Echoes: Pawns won second place in Olympia's Omega Contest for Best Movie!

What a grisly scene... Looking about, there is a massacre, before the gates, pried open by human sweat, blood and tears. The graphic displays of unhinged organs is horrendous. Why they would call you, the Red Ruby Regiment here, is beyond you. All about you, apendages of both illithid and human form a large, sticky mess, you barely wade your way through. Fingers leak blood, tentacles release grey matter, and guts spew ichor. The entire idea of trying to get through the gate was obviously a horrible loss- the number of Humans lost in comparison to Illithids was 5:1, at least. The ramparts show even worse results- no human got even close. Another victory in the war, carved by so many more losses. If the war against the Illithids go like this everywhere, then you are quite effectively doomed. No war waged against any species has prooved as fruitless. None, other than... ...the Hyperion Wars.

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