO tounament) 1993 - Bradley Mathaisz
1994 - M T M Hilmy 1995 - (NO tounament) 1996 - M T M Hilmy
1997 - M T M Hilmy 1998 - M T M Hilmy 1999 -
1979 - (NO info) 1980 - (NO info) 1981 - Clarista Peter
1982 - Amitha Wickramasinghe 1983 - Amitha Wickramasinghe 1984 - Amitha Wickramasinghe
1985 - Amitha Wickramasinghe 1986 - Amitha Wickramasinghe 1987 - Amitha Wickramasinghe
1988 - Amitha Wickramasinghe 1989 - Amitha Wickramasinghe 1990 - Rohini Mathaisz
1991 - Amitha Wickramasinghe 1992 - (NO tounament) 1993 - Rohini Mathaisz
1994 - Amitha Wickramasinghe 1995 - (NO tounament) 1996 - Amitha Wickramasinghe
1997 - Amitha Wickramasinghe 1998 - Amitha Wickramasinghe 1999 -

This is made possible by the infomation provided by the Chairman - Sri Lanka Carrom Federation - Shelton Premaratne 3/2 Srivipulasena Mawatha, Colombo 9, Sri Lanka.
(For mistakes and corrections please contact me) - Special Photo Effects on your Snapshots !
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