InterTran Translation
AJ's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links


Bolivia was part of the Inca Empire. It was conquered by the Spanish in the 16th century and became independent after the war of liberation in 1825. Postage stamps have been issued since 1867.

Empresa de Correos de Bolivia
Unidad Desarrollo
Filitelico Nivel Plaza
Palacio de Communicaciones
La Paz, Bolivia

FIP - Federation Internationale de Philatelie
Federaci�n Filatelica Boliviana
Cajon Postal 4247
La Paz, Bolivia

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Philatelic resources for Bolivia. (c.2011)

CIA data on Bolivia
Location: Central South America, southwest of Brazil; east of Chile
Independence: 6 August 1825 (from Spain)

Universal Postal Union Addresses for International customer relations
Empresa de Correos de Bolivia
Mme Mar�a Esther Loza Pe�aranda (c.2011)
Jefe Departamento Relaciones Internacionales
Ed. Palacio de Comunicaciones, 3er. piso Av. Mariscal Santa Cruz
Cell T�l�phone +591 720 31 023
T�l./Fax (+591 2) 392 859

Postage rates
(Bolivia not listed c.2011)

1999-2011 AJ Ward