Linguistics Charms


Language-Learning Ritual

Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower

Duration: One week

Type: Simple

Minimum Linguistics: 2

Minimum Essence: 1

Prerequisite Charms: None

Dragon-Blooded embarking on diplomatic missions often invoke this Charm. By spending an hour meditating and listening to a native speak the language to be learned, the Exalt absorbs the knowledge of the language into her mind. The character needs some sort of focus to meditate on, usually a cultural object related to or a book written in the language to be learned. For the Charm’s duration, the Dragon-Blooded is completely fluent and naturally conversant in the language, without even a trace of an accent. The character may also read and write the language. Once the duration expires, the knowledge fades immediately.


Thousand Tongues Meditation

Cost: 4 motes

Duration: One scene

Type: Simple

Minimum Linguistics: 3

Minimum Essence: 2

Prerequisite Charms: Language-Learning Ritual

The far-ranging colonial interests of the Dragon-Blooded combine with the Air-aspected Exalt’s close affinity with communication to make this Charm a common one.

The characters speaking in tongues can easily speak and understand any spoken language for the duration of the Charm. If speaking to beings each speaking a different language, the character can understand them all, and they can all understand the character ― but they will still be unable to understand each other. The maximum of beings that an Exalted may speak in tongues to at once is equal to the character’s permanent Essence.

This Charm just allows the most basic of communication ― the equivalent of baby or pidgin speech. Any sort of social or communicative actions attempted by the character are at -4 to her dice pools. Each point of permanent Essence that the Dragon-Blood possesses over the minimum requirement reduces this penalty by -1.

This Charm only works on actual speech. Sign language cannot be understood through the use of the Thousand Tongues Meditation.


Poisoned Tongue Technique

Cost: 2 motes, 1 Willpower

Duration: Concentration

Type: Simple

Minimum Linguistics: 3

Minimum Essence: 3

Prerequisite Charms: Thousand Tongues Meditation

This Charm allows an Exalted to “hijack” another’s conversation. The effect is subtle, but it can be deadly if applied correctly. The Exalt must be able to hear the conversation to twist it, but need not actually be present. Eavesdropping through Charms such as Voices on the Wind is perfectly permissible, but the range of this Charm cannot be extended past 100 feet x the Exalt’s permanent Essence.

To twist a conversation, the character’s player must roll Manipulation + Linguistics. The number of successes indicates the degree to which the Dragon-Blooded can twist the conversation. A single success would allow her to send someone away from a conversation confused, aroused or with a sour taste in his mouth. Three or more successes are enough to make the speaker seem heroic, amorous, ruthless, or offensive. Five successes allow the Dragon-Blood to completely hijack the conversation, changing or amending anything said by any party.

The participants in the conversation each get a reflexive Wits + Perception roll at a roll to notice the use of this Charm. The difficulty of the roll is the Essence of the Exalt using this Charm. If this roll fails, the character doesn’t realize that what he means to say and what he’s actually saying doesn’t match and has no way of knowing the conversation was altered. If the roll succeeds, he realizes the conversation is being manipulated and can indicate this through nonverbal means (normally a chopping motion at one’s own throat). Use of this Charm in a criminal fashion is a serious offense in the Realm and can bring with it a death sentence.


Voice Of Mastery

Cost: 5+ motes, 1 Willpower

Duration: One scene

Type: Simple

Minimum Linguistics: 4

Minimum Essence: 3

Prerequisite Charms: Poisoned Tongue Technique

With more complete mastery of the Air element, the Dragon-Blooded can use this Charm to enhance the effect of his spoken words. His words seem to resonate with listeners, seeming more persuasive, threatening, seductive ― whatever the Dragon-Blood wishes.

For the duration of this Charm, the character may add his Essence dice to his dice pool for any interaction involving speech, whether it is seduction, persuasion or intimidation. The Charm normally affects only one listener. Each additional mote doubles the number of people affected by the Charm. The character must be able to speak the target’s language, either naturally or through the use of Charms.


Wind-Carried Word Technique

Cost: 1 mote per sentence, plus distance

Duration: Instant

Type: Simple

Minimum Linguistics: 3

Minimum Essence: 2

Prerequisite Charms: None

The wind carries many things, and sound can be one of them. A Terrestrial Exalted can set his words on the currents of the wind, sending them through the air to the ear of the one he wishes to hear his message.

For the base Essence cost, a character may send on single sentence to the ear of any other person in range. The character does not actually have to speak what he wishes to say out loud, but he does at least have to vaguely mouth the words he wishes to send.

The difficulty of sending words on the wind increases over distance. The further away a character wants to send a message, the more difficult the Charm becomes. For a single mote of Essence, a character can send a single sentence to roughly 100 feet away. This distance is modified by the permanent Essence of the character and by the expenditure of additional motes of Essence. Multiply the 100-foot range by the character’s permanent Essence score. In addition, by doubling the amount of Essence spent on the Charm, this modified base range can be increased by a factor of 10. An Air-aspected Dynast with an Essence of 4 could send a single sentence 400 feet for 1 mote, 4,000 feet for 2 motes, 40,000 feet for 4 motes and so on.

The sending character must have a general sense of the target’s direction, but need see her. This Charm has become essential to the Realm’s military operations, as it gives the Terrestrial Exalted the ability to communicate quickly over long distances on the battlefield. Most Dragon-Blooded of military inclination know the Charm.


Voices On The Wind

Cost: 3 motes, plus distance

Duration: One minute

Type: Simple

Minimum Linguistics: 4

Minimum Essence: 3

Prerequisite Charms: Wind-Carried Words Technique

Speech requires breath, the very air of life. Some Dynasts of Air can extend their senses through the air and so listen to what people far from them say. The further away a character wants to eavesdrop, the more expensive the Charm becomes. For the basic cost, an Air-aspected Dragon-Blood can clearly hear normal speech from 100 feet away. The character also gets a general sense of the target’s direction (assuming he doesn’t know already). As with the Wind-Carried Words Technique, the cost of using this Charm increases over distance. The further away a character wants to eavesdrop, the more expensive the Charm becomes. For a single mote of Essence, a character can listen in on speech roughly 100 feet away. This distance is modified by the permanent Essence of the character and by the expenditure of additional motes of Essence. Multiply the 100-foot range by the character’s permanent Essence score. In addition, by doubling the amount of Essence spent on the Charm, this modified base range can be increased by a factor of 10.

This Charm has some limitations. The character must specify a single person he wants to spy upon: He cannot, for instance, declare that he will “listen for people plotting against me.” At most, he can make a list of suspected enemies and eavesdrop on them one by one. The character also cannot hear anything spoken in an airtight chamber. Many of the powerful Dynasts build such chamber for their privy councils, specifically to defeat this Charm. Finally, listening to a person from so far away demands total concentration ― the character cannot perform any other action while listening to Voices on the Wind.


With One Mind

Cost: 2 motes per dot of increase

Duration: One scene

Type: Simple

Minimum Linguistics: 5

Minimum Essence: 2

Prerequisite Charms: Voices on the Wind, Voice of Mastery

A Dynast of Air can enable a group of people to know each other’s surface thoughts. What one sees, all the others see as well. Her tactical decisions are an open book to her allies. As a result, a group that fights using With One Mind displays uncanny coordination. They trade off opponents without a hitch; one fighter parries a blow aimed at another; an enemy seen by one cannot hide from any.

For every 2 motes that the Dragon-Blooded character spends, the recipients gain one dot each of Wits, Perception and Melee, up to the Dragon-Blooded character’s own Linguistics rating. In addition, any of the linked characters can parry or abort to parry an attack against any other character in the group, provided he is close enough to plausibly do so. If multiple characters parry a given attack, subtract all their successes from the attack roll.

The initiating character can link as many people using With One Mind as she has dots of Essence, but all those linked must have the same level of linkage, and the Exalt must pay to enhance each of them. The linked group must include the character herself, and there is not benefit to be gained from using this Charm unless at least two people are linked with it. Dynasts typically use this Charm to magnify the fighting prowess of their bodyguards or minions.

Characters linked by this Charm must have trained together for at least a week. They must spend a turn a shared breathing exercise and war-shout to initiate the link. The characters must also stay within 50 feet x highest Essence of the participants of one another. If any character moves beyond that range, the link breaks, and the Charm ends.

This Charm also has non-combat uses, allowing instantaneous nonverbal communication between the linked group for the duration.


Cipher Missive

Cost: 3 motes

Duration: Instant

Type: Simple

Minimum Linguistics: 2

Minimum Essence: 1

Prerequisite Charms: Language-Learning Ritual

In the matters of governance, commerce and military action that are the focus of Dynastic society, there is always sensitive material that must be communicated and, thus, a need for secure methods to encrypt such material. This Charm allows an Exalted scribe to augment her knowledge of the structure of language and to use that augmented knowledge to create a preternaturally complex cipher.

The scribing character spends the required amount of time writing the document, which can be no longer that her Essence in pages, and her player rolls Intelligence + Linguistics to determine the total number of accumulated successes needed to decipher the document. Each deciphering roll is an Intelligence + Linguistics roll with a difficulty equal to the permanent Essence of the character using Cipher Missive, and represents a number of days spent codebreaking equal to the Essence of the character who created the cipher. Remember that successes only accumulate against the encoding character’s Intelligence + Linguistics roll if the character attempting to decrypt the missive exceeds the base difficulty of the roll (i.e., the Essence of the character who used this Charm).

The character using this Charm may name a number of individuals up to a maximum of twice his Essence rating who can freely read the ciphered document, or he may name a limited, specific class of people who may freely read the document. For example, a character could make a ciphered document that could only be read freely by magistrates or only by officers in the Vermilion Legion.


Craft Icon

Cost: 2 motes

Duration: Instant

Type: Simple

Minimum Linguistics: 3

Minimum Essence: 3

Prerequisite Charms: Cipher Missive

In a society as complex and often frenetic as that of the Realm, the ability to smoothly convey a complex block of information or directives to others is not only a great boon, it is practically a necessity. This Charm allows for the design of sigils and pictograms that illustrate a dense collection of data such as directions to a location or instructions for the assembly of a complex device and does so in a simple iconographic style that can be understood by anyone, regardless of the languages they speak.

The player of the Dragon-Blood using this Charm rolls Manipulation + Linguistics at a difficulty of 2. Successes indicate the level of complexity encoded into the pictogram, with each success over the difficulty providing the equivalent of one minute’s worth of careful instruction.

The icons created by the use of this Charm can be drawn, carved or in any media the creator wishes to use. The channeling of Essence into the creation of an icon is vital to its depiction, and it cannot be reliably reproduced without another application of Craft Icon. Any mundane reproduction of a pictogram created with this Charm will, at best, serve only as well as if the Dragon-Blood’s player had rolled the minimum two successes. Icons created with this Charm are two square inches in size per success.


Speech Without Words

Cost: 2 motes + 1 mote per ally included

Duration: One scene

Type: Simple

Minimum Linguistics: 3

Minimum Essence: 3

Prerequisite Charms: Voices on the Wind, Cipher Missive

The ability to silently convey complex information allows for a much greater degree of coordination among allies when they find themselves in circumstances where speech would be a detriment, such as during close-range martial conflicts or ambushes most obviously (but not exclusively).

The use of this Charm allows a Dragon-Blood and one additional ally per mote of Essence spent (to a maximum of the Exalt’s Wits + Linguistics) to silently communicate using hand gestures and signals.

The gestures required to make use of this Charm are subtle and not enough to give away a user’s position or generate a great amount of sound. Users of this Charm are obviously communicating with one another if they do so openly, however, making this Charm’s usefulness in social settings somewhat limited.


Favored Quill Mastery

Cost: 3 motes per success

Duration: Instant

Type: Supplemental

Minimum Linguistics: 3

Minimum Essence: 3

Prerequisite Charms: Any three Linguistics Charms

Dragon-Blooded culture demands excellence from its constituents in a variety of fields of endeavor, making a broad education the norm. With so many responsibilities and areas of study open to them as a culture, however, specialists are needed for esoteric, demanding or vital disciplines. Linguistic- and communication-oriented tasks are no exception to this, as not every Dragon-Blood can be a master cipher, speechwriter and poet all at once.

An Exalt using this Charm may buy his dots in a Linguistics specialty as automatic successes, rolling the remainder of his pool as normal. The automatic successes may only be added to rolls involving the specialty in question.

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