Harmonic Clock :

To and fro' F Natural Major, Grande Barre Chord.
Hello. I'm Sandy Freeze (a.k.a.: strumdabiz).

From C to F ,and from F to Bb Major
Guitar's Twelve Major Keys to start.
Guitar ,Tabs,music and musicians.
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~Strumdabiz's "grow your own" chord changes~

Created by Sandy Freeze^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^__________^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ ________ \^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ / ______ \ \grips ^^From C Major V^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ / / ____ \ \ \^^^| ^^^^/ / / / / /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ / / / __ \ \ \ \^^| ^^^/ / / / / /^^^^^^^^^^^^^back to^^^^^/ / / / / \ \ \ \ \^| __/ / / / / /__________F Major I F 7 / / / / / /\ \ \ \ \ \| ~E_A_D_G_B_E~ ______E|Z1++|Z1++|E/ / / / / /~E_A_D_G_B_E~ {- - nut - -} / _____B|Z1++|Z1++|B_/ / / / / {- - nut - -} [!____1____!] / / ____G|Z2++|Z2++|G__/ / / / [!____1____!] [ - - 2 ] / / / ___D|Z3++|Z1++|D___/ / / [^ - 2 ^] [ 3 4 ] / / / / __A|Z3++|Z3++|A____/ / [ 3 4 ] [ grips ]/ / / / / _E|Z1++|Z1++|E_____/ [ . . . . . ] #\ \ \ \ \ \/ / / / / /######### [ . . . . . ] g-\ \ \ \ \__/ / / / /-Tablature / / / / / /| r;;\ \ \ \____/ / / /;;;;;;;;;;; / / / / / /^| i---\ \ \______/ / /-Tabulature- / / / / / /^^| p::::\ \________/ /:::::::::::::------------- / / / / / /^^^| s-----\__________/Tabulature!!!!_____________/ / / / / /^^^^| To Bb Major IV
Additonal OPEN Triad VOICINGS R_5th_10th 3rd_Root_5th 5th_3rd_Root R_5th_10th 3rd_Root_5th 5th_3rd_Root ~` `~ ~` `~ ~` `~ ~` `~ ~` `~ ~` `~ E|---------|E E|-__F/A__-|E E|Z1++r1++|E E|Z5++r5++|E E|Z8++r8++|E E|Z13+r13+|E B|F MA-----|B B|a1+++r1++|B B|-^------|B B|Z1++a1++|B B|Z6++a6++|B B|Z10+a10+|B G|Z2++r2+++|G G|---------|G G|Z2++a2++|G G|--------|G G|----^---|G G|--------|G D|---------|D D|m3<++m3++|D D|--------|D D|Z3++K3++|D D|Z7++K7++|D D|Z10+k10+|D A|Z3++m3+++|A A|K0+++K0++|A A|Z3++K3++|A A|-^--^---|A A|--F/A---|A A|---F/C--|A E|Z1++K1+++|E E|$$$--$$$-|E E|-_F/C__-|E E|-FMajor-|E E|--------|E E|--------|E ~`^ `~ ~` `~ ~` `~ ~` `~ ~` `~ ~` `~ Z_Z___Z K_m)__a) Z___Z___Z Z___Z_Z Z__Z_Z Z___Z_Z _E_A_D_G_B_E__E_A_D_G_B_E__E_A_D_G_B_E__E_A_D_G_B_E_ _E_A_D_G_B_E_ _E_A_D_G_B_E_ |1 - x - x x||x 0\- x 1 x||x - x - x 1||x x - x 1 -| |x(Fret6)1 -| |x x(Fret 9)| |^ - 2. || . - . || - 2 ^|| - (5th)| | 2 ^ -| |x10)1 2 -| |^ 3. . || .>3< . || 3 || 3 -| | -| | -| |R_5th_10th || 3_R___5th|| 5th_3rd_R||Root^ -| | 4| |(Fret12) -| | || || || (10th)4| | 3rd_R_5| | Root_>4|
~` `~ ~` `~ ~` `~ ~` `~ ~` `~ E|---------|E E|--------|E E|--------|E E|--------|E E|Z13++r13+|E B|F MA-----|B B|--------|B B|Z6++r6++|B B|Z10+r10+|B B|---------|B G|Z2++r2+++|G G|Z5++r5++|G G|Z2++a2++|G G|--------|G G|Z14++m14+|G D|---------|D D|Z3++a3++|D D|--------|D D|Z10+m10+|D D|---------|D A|Z3++m3+++|A A|--------|A A|Z3++K3++|A A|Z8++K8++|A A|Z15++K15+|A E|Z1++K1+++|E E|Z5++K5++|E E|--------|E E|--------|E E|---------|E ~`^ `~ ~` `~ ~` `~ ~` `~ ~` `~ Z_Z__Z Z___Z_Z Z__Z_Z Z_Z__Z Z___Z___Z _E_A_D_G_B_E__E_A_D_G_B_E_ _E_A_D_G_B_E_ _E_A_D_G_B_E_ _E_A_D_G_B_E_ |1 - (Fret1)||- x - - x x| |x - x - - x| |x - - x - x| |x - x - x -| |^ - 2. ||- - - | | - 1 - | |SeventhFret| | 12thFret -| |^ 3_ _ ||- 1 - | | 2 - | | 1 - - | | - - 1| |R_5th_10th || ^ - | | 5th_3__R_ | | ^ | | 2 ^| | ||2 3 | | - | | 2 3 | | 3 | | ||3rd_R_5th_ | | Root>4< | | R_5th_10 | | 5__10__R|

E to E string outlay at NUT ~ # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b~ ~ | | | | |4| | | | | | | | | |x| | | | | | | |\| |x|~ | | |R| |2| |3| | | |5| |6| |7| |8| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |/| | E F G A B C D E [F] G A B C D E F G /A440Hz ____________Strumdabiz_F MajorSCALE.. POS_I__ ~E_A_D_G_B_E~ ______E|0..1.....3.....5|E {0 0 0 0 - 0} NUT / _____B|...1.....3.....5|B [1 1 - - 1 1] / / ____G|0.....2..3.....5|G [- - 2 2 - -] / / / ___D|0.....2..3.....5|D [3 3 3 3 3 3] / / / / __A|0..1.....3.....5|A [- - - - - -] / / / / / _E|0..1.....3.....5|E [4 4 4 4 4 4]SS / / / / / /SINGLE STRETCHES [- - - - 4 -]DS / / / / / / DOUBLE STRETCHES C| | | | | | / / / / / /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #\ \ \ \ \ \__/ / / / / /###################### g-\ \ \ \ \____/ / / / /----Tablature---------- r;;\ \ \ \______/ / / /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--- i---\ \ \________/ / /------Tablature---------- p::::\ \__________/ /:::::::::::::::::::::::::: s-----\____________/!!!!!!!Tablature!!!!!!!!!!! ///////||||||||||||\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
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