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Unit 03 Computer Systems(Tutor: Pamela Thomas)  

Task – 1 [P1]


reate a Booklet which contains basic information on the common software and hardware components of a computer system. This will be displayed in the classroom, include the following:

  • Operating system
  • Application software
  • Peripheral devices
  • A modem
  • CPU
  • Main memory

Include the following:
Hardware components: processor speed and type; memory eg RAM, cache; storage devices, eg hard disk drive, memory stick, CD ROM, flash drive, DVD; input devices eg touch screen, graphics tablet, gaming controller, microphone, mouse, keyboard; output devices eg printer, monitor, sound; computer network connectivity eg 3G, Wireless, Bluetooth, NIC; costs
Software components: system software, applications software, software utilities

     Task – 1a [M1]


xplain 3 ways of connecting computers to the schools network, eg. Wireless, Bluetooth, 3G,     NIC, folder and printer.

Task – 2 [P2]


reate a Presentation on the purposes of different types of computer systems, i.e. desktop computers, servers and those embedded in common household devices.  For each of the systems describe the main functions and their application in real life. Include the following:

  • PC
  • Server
  • Laptop
  • PDA
  • Games Console

The following are examples that can also be used: types eg PC, base unit, netbook, PDA, mobile phone, tablet. Include 4 household embedded devices (inside phones, domestic appliances, cars)


Task – 3 [P3]


reate  a PowerPoint Presentation using a simple block diagram which shows how data is input, processed, stored and output as information.  Use images and brief explanations within the diagram. See example on blackboard

Task – 4 [P4]


reate a table which starts by identifying one potential specifications.
The specification should contain:
• A suitable computer system, plus any peripherals required.
• A collection of suitable web design and media authoring software.  Include the operating system and applications. Include the cost and specification.
Note: It is important that the hardware and software selected are compatible.

  • Task – 5 [P7]


  • Create a Poster that Identifies what is needed to provide a stable and secure system to protect the data, software and hardware.  Also include health and safety issues.
  • Include the following: risks eg phishing, malware, viruses, spam


  • Include the following: Security: virus protection, firewall, other eg password protection, physical security

Task – 6 [M2]
It is likely that your presentation will be questioned by several designers who have specific favourites and dislikes in hardware and software. Ensure that you justify your selection of software and hardware from the many commercial (and free) solutions available.

Task – 7 [D1]
The company have given you feedback on your suggestions stating they would like a computer system for example a server to provide service to the whole company  and alternative software to produce websites and edit the images etc., Find a server and alternative software to meet their requirements.



Task – 7 [P5][M3]
As part of the interview assessment process, the senior helpdesk specialist (SHS) will ask you to safely connect and test two different peripherals to a personal computer.  You will record this information as a video or as an image using a camera with annotation.
Explain working practices and health and safety procedures when connecting hardware devices.
Anyone 2 of the following devices is acceptable: peripheral devices eg printer, speakers, digital camera, USB devices, scanner, web cam, barcode reader, graphics tablet; appropriate connection eg network card, Bluetooth, USB, Cat5, Wireless
Health and safety: electrical hazards; manual handling; impact on individuals
Working practices: working procedures; assess and minimise risks eg obtaining resources, recording relevant information; communicating progress and outcomes