Pain for Pleasure are SUM41's alter-ego band. Musically, their sound was closer to hair metal bands of the 1980s than Sum 41's pop-punk.


Pain for Pleasure were a hair metal band from Scotland. Their debut single came out in 1987 and went to the top of the British charts. However, not long after the single's release, the band broke up. They reunited 15 years later to play their first live show

Following the possible death of Pain (who was believed to have been drowned in a bowl of cereal and whiskey), the band continued under the alias T'aint for Pleasure with T'aint as lead vocalist. After a tragic drumming accident that saw Gunner rupture and expel one of his testicals on-stage, he took up rhythm guitar. New recruit, El Dildo, replaced him on drums.

Pain for Pleasure story


Pleasure was Dave Baksh (Vocals & guitar)
Pain was Steve Jocz (lead vocals)
Sniper was Jason McCaslin (bass)
Gunner was Deryck Whibley (drums)

Pain for Pleasure music video