// teleportboss.txt // Uses the combat behavior of hunter.txt, the monster will hunt party // actively. When slain, monster will "teleport away" to another location, // revealing another "phase" of the boss. Allows objects to be cleared, // assuring that boss will not land on an already-existing character. // // By Terror's Martyr // (terrorsmartyr@wi.rr.com) // // Memory Cells: // Cell 0 - How creature moves. // 0 - If 0, wander randomly. // 1 - Stands still until a target appears. // 2 - Completely immobile, even if target appears. // Cell 1,2 - Stuff done flag. If both 0, nothing. Otherwise when this // is killed, set to 1. (Example: If cell 1 is 3 and cell 2 is 5, when // creature is killed, sets SDF(3,5) to 1.) // Cell 3 - Dialogue node to start with if talked to. if left at 0, this // character doesn't talk. // Cell 4 - Hidden Group to activate // Cell 5,6 - x,y location of new boss // Cell 7 - Treatment of on-space objects // 0 - Don't Destroy // 1 - Destroy without boom // 2 - Destroy with boom begincreaturescript; variables; short i,target; body; beginstate INIT_STATE; if (get_memory_cell(0) == 2) set_mobility(ME,0); if (get_attitude(ME) >= 10) alert_char(ME); break; beginstate DEAD_STATE; erase_char(ME); put_boom_on_space(my_loc_x(),my_loc_y(),2,0); force_instant_terrain_redraw(); run_animation_sound(10); if(get_memory_cell(7) == 1){ set_terrain(get_memory_cell(5),get_memory_cell(6),0); force_instant_terrain_redraw(); } if(get_memory_cell(7) == 2){ set_terrain(get_memory_cell(5),get_memory_cell(6),0); put_boom_on_space(get_memory_cell(5),get_memory_cell(6),1,0); force_instant_terrain_redraw(); run_animation_sound(5); } activate_hidden_group(get_memory_cell(4)); put_boom_on_space(get_memory_cell(5),get_memory_cell(6),2,0); force_instant_terrain_redraw(); run_animation_sound(10); if ((get_memory_cell(1) != 0) || (get_memory_cell(2) != 0)) set_flag(get_memory_cell(1),get_memory_cell(2),1); break; beginstate START_STATE; if (get_attitude(ME) >= 10) alert_char(ME); // if I have a target for some reason, go attack it if (target_ok()) { if (dist_to_char(get_target()) <= 16) set_state(3); else set_target(ME,-1); } // Look for a target, attack it if visible if (select_target(ME,8,0)) { do_attack(); set_state(3); } // Have I been hit? Strike back! if (who_hit_me() >= 0) { set_target(ME,who_hit_me()); do_attack(); set_state(3); } // Otherwise, just peacefully move around. Go back to start, if I'm too far // from where I started. if (my_dist_from_start() >= 6) { if (get_ran(1,1,100) < 40) return_to_start(ME,1); } else if (get_memory_cell(0) == 0) { fidget(ME,25); } // if we're in combat and the above didn't give me anything to do, just // stop now. Otherwise, game will keep running script, and that eats up CPU time. if (am_i_doing_action() == FALSE) end_combat_turn(); break; beginstate 3; // attacking if (get_attitude(ME) >= 10) alert_char(ME); if (target_ok() == FALSE) set_state(START_STATE); do_attack(); break; beginstate TALKING_STATE; if (get_memory_cell(3) == 0) { print_str("Talking: It doesn't respond."); end(); } begin_talk_mode(get_memory_cell(3)); break;