• 1 packet of laksa-soaked & boiled
  • * 10 dried chillies, boiled
  • * 10-15 shallots
  • * 2-3 onions
  • 1 kg of Indian mackerel
  • 6-10 slices of sour gelugor
  • 2 ginger flowers
  • leaves kesom
  • Salt and shrimp paste to taste
  • Salad ingredients: Leaves selom, Cucumber, Onion, Chilli fire, lemon musk & boiled eggs. Ways
  1. Blend the ingredients marked *
  2. Boiled mackerel that had been cleared. Add a pinch of salt. Save the fish broth. Sort content & bone.
  3. Blend fish & bone separately. add a bit of water. Filter bones well-Blend with suitable amount.
  4. Add the blended ingredients into the pot. Add the fish bones and water. Add the broth of fish as well. Mix plain water if the broth is not enough.
  5. Add the ginger flower, leaf kesum & Sour gelugor. Bring to a boil. Add salt to taste