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by Alfredo Bandelli


Signor padrone, questa volta

per te andrà di certo male:

siamo stanchi di aspettare

che tu ci faccia ammazzare.


Noi si continua a lavorare

e i sindacati vengono a dire

che bisogna aspettare

e di lottare non si parla mai.


Signor padrone ci siam svegliati

e questa volta si da battaglia

e questa volta come lottare

lo decidiamo soltanto noi.


Vedi il crumiro che se la squaglia,

senti il silenzio nelle officine

forse domani solo il rumore

della mitraglia tu sentirai.


Signor padrone questa volta

per te andrà di certo male:

d’or in poi se vuoi trattare

dovrai accorgerti che non si può.


E questa volta non ci compri

con le cinque lire di aumento:

se offri dieci, vogliamo cento

se offri cento, mille noi vogliam.


Signor padrone, non ci hai fregati

con le invenzioni, coi delegati;

it tuoi progetti sono sfumati:

ora si lotta contro di te.

E le qualifiche, le categorie

noi le vogliamo tutte abolite,

le divisioni sono finite:

alla catena tutti uguali siam.


Signor padrone, questa volta

ormai a lottare s’è imparato;

a Mirafiori s’è dimostrato

in tutta Italia si dimostrerà.


E quando siamo scesi in piazza

tu ti aspettavi un funerale

ma è andata proprio male

per chi voleva farci addormentar.


Noi abbiamo visto davvero

tanti di manganelli e scudi romani

pero s’e visto anche tante mani

che a cercar pietre cominciano a andar.


Tutta Torino proletaria

alla violenza della questura

risponde ora, senza paura,

la lotta dura bisogna far.


No ai burocrati e ai padroni!

Cosa vogliamo?

Vogliamo tutto!

Lotta dura a Mirafiori

e il comunismo trionferà!


No ai burocrati e ai padroni!

Cosa vogliamo?

Vogliamo tutto!

Lotta dura in fabbrica e fuori

e il comunismo trionferà!



YouTube recording:





Dear Mr Boss,


This time round things are going to go real­ly badly for you, because we’re tired of just sitting around wait­ing for you to kill us off.


We just carry on working like we’ve always done, and the unions come round telling us that we should be. patient and wait – but they never tell us how we should FIGHT!


But, Mr Capitalist, we’ve woken up now, and this time there’s go­ing to be a battle, and this time the only people who’ll decide how it’s going to be fought will be US.


You can try sending your scabs into the factories, but they’ll find everything at a standstill...just the sound of silence... and perhaps tomorrow the only sound that you’ll hear will be the sound of a MACHINE GUN.


This time round you’re really going to find the going rough. You can try as hard as you like to “negotiate”, but you’re going to find that it can’t be done!


Because this time you're not going to buy us off with a 5 lire increase. If you offer us 10, then we'll want a hundred, and if you offer 100, we'll demand a THOUSAND!


Mr Boss, you see, you haven't ground us down with all your little inventions, with your delegates... all your projects are useless now, because it's YOU that we're fighting!


And all qualifications, and all gradings, we're going to abolish them all. We're not going to stand for any more phoney divisions, .because on the assembly lines WE'RE ALL EQUAL!


Yes. Mr Boss, this time you're really going to have to fight. You have had a taste of things already at Mirafiori – but soon you're going to see it all over Italy!


When we had our march and came out into the streets, you thought it was going to be a walkover – but you saw what happened to the people who tried to quieten, us down.


And we saw all your cops out there, with their jeeps and their truncheons, thinking they had it made. But we knew different when we saw thousands of hands reaching down and grabbing rocks.


The whole of proletarian Turin has an answer for the violence of the police: they’re saying fearlessly; ”Now’s the time to fight back, and we shall fight HARD!"


And we say NO to the bureaucrats, and NO to the bosses. You ask us what we want… WE WANT EVERYTHING! The fight is on, inside the factory and out, and communism is going to WIN!


[Lotta Continua :: La ballata della Fiat, by Alfredo Bandelli, from the album

Fabbrica Galera Piazza, Dischi del Sole DS 1039/41, 1970]







Translated by Ed Emery



Extracted from: THE BOOK OF FIAT: Insurrection, insubordination, occupation and revolutionary politics at the FIAT motor company – 1907-1982


Published: Red Notes / May Day Rooms


First published in 2020