• 3-4 pots of rice
  • 1/2 grated coconuts
  • 2 Indian mackerel fish (boiled)
  • 5 shallots
  • Third piece of brown sugar
  • a little black pepper
  • 1 inch ginger
  • leaves kesom
  • long beans,cabbage,bean sprouts,chillies
  • 1 small lime
  • budu
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  1. Wash the rice and cook as usual. If you like it, can add a little color. (Usually rice blue studs @ yellow).
  2. For the coconut sauce: Pound the shallots and ginger until finely, add black pepper, pounded again and add brown sugar and sugar. Then add the boiled fish and bones removed. Finely mashed and mixed all the ingredients.
  3. For the coconut sauce: Pound the shallots and ginger until finely, add black pepper, pounded again and add brown sugar and sugar. Then add the boiled fish and bones removed. Finely mashed and mixed all the ingredients.
  4. For studs: Cut long beans, and cabbage leaves kesom. Stir once with sprouts.
  5. For Sambal chili: chili punch with a little sugar and salt. Squeeze lemon juice and add a little vinegar.
  6. Finally, serve the rice into the dish, place the coconut sambal, studs, chilli sauce and budu. For more delicious, eat grilled meat, salted eggs and crackers