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 Top 5 Ruby on Rails Courses and Certifications


If you want to be at the top of the game, then a Ruby on Rails certification is the best to give you a good start to your career and job opportunities. To get there, you must have a strong understanding of Ruby programming language and rails framework.

With uncountable online courses and certification on RoR, it might be hard to identify which one will fit best with your requirements. We have assembled a listing of the topmost RoR certifications established on learning materials and reviews so that you can make a decision on the finest option for you!

Benefits of Learning Ruby on Rails

  • Cost-effective- It is a cost-effective solution, due to its lower development costs and faster time to scalability. Learning RoR can save plenty of time and effort, as there are tons of plugins available which can be a great advantage of Ruby.

  • Easy to manage changes- RoR makes it easy to modify and add new features, which makes it effective for long-term projects due to its predictability and consistency.

  • Secure- Rails community dynamically works to spot as well as patch new vulnerabilities.

  • Productivity- Ruby is one of the most productive and useful programming languages around. When combined with third party libraries, it allows developers to develop features extremely fast. 

Top Ruby on Rails Certifications and Courses

Ruby on Rails, popularly known as RoR, is a foremost web development model and a prevalent option for beginners of web development because of its simplicity. There are 2 ways to get certified as a Ruby developer, one is to take a certification exam, and the other is from online learning platforms. Here are top 5 RoR certification and courses to boost your career. 

Learn Ruby on Rails by igmGuru

The Ruby on Rails course training provided by igmGuru, covers all the key concepts, from architecture to database integration, while helping all the candidates to develop robust and accessible web applications. The course also validates an individual's assistance and proficiency to implement Ruby on Rails proficiently. igmGuru will prepare you for certification to outshine in RoR development projects. 

Individuals will receive reference videos as well as documents that will help in constant learning. The competent experts will guide you through the gradual formation of real-world applications using RoR. 

  • Duration- 30 hrs (Self-Paced Learning)

  • Level- Beginner

  • 24/7 assistance

Also read this : Learn Ruby on rails

Ruby Association Certified Ruby Programmer Silver Version 3

This certification is suitable for individuals involved in the design, operation, and development of Ruby-based systems. This introductory level of certification is based on the knowledge of standard libraries and Ruby’s background. Developers who complete this exam are granted certification by the Ruby Association and become acknowledged as Ruby Association Certified Ruby Programmers. The exam assesses candidates on programming language (Ruby), classes, and standard libraries of Ruby, grammar, and objects.

  • Number of Questions-50 MCQs

  • Duration- 90 Minutes

  • Level- Basic

  • 75% Passing Score

Ruby Association Certified Ruby Programmer Gold Version 3

This certification is also offered by the Ruby Association. It is grounded on topics covered under the Silver certification. The important thing is that you must clear both silver and gold exams to get qualified as a Ruby Programmer Gold. Candidates are evaluated on things such as, Syntax, operating environments, object-oriented programming, advanced features of Ruby, and embedded libraries.

  • Number of Questions-50 MCQs

  • Duration- 90 Minutes

  • Level- Intermediate

  • 75% Passing Score

The complete RoR Developer Course and Certification

This certification is for beginners and who want to learn RoR from Udemy. Mashrur Hossain and Rob Percival developed this course to help you become a RoR developer. It covers all the topics from scratch, starting with Ruby language and moving to the RoR framework. Topics covered in this course are CRUD operations, building projects, Ruby fundamentals, data storage and management. It also provides a certificate after completion and covers Rails 5 and 6.

  • Duration- 45.5hrs

  • Level- Beginner

Professional Ruby on Rails Developer with Rails 5

This course is for someone who already knows Ruby language. You can learn to build web applications using the RoR framework, with 20 hrs of video content along with text lectures. Once you complete a course, you will be provided a Ruby on Rails certification. This course covers a few topics like-

  • How to become a highly-skilled web application developer

  • How to build web apps using RoR

  • Back-end development

  • How to build automated test for complex web applications


Are you looking for the right beginning to a career in the field of ROR? Then, these top 5 courses and certifications of RoR will help you to create complex web apps rapidly and successfully. If you are thinking about making an investment in your profession in 2024, taking Ruby on Rails training will be quite beneficial.

These above certifications and rails course will help you get on the correct track to excel in the dynamic sphere of web development.


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