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Unit 01 Communicating in the IT Industry

BTEC Level 2 Diploma in IT – (2012-2013)

Communicating in the IT Industry
Unit 1
You have just been employed as a junior IT consultant for a new organisation, Thames Consultancy in Wandsworth. Being a new organisation your boss has delegated you to carry out the following tasks for future guide and training within the organisation.


Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills in face to face communication. To achieve this criterion you must demonstrate effective interpersonal skills in face-to-face communication on at least three different occasions.
Present a PowerPoint Presentation on Computer Systems and deliver to the class.  (Role play) - interviewing for a job as an IT Technician.  One to one interview with tutor.

 P2 and P3

You have been asked to prepare a training program on using email for IT users within the company. Prepare written training materials using screen prints in two different versions: one for non-technical users and the other for users with good technical knowledge of IT.  Prepare in word or PowerPoint using screenshots and annotation explaining your points.


Working in pairs, email copies of your guides to each other and proof read each other’s work to check for spelling, grammar and formatting errors.
To achieve this criterion you will need to provide evidence, for example screenshots, that you have emailed the materials, checked the attachments you received for viruses and made corrections to the work you received including evidence.


Your boss wants you to try out a new method of delivering the training material in “P2 & P3” and has asked you to choose and use a specialist communication channel.
Select, set up and use a specialist communication channel to communicate and exchange information. This could be in the form of blogs, pod cast, wikis, video conferencing and any other form of specialist communication channel.



Technology has continuously shaped human society. Explain the social impacts of the use of IT on individuals, society and communities. This should be done using MSWord one A4 side.  

E.g effect on local communities, economic(2) employment structure, working practices, sustainability
Legal(2) ownership, copyright, plagiarism,
Ethical: privacy of information
Unequal Access(2) local, Nationally, Global