

Fossilized hand print

Fossilized Human Finger

The oldest fossil footprint


Fossilized hand print
This fossil which corresponds perfectly to a human handprint shows astounding detail. Even the print of the thumb nail can be seen. It is found in the Glen Rose limestone which is designated as Middle Cretaceous, supposedly 110 million years old and contemporary with the dinosaurs!
(Click at the picture for full size)


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Fossilized Human Finger
A stunning new discovery with the potential to overthrow all of modern evolutionary thought was recently found in old collections of fossils from Axel Heiberg Island in the Canadian Arctic, far above the arctic circle. It appears to be a "fossil finger", not unlike ones previously recorded from Creataceous age strata in Texas by Dr. Carl Baugh of the Creataceous Evidences Museum .The new fossil dates from about 100 to 110 million years ago, also from the geologic time evolutionists call the "Creataceous Period". The specimen is known by the rather innocuous designation "DM93-083".

The side view shows dark areas that are interpreted as the interior parts of the bones and bone marrow. These areas have less density than the surrounding stones, and therefore more easily pass X-rays, causing darkening of the image.
(Click at the picture for full size)

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The oldest fossil footprint
The oldest fossil footprint yet found was discovered in June 1968 by William J. Meister on an expedition to Antelope Spring, 43 miles west of Delta, Utah. He was accompanied by his wife and two daughters, and by Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shape and their two daughters. The party had already discovered several fossils of trilobites when Meister split open a two-inch-thick slab of rock with his hammer and discovered the print. The rock fell open "like a book." revealing on one side the footprint of a human with trilobites right in the footprint itself. The other half of the rock slab showed an almost perfect mold of the footprint and fossils. Amazingly the human was wearing a sandal!  The sandal that seems to have crushed a living trilobite (300 to 600 million years ago) was 10 1/4 inches long and 3 1/2 inches wide; the heel is indented slightly more than the sole, as a human shoe print would be !

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