Welcome to a summarized version of the Warhammer 40k Universe

In the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium there is only war. Essentially the universe revolves around primarily 9 different races taken place in a sci-fi setting, it all started with a big bang and the oldest beings called the "old ones" are the first to ascend into sentient species. The "old ones" eventually as a species progress so much so that they learn how to "uplift" other species and create new ones. The first race to be "uplifted" were the Eldar or essentially space elves. The "old ones" eventually evolved so much so that they became beings of pure energy, all this evolution and glory that the "old ones" had amassed did not go unnoticed, there was a species of jealous creatures called the Necrontyre who hated all life because they evolved on a planet too close to the radioactive sun in their star system. The reason for their jealousy was because in comparison to the "old ones" who had a extremely long life span(basically ahead start in the evolutionary race), the Necrontyre were given a desolate planet, in which their life span was only 40 years. Due to multiple factors the Necrontyre eventually formed a hatred for all life in general, so they devised a plan to essentially manifest their gods into reality by putting their god's spirits into giant metal robot bodies. Those gods would then eventually go on to eat anything with a trace of soul Those gods hunted the "old ones" vigorously and to near extinction.fast. The Old ones then began to create a race of warlike species to combat the Necrontyre with the help of the Eldars. The new species would be called the Orcs, in short they are green warlike fungi beasts who have innate ability to manifest anything into reality. With all three races working together to fight off the Necroyntyre the eventual victory was at hand. All four species in the universe were however reaching their end point. The Necroyntyre now referred to as the Necrons because somewhere along the lines their souls were transferred metal undying skeletal vessels. Due to a large amount of loss on Necrons' side they fled into catacombs deep underground over several planets, their plan was to remain dormant until life had sprouted across the galaxy once more and other species had forgotten about their existence.

inspiration Angelic Beings are often the main morale booster for soldiers

The Factions

Currently there are nine major factions that reside in the universe. The Space marines, a group of armour clad soldiers that are broken up into different chapters,and rankings. They belong to the Imperium of man. The Imperial Guard, regular human beings sent to the front line with lazer guns instead of actual gear. Sister of battle, also aligned with the Imperium of man,but their entire army is more focused on devout worship of the emperor of the empire. The forces of Chaos undivided, ex space marines who have chosen to go renegade and worship demonic beings. The orcs, a race of bloodthirsty fung that can make things work simply by believing it. The Eldar, a race of old beings that pride themselves think they are better then every other race. The Dark Eldar, essentially the same as the Eldar however they worship a demonic god, are more sadistic. The Necrons, recently emerging from their catacombs they desire only to wipe out all life in the universe. The Tyranids, giant mutant bugs that originate from a different galaxy, their army is ran by a hive mind. Lastly the Tau empire, the newest faction to join the war they are the most accepting of other races into their army they fight for the "greater good" of the universe.