Second Childhood

by baby k


Kelly had long envied her baby sister. Until Meggie had come along, she had been the only child; for
fourteen years, family life had been centered on her needs and desires, and suddenly that was not longer
the case. Even the idea of a new baby had been hard to get used to. At first, she had questioned her
parents' sanity. Oh, she liked having Meggie around; she even helped to take care of her sister. But
there were things that bothered her.

It wasn't really that she needed to be in the center of things; she just missed the attention and disliked the
idea that she was somehow expected to be more "grown-up" since the birth of the baby. Kelly was a
smart girl; she always made good grades in school. And she had her share of friends. But she was small
for her age, and always had been. She played off of her size: the little girl who never grew up. Even at
ten or twelve, she would cuddle up to her daddy or mommy for a bedtime story, holding her teddy bear
or another of her extensive stuffed menagerie.

Of course, none of her friends knew this about her; around them, she never betrayed this kind of
behavior. But it had been her normal pattern at home for her whole life, and now it was being disrupted.
Meggie had displaced her. The baby was the center of the world now; her feeding, changing, and
general care were not only the focus of the family, but had become even Kelly's priorities. There was no
longer any room for her own childlike aspects, and her parents could find little energy for her.
Kelly began to look longingly at Meggie: the baby lying in her crib was cared for and protected; she had
everyone at her beck and call. If she was hungry, someone fed her; if she was wet, someone changed
her. There were worse things in life; that much was certain.

One evening in the summer, when Meggie was about two years old and Kelly was taking care of her
sister, she conceived the idea. As ridiculous as it seemed, once it was in her mind, it wouldn't let go; she
knew she had to give it a try. Knowing her parents were not going to be home for a while, she realized
the time was now. After her sister was asleep, Kelly brought several of Meggie's diapers and the largest
pair of plastic pants she could find out into the living room. She held the pants up to her tiny waist; they
seemed as if they might fit. Excitedly, she slipped her skirt and panties off and lay down on the carpet on
top of the soft, inviting diapers. She had some trouble pinning herself into them, but finally managed; then
she pulled up the plastic pants, ecstatic to see that they did fit.

There were baby bottles in the kitchen; Kelly poured some juice into one and lay down on the sofa with
her stuffed animals to watch TV. After a couple of bottles, she realized that she had to go to the
bathroom, but she could not convince herself to go in the diapers. She took them down and, after using
the toilet, pinned herself back into them. She fixed another large bottle of juice and lay down once more
to watch her favorite show. It wasn't a good episode, and she found herself daydreaming. In her mind,
she was a baby again, a helpless infant being cared for by her mommy. She closed her eyes to make the
dream more real, and lay on the sofa imagining what it would feel like.
Kelly was startled by the sound of a key in the lock. She must have fallen asleep, and her parents were
home. Slowly, she slid to her feet to go to bed. It was only at the very moment that the door opened
that she remembered how she was dressed.

Her mother saw her first.

"Kelly! What on earth are you doing?"

Her father, confused and concerned by the tone of her mother's voice, entered quickly also. He looked
at her quizzically, as if unable to process what he was seeing. Her mother was still talking, she realized,
but for some reason Kelly was more conscious of her father's eyes than her mother's voice. She
watched as he turned to her mother.

"Mary," he said in a soft but authoritative tone, "don't be this angry. I don't think you need to be."
"But, Tom, look at her! It's ridiculous! She's fourteen years old, and--"
"I know, Mary, but..." His voice trailed off for a moment. "Let me handle this, all right?"
Kelly's mother knew that her father could handle matters of discipline. Shaking her head, she slowly left
her daughter to her husband's care. He looked at her for quite a while.
"Now," he said, "here is what I think: you wouldn't be dressed in those diapers if you were not
somehow wondering about how Meggie feels being a baby. Right?"

He waited for an answer. She nodded.

"Do you think fourteen year old girls should be wearing diapers?"

"No," she responded, "but--"

"No," he cut her off. "Of course they shouldn't. But here you are. And you are indisputably in diapers.
So I am left to conclude then that you cannot possibly be fourteen years old."
Kelly started to protest, but immediately realized that it was pointless. Her father already knew what he
was going to do, and whatever it was, she was in for it. She knew this tone of voice, and there would be
no fighting it.

"I thought we had a young woman in this house," he continued, "but I was obviously wrong. It seems
that we have two babies here. Well, little girl, if you want to be a baby, then you will be a baby. For the
next two weeks, you are grounded to this house. And for that two weeks, you will be treated exactly as
you seem to want to be treated. You will be in diapers around the clock; you will play with your sister,
and you will nap with her as well. As far as I am concerned, you are her twin, not her older sister."
Kelly stared at him, disbelieving. "You can't mean this," she stammered. It was not what she had
expected, not that she had really known what to expect. But she knew that she was getting way more
than she had bargained for. Playing with diapers on her own was one thing, but--did he say Meggie's

"Come here, little girl," her father said, again referring to her as if she were indeed only a baby. She
obeyed and moved over to him; he slipped his hand under the bands of her plastic panties. "You don't
seem to need changing right now. Go to bed; we'll get you a fresh diaper in the morning."
Stunned, Kelly walked slowly into her room, her father's voice echoing in her mind. Her thick diapers
made her waddle a bit when she walked; it had seemed silly but kind of exciting a few hours ago, but
now it only seemed ridiculous. She lay down on her bed, dreading the morning, and fell asleep.
When she awoke, it was late, and Kelly found that she had to go to the bathroom. When she got there,
though, she found it locked. With a key. Where had that come from? she wondered, and why?
Her mother stood silently near her, watching. "Your father put that new doorknob on this morning,
Kelly," she said. "You are no longer to use the bathroom except for tubbies."
This was going too far. "Mom, I have to go. I get the message, OK? I was being stupid. Now let me

Her mother looked for a second as if she might waver, but she didn't. "Your daddy told you last night
what your punishment was going to be. You are wearing diapers. Use them. And don't you dare change
yourself; little babies wait to be changed until their mommies are ready, and right now I'm feeding
Meggie. Oh, I have some nice food for you too when you come down."

Kelly was left standing in the hall, desperately needing a toilet. Finally, knowing there was no way to
stop it, she allowed herself to wet the diaper. At first it came out slowly, a damp, warm feeling in her
crotch, and then it began gushing out, filling the diaper and stretching against the plastic panties. She
stood in the hall, looking at herself in the full-length mirror. Standing there, wearing only a t-shirt and an
obviously wet diaper on her small frame, Kelly might well have been a pre-schooler.

"Kelly," her mother called, "come down her to eat." There was a lilt in her mother's voice as if she were
speaking to a baby; it was the same tone she used with Meggie.

Squishing as she walked, Kelly toddled down the stairs and into the dining room. Meggie ran up to her
and squeezed her legs, apparently oblivious to her apparel, at least for now. As she moved to the table,
Kelly was surprised to see that her sister's mess had been cleaned up and her own breakfast situated in
front of the high chair.

"Good," her mother said, in that same tone of voice, "you're down. Now be still while I get this bib on

"Mom--" she started, but her mother hushed her.

"Now we don't want you making a mess, do we? Meggie was very good about her bib this morning;
don't you be all fussy."

Kelly looked into her mother's eyes, but she saw nothing to indicate that this was a game. She was
being compared to Meggie, and the implication was somehow that Meggie was more mature. And she
was standing there in a soaked diaper.

"Mom, I'm wet," she said.

"That's OK, honey; we'll change you after you have your breakfast."

Kelly wanted anything in the world rather than to sit down in that diaper, but her mother was insistent.
She leaned her head forward as a Sesame Street bib was tied around her neck. Her mother pulled out
the high chair; was she to be spared nothing? She climbed into the seat, and her mother slid the tray
onto the chair. Suddenly, though, she stopped, and pulled it back off. A reprieve?
"Silly Mommy," she said. "I almost forgot to buckle you in!"
Kelly's mother reached around her legs and pulled the safety straps around her waist snapping them
together. "We don't want you falling out and hurting yourself, do we?"
The tray was replaced, and her mother sat down next to her. She took a spoonful of oatmeal from a
bowl and said, "Now, open wide."
This was wrong, Kelly thought. "Now wait a minute, Mom! Even Meggie can feed herself."
"Yes," her mother agreed," but babies make such a mess of things, and I've just cleaned up after feeding
her. I don't want another mess, so I'm going to feed you."
A spoonful of warm oatmeal plopped into her open mouth, and Kelly swallowed it. Her mother was
ready with another one right away. Knowing she really had no choice, Kelly acquiesced and took the
feeding. Maybe it would get her changed faster.
After breakfast, she pleaded with her mother to change her diaper. "Mom, come on! You'd change
Meggie if she was this wet!"
"Oh, all right," her mother said. "But don't expect to be changed as often as Meggie; you use a heck of a
lot more diapers than she does."
Kelly headed up to her bedroom, but her mother stopped her. "There's no need to go upstairs, Kelly.
I'll just change you right here on the floor."
"But you can't--"
"That's where I usually change Meggie," her mother said.
Kelly lay on the floor in the living room, and her mother knelt in front of her. "Just a minute," she said.
"Now lift your legs"; Kelly silently obeyed. Her mother slid a changing pad beneath her. It was one of
the most embarrassing things she had ever submitted to, but she thought that anything had to be
preferable to the rapidly cooling, sopping wet diaper she was trapped in. Her mother pulled the plastic
panties down her legs and tossed them onto the floor, and then she quickly unpinned the diaper.
"You really are wet," she said. "We'll have to be careful about diaper rash if you're going to wet like
Her mother reached up to a shelf, retrieved some diaper rash cream, and smeared it onto Kelly's
bottom. Then she grabbed the baby powder and sprinkled it generously over the cream. Rubbing it in,
she cooed softly, "There, now, doesn't that feel so much better?"
Kelly lay still and defeated as her mother lifted her legs and slid several dry diapers beneath her. Deftly,
she pulled them between Kelly's legs and pinned them on; then she pulled on a new pair of plastic
As Kelly lay quietly waiting for her mother to finish the ritual, she became aware of another presence in
the room. Watching from a corner in awed fascination was her baby sister Meggie.
"Kelly have her diaper changed?" Meggie asked in an inquisitive baby tone that made her older sister
want to crawl beneath the carpet and hide.
"Yes, Honey," her mother responded. "Kelly needs diapers now just like Meggie." Then she turned her
attention back to her eldest daughter. "OK, Baby; you can get up now."
Kelly climbed slowly to her feet.
As she rose, her mother softly patted her thickly diapered rear. "Now don't expect me to change you
again at least until after lunch, because I'm not going to be changing babies all day long. Run along now
and play with Meggie."
Meggie ran down to the playroom, calling for Kelly to join her. Kelly turned back to her mother. "Can't
I at least wear something over them? What if someone comes by?"
"That's your problem, Sweetheart. You should have thought of that before you decided to play baby.
Go on; Meggie's waiting."
Forced to play with her sister on a two-year-old level, Kelly spent the entire morning making puzzles
and building blocks. Meggie was enjoying the company immensely, but for Kelly time passed very
slowly. Lunch time seemed as if it would never come, and she wasn't even sure that this was a bad
thing; breakfast had been extremely humiliating.
Sitting with Meggie on the floor of the playroom making something with Legos, Kelly suddenly became
aware of a need she had not thought about before. It seemed to come on quickly, and it quickly became
urgent. She got up and ran upstairs to the kitchen where her mother was preparing a meal.
"Mom, I have to go to the bathroom. Bad."
Her mother didn't even turn around. "We've been through this, Kelly. Now go play with Meggie."
Kelly was insistent. "No, you don't understand. I don't just have to pee..."
Her mother missed a beat peeling apples, but recovered quickly. "I don't care what you need to do,"
she said. "Do it while you are playing with your sister."
As Kelly walked back into the playroom, she saw Meggie crouching in a corner, her face puffed and
red. She had seen that before; Meggie was filling her diapers. Kelly struggled against her own bowels,
straining not to let go. But the pressure was simply too much. She squatted down, her face every bit as
red as Meggie's, and let it all go. Meggie had finished by this time, and was playing with some puzzles.
She looked up.
"Meggie poopy," she said. "Kelly poopy too?"
Standing in messy diapers which, she suddenly realized, she had also wet during the straining, Kelly
certainly did not feel like someone older than the baby in front of her. She was dressed exactly as
Meggie was, and her mess was exactly the same as her sister's. She realized that she was indeed
becoming Meggie's twin.
"Lunch time," her mother called.
Meggie gleefully raced up the stairs, and Kelly slowly followed, walking in a bent gait, trying not to
spread the mess between her legs. As soon as they were upstairs, her mother smelled the problem. She
grabbed Meggie and sniffed. "Oh, you little stinker," she said. "You went and pooped all over. I'll bet
you're a disgusting mess."
She picked up the two year old and carried her up to the nursery; this kind of diaper she did not change
in the living room. Shortly, she returned with Meggie trailing after her, and placed Meggie in the high
chair, putting a bib around her neck. She turned to Kelly. "You may sit in a big girl chair for this meal; I
don't have two high chairs. But don't you spill anything, little girl."
Kelly didn't move. "Um, Mom," she stammered.
"Um, it's just that, uh..." She couldn't make any recognizable words come out.
"What is it?" her mother asked impatiently. "And why does it still smell down here?"
Kelly felt her face turn red. Her mother finally recognized the problem.
"What, you too?" Kelly nodded. "Well, I just changed one poopy diaper; I'm not changing another one
until after we eat. Sit down."
Kelly couldn't believe it. She stood there in her messy, smelly diaper, and her mother was not going to
change her. Further, she was going to have to sit down--and even eat--in that disgusting filth. Her
mother pointed to the chair. Kelly felt herself moving toward it, and then, grudgingly, she sat as lightly as
she could on its cane surface. The contents of the diaper oozed around her buttocks; she felt tears
welling up in her eyes.
Her mother held out a spoonful of apple sauce after giving one to Meggie. "Do you want some? I just
made it fresh." Kelly swallowed the offering, noticed she had no silverware, and then picked up one of
the small sections of meat on the plate in front of her and placed it in her mouth.
After lunch, her mother took her upstairs to the nursery and changed her messy diaper. As she lay on
the changing pad, her rear being wiped clean by her mother, and a new diaper being pinned onto her
freshly powdered behind, Kelly finally let go. She had held back for almost a day, but this was just too
much. Tears came streaming down her face, and she sobbed openly.
Her mother dabbed her eyes with a tissue. "There, there, Honey," she said. "It's all right. You're just
tired. It's time to take a nice nap. Meggie will join you later. Now climb in."
Her mother indicated the crib. This was just too much. "No, Mom, please!" she cried, but her mother
was firm, and Kelly found herself climbing into her sister's crib. The bars were fastened up, and her
mother gave her a bottle full of water to suck on. "Have a nice nap," she said as she turned out the light
and left the room.
Kelly lay in the dim light, curled up in the crib, watching the stuffed animals that were in there with her.
She grabbed one instinctively, and cuddled up to it. Sticking the nipple of the bottle into her mouth, she
began to suck. Closing her eyes, she found herself drifting off into sleep.
As Kelly lay quietly sleeping in the crib, the door to the room gently opened. Her mother and father
both entered; Meggie was asleep in her father's arms. He lay the child down in the crib next to Kelly.
Her mother examined the sleeping older girl. "Do you really think this is going to stop her silliness?" she
said to her husband.
He turned. "Of course it will. She'll never dress herself in diapers again."
Her mother nodded in agreement as they closed the door behind them. It was going to be a long
For three days, Kelly realized as her mother changed her on the living room floor, she had been in
diapers round the clock. Three days. She had been spoon-fed, changed, forced to sleep in Meggie's
crib, seated in a high chair, and even made to suck on a pacifier when she had sulked. All vestiges of
her fourteen-year-old life had been wiped out in that moment when her parents had walked in and found
her wearing Meggie's diapers.
What a monumentally stupid thing to do, she thought, as her mother pulled the fresh plastic panties up
and slid her finger around the waistband. Kelly scrambled to her feet, receiving a pat on the rear from
her mother, and carried her wet diapers to the diaper pail that had been placed in her room, the one that
said "Kelly" on it. As she lifted the lid and dropped them in, she heard her mother call from downstairs
in that soft, sing-songy voice that she had been using every time she spoke to Kelly.
"Sweetheart," she called, "come down here please. Mommy needs to talk to you."
Kelly held her breath. Maybe this nonsense was finally going to end. Her father had said two weeks, but
maybe they figured that she had learned her lesson. She certainly felt that she had. The first messy
diaper had definitely cleansed her of any need to experiment with them ever again. And the second, and
third, and fourth messes had made her more and more convinced of her remorse. She lowered the
diaper pail lid and quickly bounced down the stairs.
Meggie was playing with some blocks in a corner of the room, and her mother was on the couch with a
newspaper. She looked up when Kelly entered the room.
"Oh, Baby," she began, and Kelly cringed a bit, as she had been doing for three days whenever one of
her parents addressed her with a juvenile nickname. "Sit down for a minute, OK?"
Kelly took a seat next to her mother and waited, hopefully.
Her mother put the paper down on her lap and said, "Daddy and Mommy had been planning to go to a
movie tonight with the Youngs."
This was not news. "I know, Mom," she said. "You asked me last week to watch Meggie."
Her mother paused and looked pensive. "Yes," she said, "of course, that was before things...changed."
Kelly was confused. "So you're not going out?"
"Oh, no, we're still going out. Daddy and I don't think we should be punished for your foolishness. But
at the same time we can't leave a baby in charge of a baby."
Kelly blushed. "What do you mean?" she asked.
"I've asked Steve and Mary Young if their daughter could come over and babysit for both of you," her
mother said matter-of-factly. "She'll be here any minute, and--"
"What?!" Kelly interrupted. "You're having Jill BABYSIT me? But you can't--"
"Yes, I can, little girl," her mother said sternly. "And don't you talk to me that way."
Kelly tried to argue. "Please, Mom--you can't let her come over. She'll see me in diapers!"
"Yes, I assume that she will. Otherwise how can she change you when you are wet? We can't have you
lying about all night in wet diapers, can we? And what if you should poop?"
Kelly's already red face began recording shades it had never experimented with. The idea of Jill Young
knowing she wore diapers was bad enough; the concept of Jill changing her out of a messy one was
enough to bring the tears to her eyes.
"Please," she sobbed, "don't do this. I can watch myself; you know I can. She's only two years older
than I am!"
"She's sixteen, Baby," her mother said without the slightest hint of sarcasm. "She's much older than you
and Meggie. And two-year-olds cannot take care of themselves."
Kelly was crying hard now. "But everyone will know!"
Her mother was quiet for a moment, and Kelly found a scrap of hope. But then her mother said simply
and pointedly, "Jill is a mature young woman. I'm sure she can be discreet. And Daddy and I are not
staying in because you don't want someone to know of your little situation."
Kelly threw herself on her mother, tears flowing now. "Mom, please!"
"Enough!" said her mother, but Kelly persisted. Her mother reached over to the table and grabbed a
pink pacifier. Kelly's eyes widened with panic, but her mother stuck the dreaded thing into her mouth.
"Keep that in until you calm down, little girl," she said. "At least five minutes."
Kelly sat still, contemplating the horror of her predicament. Of course her mother didn't know about
Greg. But Jill wasn't really going out with him any more, anyway, and it wasn't like he and Kelly had
ever done anything; they had just gone out for a soda. Still, her relationship with Jill, even for a freshman
with a junior, was a bit strained. She sat there, trying to control her sobbing, as the doorbell rang.
"Answer that, Sweetie," her mother ordered. "It must be the Youngs."
Kelly's face by now was inventing completely new shades to turn, and the blush was accented by the
tears running down her cheeks, but the stern look on her mother's face was one she had seen several
times in the last few days, and she knew there was no argument. Slowly, as if heading for her own
doom, she got off of the couch and went toward the door. Turning back toward her mother, she pulled
the pacifier out and said, "May I at least take this out?"
"Five minutes," her mother replied.
Kelly replaced the pacifier and reached for the doorknob, eyes so wet she could hardly see it. As the
door swung open, she could make out the watery shapes of Mr. and Mrs. Young and their daughter Jill.
And she knew what they could see: diminutive, fourteen-year-old Kelly, wearing nothing but a diaper
and a t-shirt, and sucking on a pacifier. They could see a large toddler: Meggie's twin sister.
The Youngs stood at the doorway, staring at her. After a moment that seemed an eternity, it was Jill
who broke the silence.
"May we come in, Kelly?" she asked.
Kelly, her face several shades darker than the plastic of the pacifier in her mouth, nodded and stepped
aside. Jill and her parents entered the room, and Kelly closed the door behind them. Kelly's mother had
gotten up and met them all just inside the living room.
"I'm so glad you could do this, Jill," she said.
The teenager smiled. "No problem," she said simply, never taking her eyes off of Kelly, who had tried to
recede as far as she could into the background. As she watched Jill's eyes, she could sense that this was
going to be a horrible evening. And to compound her embarrassment, she suddenly had to pee badly,
even though she had just been changed.
The adults exchanged a bit of small talk, and finally were ready to leave. Kelly's mother turned again to
the babysitter.
"Now, Jill, I want you to understand a few things," she said. "Kelly has been having some problems
lately, and she is being punished for those problems by being treated as a baby. Her diapers will need
changing just like Meggie's do, and you should just treat her the same as you do her sister. I'm sure
you'll be good to her; I know you always are great with Meggie. And I know that, despite Kelly's
apprehensions, you are certainly mature enough to keep all of this within these walls. Do you have any
Jill looked up at Kelly's mother. "What is her bedtime?"
Kelly blushed even more deeply, trying desperately to stop herself from wetting, but knowing that it was
futile. Giving up, she let herself soak her diapers.
"Just put her to bed when you put Meggie to bed. You'll find her crib up in the nursery." Kelly's mother
turned to her to say goodnight, and saw the telltale darkness under her plastic pants. "You naughty girl,"
she said. "I just changed you and you're wet already, aren't you?"
Kelly hid her head and did not answer. Her mother, halfway out the door, turned to Jill one last time.
"You'd better get her into something dry," she said. "Her diapers are up in the nursery. Have a nice
Kelly found herself wishing fervently that she could simply disappear as the door closed behind her
parents and their friends. She shrunk up against a wall, slowly coming to the realization that this might
well turn into the worst part of the entire nightmare. Jill smiled as she walked toward her charge.
"Come on, Baby," she said. "Let's go."

Kelly followed her babysitter up the stairs, not looking at her or making a
sound. She could not bear the idea that this was happening, that Jill, a
girl she had hoped to befriend, a popular and connected girl from the junior
class, was about to change her out of a shamefully wet diaper. If she could
have blushed any deeper, she would have.
Jill stopped at the door to the nursery.
"Did your mom say that your things are in here now?" she asked.
Kelly nodded silently and followed Jill through the door. Inside the room,
Jill matter-of-factly reached for the top diaper from the larger-sized stack
and motioned for Kelly to lie down. Kelly stayed glued in the doorway, as if
the frame could hide her.
"Come on, Kelly," Jill said; "you're soaked. Let's just do this, OK?"
Slowly, still without a sound other than her muffled and internalized
sobbing, Kelly slid to the floor and instinctively raised her legs.
"You're pretty used to this, aren't you?" asked Jill as she unpinned the now
sopping diaper. "It's kind of new to me; I've changed babies before, but
never one who went to my school."
Jill laughed, but Kelly's tears finally broke through. Jill finished pinning
the diaper on and reached down to take her charge in her arms. "There,
there, Kelly," she murmured, "it's OK. Some people are just babies longer
than others, that's all. You'll see; everything is going to be fine." She
stroked her fingers gently through Kelly's hair as she spoke.
Kelly looked at Jill for the first time since her parents had left, and for
the first time she felt some hope that Jill actually did understand and
sympathize with her plight. Suddenly she threw her arms around Jill, sobbing
deeply. Surprised, Jill simply held her until the crying slowed down and
Kelly tried to speak.
"Please," she bawled, "please don't tell anyone at school about this.
Please." She hesitated. "Especially not Greg."
Jill smiled gently. "No, no, baby," she whispered. "As long as you're a
good little girl, this will remain our little secret."
Kelly was not sure how to respond. "What do you mean?' she asked.
Jill's smile never left her eyes as she spoke. "You are the baby here, and I
am the babysitter. I hope that you'll be good; that's all. If you are, then
I see no reason to tell anyone at all. If not, well... But that's up to you.
You are going to be good, aren't you?"
Unsure what "being good" meant, but unwilling to submit to the alternative,
Kelly promised. Jill didn't seem as bad as she had thought she would; maybe
this would be all right after all.
"Now," said Jill, "let's go back downstairs. I want to see your playroom.
And Meggie's all alone down there."
In the basement playroom, Meggie and Kelly played with some blocks while Jill
rummaged around. Every once in a while, Kelly stretched her neck around the
corner to see what her babysitter was doing, but she couldn't tell. When the
tower fell for the third or fourth time, she finally called out to her.
"Jill, what's going on?"
"Not to worry, little girl," came the reply. "I'm just finding a few odds
and ends."
"Meggie 's messy," Kelly called. "She needs a change." Kelly reflected that
this was not so bad; after all, if the circumstances were normal, she would
have to change that mess. But as soon as that thought entered her head she
was also aware of an uncomfortable reminder that more embarrassments were in
store for her later.
Jill appeared from around the corner. "All right," she said, "I guess I'll
have to change her. But I don't think I should leave you all alone while I
take her upstairs. Come over here."
Kelly rose and moved to the area where Jill had been working and stood in
stunned silence. Jill had set up Meggie's old playpen in the corner and
filled it with stuffed animals and baby toys. She stared in shocked
realization of what Jill wanted.
"You can't be serious. You want me to get in a playpen?"
Jill nodded. "That's where babies belong, where they can't get into
Any number of thoughts filled Kelly's head, and they were all bad. She chose
the easiest one. "I'm not a baby, Jill," she said. "I'm fourteen, and you
know it. It's bad enough that I'm sitting here in diapers--"
"Yes," Jill interrupted. "You're sitting there in diapers that I put on you.
And when I first came in tonight, you were sucking peacefully on a pacifier.
Sorry. sweetheart; I don't buy the 'I'm not a baby' argument. I don't know
what other kind of person acts this way. And you did agree to be a good
baby, didn't you? Otherwise, all bets are off. But I'm sure Greg is ready
for a baby..."
Kelly stared at Jill, wondering what she had in mind and how far this was
going to go. She stared at the playpen, and at Meggie, who had outgrown its
confinement. And she thought about her status at school, how she would ever
get past this if anyone else found out.
She climbed in.
"Good baby," said Jill. "And while we're gone, I've made you something
yummy. Here." She handed Kelly a baby bottle full of milk. "Enjoy it."
As Jill and Meggie walked up the stairs, Kelly sat quietly in the playpen,
tears again welling up, and slowly, defeatedly raised the bottle to her mouth
and began to suck.
For a long time, Kelly sat in the playpen sucking the milk from the bottle.
Every once in a while, she could hear yelps of pleasure coming from Meggie
upstairs, as Jill tickled her or whirled her in the air or something. At
least I'll be spared that, she thought; I may be small, but she's not strong
enough for that kind of game.
Kelly had hoped that Jill would get back quickly, but the hope had vanished
with each peal of laughter from above. And the cramping in her bowels had
simply grown worse, until she knew that there was no fighting it. She had
had many wet diapers in the last few days, but she could not get used to the
messy ones. The way that they felt, all slimy and heavy, was almost as bad
as the way that they smelled. And the fact that she could do nothing but sit
in them until her mother changed her...
But this time, she reflected, it would not be her mother; it would be Jill.
She felt tears well up at the thought. She decided that, no matter what,
she would hold it, but even as she made the decision she knew it was far too
late. As the cramps came again, she gave in, and, redfaced, she pushed the
load out into her otherwise clean diaper. It oozed out, smashing against her
rear, trapped against her skin by the diaper; the air was instantly permeated
by the pungent odor.
As Kelly heard the sound of Jill coming back to the basement, she wanted to
hide, but the playpen was not big enough, and there weren't enough toys to
climb behind. The door opened, and in walked Jill carrying Meggie.
"My God!" she said almost immediately. "You are a little stinker, aren't
She let Meggie run into the play area to find some toys, and Kelly's eyes
were suddenly drawn to what remained in Jill's hand after the baby had gone:
a Polaroid camera. Horror-stricken, she started to protest.
"No! You can't--"
But Jill cut her off. "Yes, Baby, I can. And I am. I had a friend drop it
off a little while ago. So smile pretty for the camera," she said as she
snapped several shots. "Now these will be our little secret, as long as you
are my good little girl. OK, now: let's get you changed."
Kelly lay on her back on the carpet of the playroom, and Jill unpinned the
filthy diaper. Another photo accompanied the change: Kelly didn't have to
see it to know that it clearly showed her lying in a very obviously messy
diaper, shamefully exposed like a baby.
"What do you intend to do with those?" she stammered as Jill pulled her
plastic pants back on.
Jill smiled. "I intend to keep them," she said, "to make sure you stay good.
And to make sure you stay away from Greg. Now don't look so shocked, Baby.
It's not like Greg really saw anything in you anyway--you're only a
freshman, after all, even when you're not sitting in a playpen."
Kelly blushed again; she had been spending a lot of time doing that.
Jill continued. "If you do what I say, Greg will never have to see these
pictures." She examined the Polaroid shots. "Nice and clear, aren't they?"
she asked, showing them to Kelly, who nodded in defeated agreement.
"What do you want me to do?" she asked.
Jill flashed a smile that in another context might have been seen as
friendly. "I'm thinking about that," she said.
As the door to the playroom opened and Jill came into view, Kelly sat quietly
watching, sucking steadily on her third bottle in the last hour.
"Finished, Baby?" her babysitter asked sweetly.
Kelly kept sucking. If she didn't answer, perhaps Jill might go away. She
hoped so, as she hoped that she might somehow be able to get those pictures
Jill hovered above the playpen. "You're awfully slow on this one, Honey,"
she said. "I hope you're not feeling ill."
Kelly removed the nipple from her mouth. "No, just full," she replied
without a smile.
Jill feigned shock. "Such a big baby, full after only two bottles? No, I
don't think so. Maybe you just need a nap."
To Kelly, a nap at this point meant at least a bit of respite from Jill and
her Polaroid. She nodded her head fatalistically, and Jill lifted her from
the playpen and walked her upstairs. Meggie was already asleep in the crib
when they got there, and Jill motioned for Kelly to be very quiet.
"I'll be really angry if you wake her up," she whispered.
Kelly climbed into the crib and reluctantly accepted the pacifier that Jill
offered her, intending to discard it as soon as she knew Jill would not
return. Her babysitter watched her for a while, and then left the room, but
did not close the door. After only a moment, she returned with the camera,
quickly snapping a picture before Kelly could even spit out the pacifier.
"Damn it!" Kelly yelled in complete frustration. "Stop taking those
Meggie started to cry and lifted her head. Seeing Kelly and Jill, she stood
up in the crib asking to get out.
Jill looked angry. "I told you not to wake her, Baby," she said. Now you'll
wish you had listened."
to be continued....

Kelly watched from where Jill had left her on the living room floor while the babysitter made Meggie's meal. She could not take her eyes off of the little bag containing the Polaroid and the photos. If only she could grab that bag... Meggie began to eat her food, whining a lot as she often did when she was very tired. Jill turned her attention to Kelly. "Now, then, Baby. You were supposed to take a nice nap and let her sleep. Now listen to her; she might not stop whining all afternoon. I can't believe you could be this bad!" Kelly didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry," she stammered. "Not good enough," said Jill in a stern voice. When little girls are very bad, they deserve punishment. And you are going to get one." Jill disappeared into the kitchen and Kelly heard her rummaging through the drawers. Seizing her chance, Kelly leapt up and grabbed the bag containing the camera and slid it under the couch. Just as she finished, though, Jill walked back into the room. "What are you up to?" she asked. Kelly pretended not to understand. Jill walked over to the couch, bent down, and saw the bag. Pulling it out and recognizing its contents, she turned, glaring, to Kelly. "So now you're a thief as well as a bad baby! Well, I couldn't find anything like a paddle in there, but you're going to get spanked anyway!" Kelly was stunned. "Spanked?" she echoed in disbelief. Jill grabbed her and rolled her over. "You'd better believe it, Baby. And you'd better not fight it, either, or I swear I'll use a spoon." In a flash, she had Kelly's diapers off and her plastic pants down around her knees. Kelly begged for forgiveness. "I'm sorry; I just panicked, that's all," she pleaded. "No good, Baby," replied Jill as she swung Kelly over her knees. "Too little too late." The first crack came down and Kelly screamed. Meggie stopped eating and whining and watched in fascination as her sister received the blows. One after another, Jill's hands rained down on Kelly's unprotected rear end. Kelly's tears drenched her face, and she cried and begged Jill to stop, but Jill was really angry. She had begun this as a game, but Kelly had really made her mad now, and she would get what was coming to her. Then, suddenly, as Jill continued to smack Kelly harder with each blow, she found her lap soaking wet. Kelly's bladder had let loose in the frenzied spanking. Jill leapt to her feet, rolling Kelly to the ground. "Jesus!" she screamed. "Look what you've done!" Kelly was terrified and confused; she was not sure what had happened, not even certain that she had wet herself again, but the puddle on Jill's pants was evidence enough. Meggie was crying "please stop" to Jill, and Jill was frantically tugging her pants down. Kelly tried talking through her tears. "I-I'm sorry--I don't know what happened--" Jill motioned for her to stop talking. Standing in her underwear in the living room, she took in her breath and let it calm her down. Meggie was crying almost as loudly as Kelly, and Jill spoke to her calmingly. "It's OK, Meggie. Kelly needed a spanking because she was bad, but it's over now. I'm sorry if you were scared. OK?" Meggie whimpered, but nodded her head. "You go down and pick a movie to watch, OK?" Meggie's face lit up and she ran down to the TV room. Jill turned back to Kelly. "This is not over, Baby. I can't believe you did that." Kelly couldn't say anything; she couldn't believe it either. "I'm going to wash my pants now, and you are going to take a nap," Jill said. "And these pictures will be making the rounds tomorrow." Kelly cried out. "No, please!" Jill raised her hand. "Do you want more?" she asked. Kelly quieted. "Now get into that crib." Lying in her crib, Kelly absent-mindedly sucked on the pacifier and allowed visions of her friends seeing those photos to swirl through her mind. The worst part of this summer was only beginning. to be continued... --****ATTENTION****--****ATTENTION****--****ATTENTION****--***ATTENTION*** Your e-mail reply to this message WILL be *automatically* ANONYMIZED. Please, report inappropriate use to [email protected] For information (incl. non-anon reply) write to [email protected] If you have any problems, address them to [email protected] Disclaimer: There is no porn here and nothing at all except harmless mind journeys, but don't read this if you're a prude or a flamer (why are you even here?) or simply do not want to read about forced diapering fantasies (in which case you would be wasting your time). For those who want any other stories or chapters of mine, you can download them from Baby Tony's Web Site: Second Childhood Part 10 by baby k The morning light drifted in with the sound of the birds, and Kelly's first thoughts as she awoke had to do with her diapers. Bulky as they were--her mother must have put extra ones on her--she could not readily tell if they were wet. She reached a hand down past the waist of the plastic pants and into the diaper. Dry. She sighed in relief; I'm not that far gone yet, she thought. But even as the thought formed she knew it was a temporary reprieve. She needed to go to the bathroom, and her only bathroom was the diapers she was wearing. Surrendering, she relaxed her bladder and filled the diaper. Meggie was stirring at the foot of the crib, and she felt her little sister moving and tickling her legs--an almost daily occurrence this summer. Despite the wet diapers and the embarrassment she felt, Kelly found herself giggling at the start of pretty much every morning and always ended up playing with Meggie until someone came to get them both out of the crib. Her sister was not quite awake yet, and Kelly had another problem--a bowel movement that she knew she could not hold. (And what exactly would be the point of holding it anyway? she thought.) So on this morning, when her mother interrupted the giggling and playing little girls, the room was pungent with the smell of messy diapers. "My God!" she said as she walked into the room. "Who is that?" Kelly's face reddened. "OK, you little stinker," her mom said. "Let me get Meggie some cereal and then I think you are going to need a bath." Baths used to be pleasant--times when Kelly could relax and unwind from her days--but this summer they had become one more element in her bizarre punishment. She lay in the warm water surrounded by Meggie's tub toys as her mother moved the soapy washcloth over her body; Kelly winced as it found its way into various crevices. "What did you eat yesterday, Baby?" her mother asked. "You really were a messy child this morning." "You should know, Mom," Kelly replied. "You fed me all day. Maybe I should go back to big girl food." Her mother smiled. "Nice try," she said as she stood Kelly up and toweled her off before leading her into her room for a diaper and fresh clothes. "Now let's get you some breakfast and then you can go out in the yard and play. It's a beautiful day and you should be outside." Kelly was shocked. "But Mom," she stammered. "Someone will see me." Her mother smiled. "I can't do anything about that, Kelly. But don't worry. Jill told me last night that she would come to look in on you." Kelly could easily imagine how Jill would look in on her, and again remembered the pictures. She imagined Greg's derisive laughter when he saw them, and what it would be like in school in the fall. And she wondered again how she could have wet herself twice without knowing it yesterday. Just a few weeks ago, life had been great. Now it seemed that each new hour brought new bad news. Kelly waddled down to the kitchen and climbed into the high chair. What news would today bring? to be continued...

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