Movie Info Search V1.7.1.1

Movie Info Search is a windows desktop application written in Delphi (Pascal Language).

A help file as PDF document can be found here (new manual soon):

Movie Info Search Help.pdf




Update Information (from version can be found here:

Update log of Movie Info Search



It is freeware License. It is free yes but you use this software at your OWN risk.

Please read the license before using the software.

The license is included into the software and readable via the about box under the tab options.

What is Movie Info Search?

Movie Info Search uses your Internet connection. It has no usage if your PC is not connected to the Internet but to reload previously saved Information and Poster.

It will not use the Internet automatically though but only when you ask to 'search info' for a given movie or use one of the Internet search button provided.

Movie Info Search is as its name indicate a client software looking up the Internet for finding information about a movie or a serie with a given title.

The Information generated, if any, are:

Movie info search is also able, given a title to search:

Movie info search is of course able to save and reload previously saved information and print information and poster retreived from the internet for a given title.


  1. Create a folder then save the Information and Poster (Keep the default given name for saving Information text and Poster as it is the title of the movie) retreived from the internet in that new created folder. The more you use this tip the bigger the information about your favourite movies.
  2. If you have saved poster and information with the same filename in the same folder, you need only to click the 'Load Info' button to load the the info and the poster at the same time.

Movie Info Search can off course  search the same folder for Poster and Information previously saved with on single left click of a mouse into the collection list as show below. And even Search for trailer.

It  loads these informations into a collection list. Then you can Print, or Save as Poster and Info. You can also edit the Information text (untick Read Only) and load a missing poster saved from another website for example (JPG image) then save it. From that same page you can launch the Reader via the button 'Reader' :

The List is loaded from a single folder. So, the first time you run the software go to the options page as show below:

In this case the List will load from 'J:\Movies\Movie Info'.

It is important to save Poster and Info into that particular folder and nothing else. Especially if you plan to move the whole folder somewhere else. However, the Collection list will show only Poster (JPG image) and Info (Text File).

You can always 'Select Folder' to modify this path. Choose the default path, which is the application folder or reload the previous saved path.

To save the path click the button 'Save', it will create an ini file into the application folder that the software will use/reuse to remember this path.

If you are playing nice by saving your poster anf Info text into your designated folder you will be able to manage and edit all Info text and even create New one via the 'Manage Info Text' button located into the options tab.

You can also launch from this tab the printer setup or display the about box that contains the license of this software.

New from V1.5.5.0, from the options tab you can now check for update and download the new version if any.

Local HTML Album button in the options tab permits to display the Off Line Database to Local HTML Album

In no time it create an index of poster and movie title all link to them respective also created page.

From the Options you can now generate custom filtered list you can use in Local HTML album (An album for Sci-Fi Movie, another one for Favourites)...

This Custom Filtered list is also in use in the Search Title off line tab.

New to the option is the addition of the favourite list collected from the tab Search Video On Line.

You can manage the favourites via the button Manage Favourite (delete, rename, Save, Save as... , etc...)

Favourites.lst (or bookmark video/trailer list) is the file created into the path of your choice (tab options) when you create a favourite. Do not modify this list manually by editing it or you might end up with link not working or (worst) link that are uncorrect. Favourites concern only video titles and id of 'You tube' video and are loaded when the software is launched. Favourite list can be modified in two ways: by adding another trailer/movie to the favourite or if you choose to manage the favourites list.

From the options you can also open a Backup dialog windows.
You can therefor backup movie info text and poster easily under the zip format.
Select some files... Give or generate a name for the archive...
Select a recipient folder for the archive and click the backup button.

Movie Info Search permits you to search 'You tube' for a trailer via its integrated browser. Video of 'You tube' can be bookmarked via the Star button to be replayed anytime you like, if on line, via the Favourite trailer combo box.

Bookmarked video, trailer can be manage via the options tab (manage favourite button).

Of course, you can also simply surf the net via this browser but it is not it's real purpose.

You can also play trailer and video full screen via gadget (bottom right  button of the video bellow for example in you tube) integrated into the player, which is usually Flash Player. You knew that, don't you?

You might also have notice these gadget:

From left to right, here is their respective explanation:

Before I explain the last one:  Be aware of your country law and always be sure to not break the law(s) and international law(s) before downloading any video.
I am not and will not be responsible legaly for what you download neither if you break the law using this provided link but YOU ARE ENTIRELY RESPONSIBLE. You are warned. Do your homework first and check by any means if yes or no you can download that video and then make a responsible legal choice. The software provide you a Link where you might be able to download legaly the video, nothing more.
This is no source of legal advice:
If  the video is legal to download then here is a word of caution: if you download a video consider using it only in a private environment. Do not modify it, or publish/redistribute it on any sort of media (internet, CD, DVD, any broadcasting media, and so on), do not resell it neither or you might break the law(s) in your country and/or International law(s) too. Search a legal avice with a lawyer for more information.


Future of Movie Info Search - the to do list:

Movie Info Search is a project I work hard on, and it will get better and better. Here is a list of idea I might add as new functionality to the software. It will still be a free software.


Operating System Requirement:

Windows system only and from all version of windows Vista  to windows 10. The software has been tested under Windows 7 Home, Windows 8.1 64Bits version by the author and JohnW tested it under Vista 32bits OS. If you test this software under an other version of windows, please let me know if it works. Thank you.

Windows is a registration trademark of Microsoft.

There is a 32 bits and a 64bits version available for download. If you are not sure which one to use you can:

  Check your system properties, or just download the 32 bits version.



There is no installer provided, it is a portable application.

The download is a zip file and all you need to do is to unzip the contents of it into the folder of your choice.


The files into this archive are:

  1. MovieInfoSearch.exe which is the software itself to obtain information via your Internet connection about a movie or a serie.


Download link:



Without installer - Easy as extracting the archive

Download this version for 32bits OS (See Operating System Requirement):

Download this version for 64bits OS (See Operating System Requirement):

Where is also published Movie Info Search (Web site I know for long and I trust):



Awards of Softpedia




Please note that the version of Movie Info Search on Soft32 server is OLD and I would NOT reccomend to use this website for updating Movie Info Search for now.

Even I love to bit this web site as a serious source of clean software of all sorts.


Happy 20 years anniversary NoNags,


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