Hello everybody, I'm Tanicfan22.

You may recognize me from deviantart and youtube, and other sites. True, right?

Well, here is my geocities site.

Also a other mugen site.

What is M.U.G.E.N?

First off, "Mugen" is a word of Japanese origin, meaning dream, fantasy, or infinite... M.U.G.E.N is a freeware 2D fighting game engine designed by Elecbyte, released on July 17th, 1999. The program was written in C with the Allegro library. Beta versions  were made for DOS, Linux and Windows, and was distributed through their website. "M.U.G.E.N" is actually an unknown acronym. The creators, Elecbyte, never told what it was. In fact, they admittedly stated that they forgot what it stood for.

Basically, M.U.G.E.N allows users to create their own 2D fighting game, using the core game engine provided. From the characters, to the stages, to the background music, to the life bars & power bars, text font, and even in-game character stories... you can create pretty much anything you want once you learn the programming, and it's not incredibly hard either. If you ever had a dream of creating your own fighting game, M.U.G.E.N is a good "practice run," to say the least.

Creating an actual character yourself is a time-consuming process, as "contributors" or "creators for M.U.G.E.N" actually take the time to rip the sprites, and code it from scratch. Some use the original characters and sprites themselves, others use existing characters/sprites to create other various recognizable characters (AKA palette swap). Then there are the die-hards that actually create their own 2D sprites and animations from scratch!

Some Capcom and SNK characters, coded by the creators, play nearly exactly the way they should from their original games! But characters for M.U.G.E.N aren't limited to Capcom, SNK, or Sammy characters as you can see from the pics. As long as it's a 2D sprite, you can put it into M.U.G.E.N... and there's no limit to how many characters you can put on the game, well, it really depends on the size of the selection screen, which users can also create from scratch.
