Voyager Class Starship - USS VoyagerFollowing their 7 year journey through the far reaches of the Delta Quadrant, the crew of the USS Voyager returned to the Federation as heroes. During their historic trip, the crew met countless new species and helped to expand the Federation's knowledge of space tenfold by bringing back extensive information on these new races as well as several unique technologies never before encountered. In honor of their sacrifices during this extended away mission, following the conversion of the original ship into a museum the Federation Council issued orders for a new class of starship to be developed to honor their exploits. Named the Voyager Class in honor of the historic ship, Starfleet Command was eager to see what would be offered.

Conceived as a replacement for the Intrepid Class as Starfleet's premier exploration craft, the new Voyager Class starship was intended to be an explorer and that fact has dominated the design ethic. Designed to remain on par with its predecessor, the Voyager would consist of 16 decks but would also have family provisions for the long term travels that ships of the Voyager Class would be expected to undertake. As part of the design edict Starfleet also ordered that the sensors and engine systems be upgraded from the current models to provide a more effective exploratory medium. As a special treat, Starfleet selected Captain B�Elanna Torres-Paris (Chief Engineer of the Intrepid Class Voyager) to supervise the development project.

Initial work on the Voyager went at a steady pace until a terrorist attack damaged the dockyard where Voyager was being constructed. Severely damaged in the attack, the original prototype had to be scrapped and completely rebuilt. This had an unexpected benefit as an undetected structural defect was found in the remnants left behind of the Voyager and was mended. If construction had been continued prior to finding the defect in was likely the ship would have lost structural integrity during warp trials. With tighter security a new spaceframe was constructed at Utopia Planitia Yards in Mars orbit.

With less than three months left in her construction cycle, the Theoretical Propulsion Group was able to deliver to the Voyager their latest achievement. The new Quantum Slipstream/Warp Propulsion hybrid Core is one of the most advanced pieces of propulsion technology ever built by the Federation and rivals that of the Enterprise Class Starship in energy generation. This advancement, never the less, had the unintended side effect of adding an additional four months to Voyager�s already passed deadline construction cycle (there had been some concerns about the weapons array and a full diagnostic analysis of Voyager�s weapons systems was ordered prior to installation � taking over a month).

In May 2419 construction on the Voyager was completed by the Corp of Engineers. By June the first ship of the class was launched on a routine shakedown cruise under the command of Captain B�Elanna Torres-Paris. These tests are scheduled to last a minimum of one year. Her sister ships (Explorer and Pioneer) are undergoing final preparations for their own space trials.


USS Voyager, Prototype. Also in service: USS Explorer, USS Pioneer


Type: Explorer
Type: Heavy Cruiser
Length: 375 meters
Beam: 150 meters
Height: 65 meters
Decks: 15
Mass: 950,000 metric tons
Complement: 30 Officers, 180 Enlisted, 0-150 Other (210 Total Standard Crew)
Evacuation Capacity: 1,000 persons
Diplomatic Capability: Level 3
Standard Mission Duration: 4 years
Recommended Yard Overhaul: 16 years
Expected Duration: 116 years including refit


2 LF-58 Linear Warp Drive Units
2 FIG-5 Subatomic Unified Energy Impulse Units
Reaction Control System Thruster Assemblies

Standard Cruising Velocity: Warp 7.0
Maximum Cruising Velocity: Warp 9.6
Maximum Attainable Velocity: Warp 9.999+ (Quantum Slipstream Velocity)

All stop to full impulse: 3.9 seconds
Full impulse to Warp 1: .52 seconds
Warp 1 to Warp 4: .99 seconds
Warp 4 to Warp 6: 2.7 seconds
Warp 7 to Warp 9.6: 4.4 seconds
Warp 9.6 to Warp 9.999+: 5.5 seconds


5 Type XVIII Collimated Phaser Arrays
8 Type XVII Collimated Phaser Arrays


4 Mk 100 Burst Fire Torpedo Tubes

Special: Ablative Hull Armor, Planetary Landing
Shields: FSS XII Forcefield and Deflector Control System
Primary Computer System: Class XVII Bioneural/Isolinear hybrid computer core/LCARS Version 7.0
Primary Navigation System: RAV/ISHAK Mod 6 Warp Celestial Guidance
Primary Warp Core System: Type XXV Matter/Antimatter Warp/Quantum Slipstream Hybrid Propulsion Core

Embarked Craft:
Runabout (Flyer Class): 1
Shuttlecraft (Various Classes): 4
Shuttlepods (Various Classes): 4
Work Bee General Utility Craft: 2

The Voyager Class Starship is based upon the Vivace Class created by DJ Curtis for Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Specifications and history of the Voyager Class are by William Teagarden and based upon data obtained from Starship Spotter. Special thanks to Bridge Commander Files, images available HERE.

Task Force 5 is based upon Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry and is in no way affiliated with CBS Corporation, Paramount Pictures Corporation, or Viacom. Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space 9, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Enterprise, and all related marks are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures and their respective owners; no copyright violation is intended or desired.

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