...Buzzin News...
Breast Cancer Awareness
Did you know that in every 13 minutes, a woman will die from breast cancer? When people think of breast cancer, they always get the idea of women getting. Even though women are at higher risk for breast cancer, men are also at risk too. In a recent statistic, in this year 1,400 men will develop breast cancer and nearly 400 will die. Today breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women between the ages of 40 and 59. Even though Breast Cancer Awareness Month was last month, you can still make a difference. I know most of you are online freaks, so it won't hurt to take a second (depending on how fast your modem is) out of your online time. If you log onto http://health.yahoo.com and click on the PINK RIBBON, Yahoo will donate $1.00 to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Please spread the word. `Angie :)
Hey members! We're still looking for representatives for each class. THis would be a great opportunity to work with the board. You never know...this might lead you to a higher position, such as President, in the next year. If you're interested sign up with Priscilla Viste.

Got ink cartridges?? Empty ones? Bring them to school and give it to any of the board members...anytime! We're trying to help KIWANIS collect ink cartridges...so collect as much as you can.

Haven't Paid Yet???
Haven't paid yet?? Well, you still got some time. Remember! Paying your dues considers you as a member of Key Club. If you haven't paid yet and want to be an official member of Key Club bring in your $10 and give it to Peter Nguyen. You have till December 1st, 2000 to turn in your dues...so don't forget.

Divisonal T-Shirts
Divisional T-Shirts are being sold. They are $7 each. THis is the Division 35 T-Shirt was designed by both Sierra Vista and Baldwin Park. If you want one let us know so we can order it. The Board Members have ordered theirs so we'll show it to you as soon as we get it.
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