All you need to know about Lopinavir and Ritonavir:

Lopinavir and ritonavir combination is used to treat HIV or AIDS first-line therapy. This combination is generally used with other medications and the dose of Lopinavir Ritonavir should be kept constant. This antiretroviral medication is found effective in the treatment of COVID-19 of the patient with HIV negative report. It is consumed orally in the form of tablet, solution or capsule. This combination in the form of single medication was approved by the United State in 2000 but it is not available in its generic medication form in the US. Some of its common adverse effects are diarrhoea, nausea, rash, headache and abdominal pain. Patients with heart disease should be given special guidelines for the use of lopinavir ritonavir medication.

Here are the list of medication which is used in the treatment of COVID 19:-