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Photo: Public service vehicles…

 Police armoured cars manufactured by FIAT

Credit: di Ferraris


On 12 May 1979, the new breed of FIAT's “public service vehicles" made their appearance in the streets of Rome. Blue painted armoured cars, armed and equipped for the riot police. These “progressive" public service vehicles were designed by FIAT for sale to repressive regimes in Latin America. Now they find an application in “democratic" Italy. They turned out in force to prevent mourners marching to the memorial stone erected on Garibaldi Bridge to the memory of Giorgiana Masi, killed by police bullets a year previously. They blockaded the university to prevent a solidarity meeting for the "autonomy" comrades arrested a month previously, on April 7th. Anyone who openly tried to photograph their antics had their film confiscated.



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Translated by Ed Emery



Extracted from: THE BOOK OF FIAT: Insurrection, insubordination, occupation and revolutionary politics at the FIAT motor company – 1907-1982


Published: Red Notes / May Day Rooms


First published in 2020