Once again, after ten years, you return to Birmington. This prosperous, resource-filled vale brings back memories... It was here where you came, after recieving a faded ad, ten years ago. You still keep the old parchment as a souvenier. You were told to see Mayor Pinochet, as to recieve a mission for 1,000 gold. You took the ad with you, and set out for this tiny little city. After a few days of journeying, you made it into this small, quaint little town. You walked into the now-ruined building to the northwest, which was at one point the home of Mayor Pinochet. He gave you a mission to slay some bandits, which turned out to be quite a quest...

It was barely a week ago, where you found a letter nailed into the door of an inn you were staying at. It read:

Dear adventurers,

I have heard that you have been doing great things since we met last. It has been a while, but you should remember our adventures in Birmington. After ten years, things have changed drastically, and I fear not for the better. While neither I, nor friends I have gained can be sure of what is going on, all of us are in consensus that there is something devious going on. We felt that you would be an excellent, competent addition to our efforts. When you look for us, search for a house to the southwest corner of Birmington, to the west of the gates to the fortress. I and my allies will anxiously be awaiting your arrival.

Signed, Marx

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