The SciH Home Page

This home page aim to be a kind of personal reference guide to some interesting topics on image processing, medical images, computer vision and Wavelets.

If you find any wrong information, broken link or if you have some question, suggestion, please contact me through the email [email protected]

DDSM Database in TIF Format

this is an work-in-progress!

Since DDSM database is available in LJPEG format, is a real torture to convert those images to an useful format. I had to convert it to use those images on my PhD. Here I'll post links to download each case available in DDSM web page. I just converted the LJPEG images to TIF (with LZW compression, which is a Lossless compression), using a welcome help of a C-code program that can decompress the LJPEG, Python language to automated the process and MATLAB to read the RAW format and save in TIF. All code used by me is available on "Software" section  below.


  1. In some cases, the TIF image became darker. I believe this is problem of acquisition or digitalization process.
  2. During the conversion process some images became a mess, where we could see nothing. Those ones were discarded.
  3. I don't own those images! I'm just the guy who converted they! The license is the same of DDSM web page.
  4. Those images are available as-is. I ONLY converted the LJPEG files to TIF. I didn't change the .OVERLAY files or any other.



Benign without Callbacks:



TheSciH - 2015 - last update: July 31th, 2015.