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Errata of "DAM ADIMU"-expert's handbook
Errors/Corrections provided by Justin. 
Shot (2): Printing Mistake (P.M): (3) 39-32 26x39
Extend this shot as follows.
(4)44x11 10-17 (5)11x22 16x29 So ultimately White gained nothing but lost 1 piece.So I think that shot is weak.

Shot (4) Extend as foolows (5)51x5 20-27 (6)5x19 13x26 White lost the king & gained only 1 piece. But his position after the shot is weaker than before.As a result of this shot white definitly loss the game.We can only appreciate a shot in the context of the whole game.

Shot (7) White gave away 6 pieces while gained only 4.Black can easily catch the White's king for 1 to 1.Look:(5) 23-29 ....... (6)18-23 King trapped.Finally White gained nothing,but lost 2 pieces. What a weak shot!

Shot (9)Extend as foolows: (5) 40x5 20-27 (6)5x32 38x27 (7)49x38 Now White Lost his king & both players have captured 6 pieces equally.Then that shot become meaningless.

Shot (17) Extend: (3)45x8 9-15 (4)8x10 17x4 White gained only 3 p's. No chance to promote a king. But there is very very simple shot to gain 4 p's& a piece that can promote to king at 11. Consider : (1)38-31 25x38 (2) 44x 11

Shot (18) Extend: (4) 64x3 14-19 king trpped & no profit. so , (4) should be 64x5 no profit but no immediate threat to the king. Then why not white simply give 32-26? no profit & king at 5 is the result. Same.

Shot (21) Black can capture the promoting king with sacrificing 2 p's.(3) 22-17 41-46
(4) 17x4 46-52 (5) 58x45 30-36 (6) 4x32 36x23
After that Black can fight equally with backward white's p's.

Shot (22)P.M A(3) should be 57-51 instead of 57x51

Shot 23: King can be captured: (7) 52x2 50-55 (8) 61x50 23-30 (9) 36x34 16-21
(10)2x28 22x33 Then White gained only 1 piece.

Shot 24: P.M- (1)..... 34x47 (5) ..... 32x34

Extend the shot as follows: (10) 25x1 29-34 (11) 1x61 22-28 (12) 61x22 17x28 King captured. Ultimately White lost a piece.( White 12, Black 11) So It's a weak shot.

Shot 30: P.M - (4) 44-39 .......

Shot 32: P.M- (2) 53x29 .........

Shot 44: P.M (1) 38-31 .......

Shot 45: P.M (2) 39x28 .....

Shot 47: White gained only 1 piece. Consider this shot: (3) 45-40 34x45 (4) 52x39 32x45 
(5) 46-41 48x11 (6) 46-52 (the best move) 57x46
Then white piece at 11 as the shot mentioned. But this time White gained 2 black p's & black one at 45 is in danger. - Special Photo Effects on your Snapshots !
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