Ancient Evidences


The Monster of Troy

Caria monster

Ica stones of Peru

2.8 Billion Year Old Grooved Sphere



The Monster of Troy (Click at the picture for full size)
In a small glass case in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts lies a strange ancient Greek vase. This odd vase is covered by a series of strange paintings, including one which has bewildered archaeologists for centuries, because the head of the monster is a dinosaur and the image shows man and dinosaur coexist? The painting in question is the oldest illustration of the story of the Monster of Troy, a creature described in Homeric legends. The tale of the Monster of Troy was first told by Homer in the eighth century B.C. In this legend, a terrifying monster suddenly appeared on the Trojan coast after a flood, and began preying on the farmers in the neighborhood of Sigeum. The king's daughter, Hesione, was sent as a sacrifice to the monster, but according to the legend, Heracles arrives in time to kill it.
The painting on the Boston vase shows Hesione and Heracles confronting the monster, with Hesione throwing rocks at it and Hericles shooting arrows. Yet, it is the image of the monster that is most disturbing. The painter of this vase lived in Corinth, a Greek trade hub, and painted the picture of the Monster sometime near 550 B.C. Vasepartzoom

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Caria monster
To the left is an urn from Caria, which was located in Asia Minor . This artifact (described in Thomas H. Carpenter’s 1991 book Art and Myth in Ancient Greece: A Handbook) is estimated to be from 530 BC. It depicts what appears to be a mosasaurus with several known sea creatures. The animal behind the sea serpent is a seal, while an octopus is below the sea serpent along with what seems to be a dolphin. The thick jaws, big teeth, large eyes, and positioning of the flippers on this creature match a mosasaurus skeleton very well. Some mosasaurus species also had a narrow cranial crest behind the eye that may have had a fin attached the way it is depicted on the Carian urn.


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Ica stones of Peru
Dr. Javier Cabrera was professor of medicine and head of his department at the University of Lima. He has retired from that position and is presently the Cultural Anthropologist for Ica, Peru. In the early 1930's, his father found many of these ceremonial burial stones in area's numerous Inca tombs. Dr. Cabrera has continued his father's research and has collected over 1100 of them. Approximately one third depict the pornographic culture of the Incas, graphically portrayed in the artifacts of that period (c.a. 500-1500 AD). Some picture their idolatry , other represent amazing accomplishments, such as successful brain surgery confirmed by scarred skulls which demonstrate healed recovery.Almost one third of the stones depict specific types of dinosaurs, as well as Triceratops, Stegosaurus and Pterosaurs. Several diplodocus-like dinosaurs have what appear to be dermal frills . Confirmation of these features has been reported only recently (Geology, 12/1992, v.20, No.12, p.1068-1070).These stones do not depict skeletons but live, active dinosaurs, most of whom are seen interacting with man. The obvious implication is that ancient Peruvians saw and lived with dinosaurs.
(Click at the picture for full size)

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2.8 Billion Year Old Grooved Sphere
Over the past several decades, South Afrikaans miners have found hundreds of metallic spheres, (found in a Precambrian deposit, said to be 2.8 billion years old) is at least one of which has three parallel grooves running around its equator. The spheres are of two types - "one of solid bluish metal with white flecks, and another which is hollow and filled with a white spongy center". Roelf Marx, curator of the museum of Klerksdorp, South Africa, where some of the spheres are housed, said:" the spheres are a complete mystery. They look man-made, yet at the time in Earth's history when they came to rest in this rock, no intelligent life (supposedly) existed; they're nothing like I have ever seen before".
(Click at the picture for full size)


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