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Postal Data 
Chad was made part of French Equatorial Africa in 1908, it attained colonial status in 1920 and independence in 1960. Stamps were first issued for Chad in 1922. 

CIA Data: Location: Central Africa, south of Libya. Independence: 11 August 1960 (from France)


Linn's notes: Chad is a former dependency of Ubangi-Shari, occupied by the French during 1897-1914, after defeating fierce native resistance. In 1920, Chad became a separate colony, joining in French Equatorial Africa in 1934. In 1958, the Chad Republic became an independent state in the French Union, and in 1960, it became fully independent. ... In 1981, Libyan forces occupied Chad at the request of a coalition government. Libya's efforts to merge the two nations, however, alarmed even the pro-Libyan elements of the regime, and international pressure brought a rapid Libyan withdrawal. Libyan forces remained in the northern part of the country until 1987 ...

Postal Contact:

Office National des Postes et Telecommunications
Service Philatelic
Ndjamena, Tchad

UPU Customer Service Data:
Office national des postes et télécommunications (ONPT)
Direction générale
M. Djedouboum Mbaïhoel Anthony
Chef du service d'action commerciale et de relations publiques (SACREP)
Téléphone (+235) 52 10 13
Téléfax (+235) 52 10 12



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Last update March 1, 2000

