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Controversy was finished in 1952, and revised by 1956, but remained unpublished until after Reed's death 22 years later in South Africa, when the manuscript was discovered on the top shelf of his closet. The reason for this becomes obvious when you read it, and is articulated by Reed himself in the introduction to the final chapter, covering the events of 1956, and in his remarks throughout the book concerning the "burking" of Robert Wilton's and his own articles by the London Times when he was stationed in Berlin.

In describing how policy was directed -- or misdirected -- by the international conspirators, Reed was apparently not aware, or for whatever reason chose not to write, of the far more potent influence of the purse. One who is conversant with these matters in modern times understands that governments of the world are either dictated to, or, in the case of the Western "democracies," owned outright by a coterie of financiers whose ancient history is elusive, but who can certainly be traced back as far as the establishment of The Bank of England after England's "Glorious" Revolution.

The most comprehensive introduction to the topic that I know of -- and also one of the primers for conspiracy theory research in general -- is G. Edward Griffin's Creature From Jekyll Island, which you can find on the shelves at Border's, along with the other essential read for beginners, "...and the truth shall set you free," one of David Icke's first books, and probably the only book of his that you will want to read if you mean to stay on a serious path of research. The same information that Icke covers can be also be found in Jim Marrs' book "Rule by Secrecy," but it is a fairly tedious read by comparison. David Rivera's Final Warning is another good overview, with lots of tidbits that are to be found in few other places, but, again, a rather dense read, particularly for people not already familiar with the material.

Beyond Griffin's book, there is of course a wealth of information on the financial situation to be found on the net. I include here two fairly short introductory pieces which cover the essential ground. They should be read in the order given:

Read first The Money Masters - a transcript from the 1995 video of the same name, available at Note that a short section near the end of the document is missing, which seems to deal with the conspiracy for one world order.

Read next The Secret Financial History of the united States, by Alan Kreglow.

And continuting from there, the site is by far the best resource I have seen, and many other links can be found on and through searches on things like "Federal Reserve." Louis McFadden's most righteous tirade is not to be missed, and Secrets of the Federal Reserve was the ground-breaker and foundation of most of the subsequent research down to this day. -- I will try to make more of Mullins' stuff available here in the future. I have the scanned text of The World Order already, which needs to be cleaned up before I can post it. It is a book which, for the most part, would probably make more sense as a spreadsheet than as a sequential string of text. But the names and numbers are the nitty-gritty of the problem at hand, at most only once-removed from the level of ultimate control that we seek to free ourselves from.

I myself have been researching "conspiracy theory" as something of a part-time job since 9/11, and I mean to make this page a guide which will bring people to the point at which I have arrived in the most direct, least time-consuming, manner possible. By its very nature, conspiracy research is a journey of many twists and turns and blind alleys, and the novice researcher can easily find himself lost in a maze which seems to have no discernable pattern or exit signs. It was because Controversy was such a crucial point in my education that I decided to make it the focus of a web site. The broader question of "jews" and "judaism" is not something I intend to deal with here -- principally because I have not myself arrived at a concrete understanding of it. My current reading on the topic is, wonder of wonders, the Bible. If and when that book, and/or other reading, brings me to a definite comprehension of the historical genesis of the conflict, I will be happy to share it here. -- And I may very well speculate in the meantime. However, theology and ancient history are not subjects I am currently competent to comment on. Certainly not with anything near the expertise I can bring to the material that I will be presenting here. Material that deals with the conflict as it plays out on the ground, leaving aside the question of motivation and ultimate intent of the conspirators.

That being said, one will be at an absolute loss to comprehend what is going on in today's world in the aggregate without considering the jews -- or those posing as the jews -- as one of the groups, and most likely the single-most powerful group, of global conspirators. -- The issue of whether they act merely as surrogates in the financial realm for a so-called "Black Nobility," is of course extremely involved, and begs the question of exactly who those "nobility" are descended from. -- Some say Turko-Mongolian Khazars, some say William the Conqueror, some the Venetian banksters, who were scheming together back in Pharaoh's day -- some say the Devil himself! And again, I leave those more complicated questions to people who are more experienced in these matters to attempt to answer. I deal here only with what can be proven -- in any reasonable sense of the world -- on the strictly material level, and which should be accessible of understanding to anyone who makes the effort to investigate.

The book which finally opened my mind to exploring this question -- the culpability of the jews, howsoever holy they may be -- was Colonel Donn de Grand Pre's Rattler's Revenge, which you will unfortunately find very little information about on the Internet. The only way to obtain a copy of the book is to write to or call the author himself. It is the third part of a trilogy of books, which from what I have seen is highly repetitive; so if you are going to make the effort to obtain any of them, I would recommend this one as being the one to read. I will try to make an HTML version of it available at some point, and the same ground will be covered here in other texts.

Prior to reading that book, I had been engaged in a year-long debate with a good friend of mine regarding the possibility of a tiny (only 2%, don't you know) group of people effectively ruling the planet Earth for good or bad. He had been feeding me a steady stream of books and articles -- Eustace Mullins, David Duke, copies of America Free Press -- none of which were quite sufficient to overturn my "good sense" in favor of such an idea. My copy of Rattler's Revenge actually came through a different source, and finally jolted me into the comprehension that no progress was to be made in my studies except along this very line.

Soon after that, I came across the virtual copy of Reed's book on Knud's site, and the pieces of a puzzle which had for so long failed to render themselves into any comprehensible picture fell, one and all, into place. -- Freemasons, Jesuits, Illuminati. The CFR, the Bilderbergs, the global drug trade. -- How was one to make sense of the machinations and maneuverings of all these seemingly independent, or perhaps inter-dependent, intriguers? -- Here was the answer.

And it may of course not be the final answer. But it is a perspective which must be understood and discussed by anyone who seriously hopes to make a difference to today's global politics of persuasion and control.

And here I would mention that, within the broad context of conspiracy and conspiracy research, there are of course a plentitude of divergent and diverging viewpoints. Both the conspirators themselves, and those of us investigating their criminal activities past and present, are approaching the task and the information we come by from a personal perspective, which will necessarily be more or less complete than the perspective others have gained or work their evil based upon. So it is not so much a question of who is right, as it is who dominates? Events in this world are brought about by people for reasons; to advance personal and conspiratorial objectives. And those reasons aren't necessarily the same in the minds of all the people who are involved in the execution of those events. So if you want to find out what's "really going on," you have to find out what's really going on in the minds of the people with the most power to make things happen. -- You have to keep climbing the ladder of understanding. -- And the "jewish" question is a rung which, though you needn't get hung up on it, you must certainly understand before proceeding to any higher understandings which may be in store.

Why study conspiracy theory?

Well, basically because it�s where you find all the answers. Albeit mixed in with a lot of rubbish. -- But that's a good exercise -- learning how to sort out the wheat from the chaff. Because it teaches you how to think again. Something they were careful to take away from you, once they got you started in kindergarten.

Truth is almost always very simple. It's just covered up with a lot of nonsense, so you have a difficult time getting to it. A perfect example would be the supposed granddaddy of conspiracy theory, the assassination of Kennedy. Which has got to be one of the stupidest of all conspiracies, in that so much has been built up around it that most people are afraid of solving it for themselves. -- "Nobody else has done it, so how could I?" -- When in reality, it's perfectly straight-forward, all the "mystique" being layered on to distract you from how obvious it was. -- If you want to be distracted, that is. I can�t help but think it was an open secret the whole time, to those who actually wanted to know.

Kennedy was going to drive down a couple streets in Dallas in his limo. At the last moment -- like the night before or something -- the route of the motorcade is changed. All the standard procedures and precautions are ignored by the secret service -- securing open windows, manhole covers, etc. As the limo is approaching the designated shooting zone, William Greer, the driver, slows down -- almost stops at one point -- to give the shooters the easiest possible kill. They still fuck it up. None of them manage to make the head shot. They hit Connally three or four times, they hit Kennedy in the back, they apparently put a few bullets into the limo itself, since it was driven all the way back to Washington and no one was allowed to see it until it was fixed up. They get Kellerman in the arm. They even managed to miss the car entirely, hitting a cop and at least one other bystander. So you're talking about a good baker's dozen of shots at least, none of which finds its mark.

All of this takes maybe five or six seconds, during which Greer is continually looking back, as he's pumping the brake pedal, to see if it's done. In the Zapruder film, he's seen to look back three times -- "Got him yet? Nope ... Now? Nope.� -- Finally it's Plan B -- Greer has to shoot Kennedy himself. And Jackie, who's just seen the man assigned to protect her turn around and blow her husband's brains out, has the quite natural, visceral reaction of running for her life. She dives over the back of the limo, where another S.S. man pushes her back in, and the car now speeds off to the hospital.

Colorized Frame 313 of the Zapruder film, purloined from Larry's TV web page.

And this frame was included in the exhibits to the original Warren Commission Report. Here's a link to an online version. So one wonders what all the fuss is supposed to be about.

Greer wouldn't shoot Kennedy? He wouldn't do it? -- Oh really. And how would you figure that? These are the same guys who decided it was a good idea not to bother with the regular protection that day. This is the guy who's mistaking the brake for the gas as the shots are ringing out. Who manages to arrive at Parkalnd hospital 15 minutes after the cop who was hit by one of the stray bullets and took a ride in an ambulance. -- Cuz he "got lost." -- This is the guy who, along with Kellerman, is almost drawing his gun in a standoff at the hospital to get the body removed. -- And, cr�me de la cr�me, this is the guy who finds (plants, of course) the magic bullet on the stretcher.

But he didn't shoot Kennedy. No. He'd never do that.

Give me a break with this shit.

The mystery of the JFK assassination isn't who shot Kennedy, it's why? And from what I know, I'd say it was the the people who saw him as soft on Communism -- as a real traitor to the country. The famous "Wanted for Treason" handbill supposedly handed around Dallas the day before is probably the simple truth of the matter. -- Evil as he is, the stuff about George W. Bush being involved is pure disinfo, as far as I can see. Along with stuff like The Gemstone File, Kill King 33 and probably the whole Jim Garrison "exposure." And the endless ferreting out of people like Hunt and Sturgis and Cuban sniper teams from Miami is just irrelevant. -- Why do we care about this stuff? They were shooting, they weren't shooting. What's the difference really, in the end? Dude's dead. Move on to something else. You're never going to understand anything about the world by focusing myopically on some particular issue or event to the exclusion of all else. And people who make JFK research into a life-long fetish are in a lot of cases probably doing it just to inspire you to the same kind of unproductive methodology. When what you really need to be is eclectic. Searching everywhere for your answers. With both an open mind, and a rational perspective, simultaneously.

I suppose the next place to go with this -- since people "in the know" are going to be screaming by now about Permindex and the Torbitt Document and that arch-disinfo spinner Mae Brussell and blah blah blah blah -- is to the Nazis. Those evil bastards. From Lyndon Larouche to the present-day "Bush is Hitler" comparisons, it's always the Nazis who are presumed guilty as the starting point of the argument, and are endlessly taking hits for a whole bunch of things which, I'm very sorry to say, they just plain didn't do.

Yes, the Holocaust is a fraud. It's such an outrageous and obvious fraud that it's not allowed to be contradicted with anything. -- Evidence, inquiry, straight-forward common sense -- it's all to be disregarded entirely. Six million human beings were exterminated with assembly line efficiency by the evil Germans who were out to conquer the world and turn us all into mindless slaves. End of discussion. And how dare you question. How dare you defame the memory of the dead.

I've posted a fair bit about this on craigslist. The bottom line is, the only people who are being defamed here are the German people. Who wanted nothing more than to be left alone in their own country by the international bankers and their lackey communist thugs, and ended up having to fight against most of the rest of the world for the privilege. People who've never even opened Mein Kampf think they have the low down on what Hitler was really like. They chow down on this stuff about the Nazis burning down their own Reichstag to get votes, "planting" van der Lubbe as a fall guy. They think the "Big Lie" was something Hitler and Goebbels came up with. And then had the gumption to actually tell people about straight up.

Well, you're hearing the Big Lie alright. And it hasn't changed one bit since Hitler laid out for you exactly what it was. (Mein Kampf, vol. 1, Chapter 10)

If you want to get your brain fixed regarding the Nazis and Germany's struggle for freedom in an enslaved world, I would recommend Francis Parker Yockey's Imperium. It is not by any means a comfortable read, and should surely not be attempted before having the basic material down -- the whole New World Order conspiracy, working through the U.N., CFR, Federal Reserve, etc. -- But it is a work of brilliance. For which Yockey of course was killed. As are all who have both integrity and a loud enough voice to pose a threat to the NWO conspirators.

As a preliminary to Imperium, you might also want to visit these pages:

Regarding Polish (the demons among them) atrocities against ethnic Germans within their borders after WWI and the Versailles Treaty: Bromberg Bloody Sunday. And that site should be perused thoroughly. (If you want more detailed investigation of this particular topic, off the map of essential reading I am attempting to outline, this site deals with the topic in depth. One book-length treatment there, including forensic reports and photographs, is Polish Atrocities Against the German Minority in Poland. Another book-length treatment is linked in the top post of this discussion on the topic. You will need to use those links, since the site itself is by subscription, and will not allow you access to the pages through its own internal links.)

And even had there been no motive at all beyond the one of bald conquest of "living space," the notion of a band of Imperialist powers, with England in the vanguard, screaming about the injustice of conquering other nations in one's own economic interest would be one of the finest jokes of history, had it not been responsible for so much ungodly carnage and suffering.

More perspective on the War is gained by understanding what happened to the Germans under Allied occupation, and here is a site that is as good an introduction as any: Racial Nationalist Library. Start with the essays in the History section. Eisenhower's Starvation Order and History's Greatest Mass Rape, for instance.

[here stuff on Hitler and Roosevelt, etc.]

I'm not an "apologist" for the Nazis, because they don't need any apologists. Hitler was, if not quite a saint, then at any rate a pretty damn fine example of a human being. One of the few leaders in this modern, fallen world that undertook to do what was right for his people. Fearlessly and tirelessly. That his name, and the good name of the German people generally, is dragged through the mud daily by minions of the communist press and academia is where "hate" comes into discussion. And when people expose the lie that is the Holocaust, they are exposing the slander that was propagated during the communist Nuremberg show trials and after against innocent men and women who had suffered enormous hardship and devastation in trying to defend themselves against a world gone mad, and were now to have the added burden of being labeled "criminals" by the very criminals who are out to subjugate the entire planet to their tyranny of lies and brutality. They stand accused in the eyes of the brainwashed of all the things those thugs and their kind were and are the actual the perpetrators of.

And turning that around -- turning it into a question of a "jewish conspiracy" because of the Holocaust -- is equally as fatal to the study of conspiracy, and to the quest for justice in this world. This is why so much emotion is invested in that issue. -- �It�s all jewish. It�s not. It is. Prove it. Look here. That guy�s full of shit. No he isn�t.� -- On and on and on. Because, to my mind at least, the jewish conspiracy is the final line of defense for the real perpetrators -- many of whom are of course jewish, and many of whom are nothing of the sort. -- But, by all means, let's have people argue endlessly over whether "jews" are to blame for all our woes. Probe and seek out all instances of jewish complicity and tie them in to the ultimate plan. As though the gentiles of the world were by nature angelic. And the few of them who are following along in the game plan are merely stupid and/or greedy, and being used by the diabolical jews. -- Or they're actually jews themselves, masquerading as gentiles.

Having read Controversy -- and even without having read it -- it should be perfectly self-evident that the majority of the jewish people have no more say in what goes on in this world than anybody else, regardless of their race, religion or ethnic grouping. Their "leaders" care no more for the welfare of the average jew than George W. Bush does for yours or mine. And had it been expedient and profitable to their cause to actually sacrifice six million of their "own" to the fires of a Nazi Final Solution, they would have had not the slightest compunction about doing it. -- The point here is that that wasn't what happened. -- They had to make due with the myth of the six million, instead. -- Some kind of cabalistic figure no doubt, that they attempted to trot out after the first World War without success.

Setting up fall guys and phony enemies is what these people do. It's part of the game. -- It practically is the game, in essence. Deception. -- Confusion which breads fear, hate and conflict. Forever setting the prisoners in the yard one against another, so that they never think to look up and see the warden there laughing, let alone actually team up for a break out. So you have Winston Churchill, with his celebrated Sunday Herald article on "Zionism versus Bolshevism." As though (a) everybody with a brain back then wasn't already perfectly well aware of this stuff, and (b) as though Winston Churchill was some kind of good guy, who then went over to the dark side later. When the reality, of course, is that Churchill is the epitome of the thing we are up against -- a full-blooded member of the Norman/Guelph aristocracy that has controlled England for centuries, posing as some kind of scholar-statesman and champion of "his people." Lying and pilfering (oh, i say, i believe i can use that) was what he did for a living. Besides drinking, and probably molesting little boys. And he was so good at lying, that he could weave a whole lot of truth in there and confuse you all the more. Because you're actually taking this guy for somebody who's got some kind of interest in informing you. Informing you up out of the slavery that he and his extended family keep you bonded in from birth.

His motivations for publishing such a refined piece of dissimulation probably had everything to do with misleading the people in and around Parliament with power to support or oppose his own rise. -- There was a tremendous amount of friction in England, and America as well at the time, over the influence of the jewish-controlled press, and its stirring up of animosity towards Germany that led to the first fratricidal/suicidal War of the World. And English politics was by far the most intricate and subtle field for practice of that art in modern times. -- But one thing he certainly didn�t have in his mind was a desire to bring to light and make known to the common people the diabolical plot of the nefarious jews, so that it might thereby be nipped in the bud. He was currying favor with those who were influential, yet still trusting enough to buy into his pretended antagonism. The man who later, along with Roosevelt and Stalin, did more than anyone in history to further the advance of the very conspiracy he was purporting to expose -- destroying the great nation that was the bulwark against Bolshevism, further "socializing" his own country, and covering up the whole bloody scam in the minds of the unwashed masses with his illimitable flair for bullshit.

I will deal with this issue of the inter-related nobility in a later section. But in this context, the Sunday Herald article should serve as a perfect example of how the jews are deliberately made into the fall guys by the people at the top of the food chain -- be they jews or not. And, as I said, this is the last and final line of defense -- Barring the actual existence of the shape-shifting reptilians, of course. -- Once you overcome this one -- not dismiss it altogether of course, but get past it as a catch-all portmanteau to explain everything else -- then you are really starting to break free of the chains. If enough people are able to come to that level, then the terrorists will have no more bushes to hide behind. Nor no Bushes. They will be undone, and their systems of control will be seen for what they are and actively resisted right down to the street level.


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