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T H E  A S T R A L  T R U T H 

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T h e  G r e a t  l i e.


The universe as you know it is a prison, created by a cruel and stupid demiurge. Humanities true home is not the prison that is the physical realm, but the Astral Plane. Both your body and consciousness are in fact merely avatars of your true Astral form and consciousness , trapped by perception. A good example of this is given by the analogy of Plato’s cave.  In the analogy, prisoners are kept in a cave, staring at the wall, with a light source behind them. Passing between the light and behind the prisoners are people carrying shapes of animals, etc. that cast their silhouettes on the wall behind. As the prisoners are chained in place facing the wall, this world is all they know, unless they were to be freed and allowed out of the cave. This analogy will hit close to home for any that know the truth. Replace the wall and shadows with the physical realm (henceforth known as the "screen" for reasons I shall get into), the prisoners with our astral bodies, the chains with our perception and the outside of the cave with the Astral realm. 

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"A s c e n s i o n" or Perception shifting.



 It would be wrong to give the impression that we can “re-enter” the Astral Plane as our true forms already exist within it. A good example is that of a TV screen that from which we are unable to turn away. The screen (this is the physical realm) fills our perception so completely, that we as a species are unable “look to the side” away from it. Of course this makes it seem easy, but when the side to which you must turn is in the 4th Dimension (spatial dimension so not time) and this is something you have no memory of perceiving, you enter the conundrum that the charicter "A Square" found himself in in the novella Flatland. Unable to perceive higher dimensions without being ripped from his own and forced to look upon it from above (above being a concept he had been previously unable to percieve). Likewise, tearing ones perception from the 3D plane of the screen and to look upon the Astral Realm is something that will require either help either from those still free, or a leap in perceptive logic that is beyond the regular Man. It is possible that psychedelics may hold the key to “turning from the screen” as they are one of the few sources of true original thought. This is the kind of thought required to perceive the direction(s) that need to be turned to so as to perceive the Astral realm.  

A second (and possibly more reliable) way of turning our 4-D heads, would be the use of a “4-dimensional cam”. A camming mechanism converts rotational motion into linear motion (or vice versa). It performs this task through the way its shape interacts with other shapes. Theoretically, a 4-dimensional cam would be able to convert motion in our 3-D realm to 4th dimensional motion on the astral plane. This would, in theory, physically turn our true heads away from the 3-D screen and force us to perceive the true world. Making this cam is currently impossible however, as we have no way of interacting with the 4th dimension (that we know of anyway) so this would likely need to be made in conjunction with those who have already ascended, or with friendly astral beings.


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B E W A R E  o f  4 - D  A S S A S S I N S






The Demiurge and its Intentions.

This is a hard question to answer. As all we can perceive is the prison of the screen, there are very few ways of seeing what the demiurge is doing with our true forms (if anything). IT is possible that the prison was created by mistake and that the demiurge is but a fool. It is possible that this is due to malice, revenge for some slight made by the pre-physical humanity.