Amazing Spider-man by Gottlieb

by Roger C. Sharpe

Well, here it is - the premier game in this company's new "Star Series 80." And with a new system to boot, Gottlieb is sure to snare some players in its web.

PLAYFIELD: An improvement on the "squat body" format, The Amazing Spiderman begins the playfield action with 2 lanes on the top right (A-B), a rollover button and some kicking rubbers and a left side set up of 3 kick-out holes (1-2-3). Move down, and there's a center target at the middle and 2 thumper bumpers just below. At the right is a bank of 5 drop targets and a lane behind. The left offers a spinner lane and a central bank of 3 drop targets. While moving down this left side one finds a short lane and frontal target plus a flipper. The bottom finishes off the action with a one-flipper left side and a double-flipper right side built around a conventional wire lane and form.

ANALYSIS: The new playfield size has been incorporated extremely well for shooting angles from any of the 4 flippers and also utilizes memory and recall for the first time by Gottlieb. Dimensionally, this size as well as Stern's Big Game takes pinball design into a different and more realistic realm than was the case with the old Atari size.

    (May 15, 1980)

The action here is locked into the drop targets on the right for building up bonus multiplier as spotted by the green light in front of the appropriate target. Get the top 3 kick-out holes and there's a step up in the drop targets for more than one multiplier at a time, up to a possible 5x bonus. Get the whole bank and the 3 drop target bank increases to a potential extra ball and the play goes from there.

A countdown bonus at 20,000 no matter the multiplier is tied into the number 2 kick-out hole and getting A and B lanes lights values in lanes for multiplier as well as increased bonus values.

The play is smooth with good reverses possible and long shots from any of the flippers as well as decent rebounding capabilities. Scoring and special values can come frequently by maximizing the targets and the kick-out holes with more than enough good shot selections to keep the good players playing.

GRAPHICS: True to Marvel comics, "Amazing Spiderman" is just super and translates well in presentation and technique for the pinball medium. Old G.M. has done himself proud on this one by remaining faithful to the theme and offering up an exciting combination of bright colors that capture the eye.

PLAY: Spiderman is a good 3-ball game, although I have a hunch it would be even better in the old 5-ball format, but that's another story. So for 3-ball play in extra ball areas, try a 200000 point start and follow it with 350000 and 500000 point limits. On free play you'll probably want to add about 100000 points to each of those levels, depending on the caliber of play in your location.

PROS & CONS: What can I say about Spiderman? I like it and yet I've heard some differing opinions about it being too hard, too easy, too slow, not having enough shots or excitement, and various other reactions. For my money it's the best effort from this company since the days of Sinbad and the shape of the game is a definite improvement on the old "squat body." There are some problems with power from the tips of the flippers, but for the most part everything is accessible from any of the flippers. Most particularly appealing is the chance to get into the flow of the game and make some good solid shots, especially for the unskilled player looking for a fair game to play. The total package is great to look at, including the silver cabinet and it's a shame that the sound doesn't have the volume potential to compete with other games in a noisy location, even with the speaker being above the glass on the head of the machine. My distress is in the rumors that Gottlieb has decided to stop making conventional-size pins, as I write this. (Hold onto your Torch machines - they'll be collectibles if this rumor proves correct.) I feel this would be a grave mistake at this juncture of pinball development and far too radical for this conservative manufacturer. I only hope they reconsider this reputed decision, no matter how strong their upcoming pieces appear to be.

Finally, it is reassuring to see Gottlieb forging ahead and trying a new system that offers increased capabilities in the use of memory and recall. Definitely on the way back Spiderman paves the road nicely with a complete package that should get them back into the mainstream.

RATING: # # # 1/2

Article sourced from The Game Archive - Reprinted here without the permission of Playmeter Magazine
Shoot a web back to the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN
Last updated: 10.February 2003
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