Disabled Stamp Collectors Club (DSCC) (ISWSC Associate, APS Affilate #214)
"Disabled does not mean Unabled"
Send SASE to:
Glen Chisholm, DSCC Secretary
16878 Laramie Avenue
Oak Forest, IL 60452-4428
The Disinfected Mail Study Circle (APS affilliate - Ref. URL)
Honorary Treasurer & Membership Secretary
Hans A. Smith
99 North End Road
London, U.K. NW11 7TA
Tel: +44.181.455.08.17
The D.M.S.C. was founded in 1973, with the blessing of the late
Dr. K. F. Meyer, the World Health Organisation authority on Plague, and
editor of the definitive work, Disinfected Mail. It was his wish that
research into the topic should continue, leading ultimately to the
publication of authoritative books and monographs on practice of
disinfection and quarantine in all parts of the world : many countries
had not even been considered in his seminal work.
Since then, specialists, including medical and social historians as well as collectors, have been researching and publishing accounts of the treatment of mail, from 14th century up to the 20th, in Pratique. Almost every country in the world has been the topic of one or more articles: and for many of these, (including Egypt, Gibraltar, Hawaii, 20th century USA, Serbia and Russia), the result has been the equivalent of a specialist monograph.
The scope of the journal has been extended to cover related topics,
including maritime and other Certificates of Health; ship's documents of
pratique; public health proclamations restricting or restoring the freedom
to trade with ports or regions suspected of harbouring infectious diseases;
maps, prints, postcards or descriptions of lazarettos ;
and vaccination ephemera, including anti-compulsory vaccination envelopes
and postcards. Pratique, the journal of the Study Circle, is now published
three times a year, and has won many international awards for original
research. ...
Enquiries and requests for applications for membership
should be made initially to:
Chairman & Editor of "Pratique"
Denis Vandervelde
25 Sinclair Grove, London, U.K. NW11 9JH
Tel: +44.181.455.91.90
or: General Contact: P.O. Box 3277, Arlington, VA 22203, USA (per Stamp2.com)
old: http://www.stampcircuit.com/Societies/Dmsc/index.htm
Medical Philately Study GroupDr. Stuart Menzies
3253 Mulbery Drive, Bakersfield CA 93301, USA
Jornal: 'MediTheme'
from old Philately.com info pages ; c.1995
Mark O'Neil's Philatelic Supplies site
notes, "The Medical Philately Study Group does
not as yet have a web site but their editor,
Dr. Stuart Menzies is keen to hear from prospective members." He can be
contacted on E-mail
and will be pleased to hear from you. c.2000
Home>Book Publishers>Medical Philately Study Group:
Health And Medicine On Postage Stamps
ISBN: 0953225909, 9780953225903
Author/Editor(s): Tom Wilson; Medical Philately Study Group
Publisher: Medical Philately Study Group ( Ashford )
Published/Copyright Year: 1997
Language: English
Number of pages: 146
International nursing postage stamps, RCN (Royal College of Nursing)
"This exhibition was created to celebrate the publication of A History of Nursing Through Philately, by Margaret B Ritchie, 2007."
The 1965 Crusade Against Cancer FDC Page - Mike Smith
old: www.geocities.com/smith444
(Mike works for The American Cancer Society - nice work - aj.)
See also: Mike's
Breast Cancer Research FDC Collection
old: www.in.net/~smith/BreastFDC.htm
Malaria on Stamps - Larry Fillion (c.2016)
Journal: MIASMA Philatelist
Dues: Free (c.2016 per APS)
Services: auctions, handbooks.
Purpose: Organization of philatelists devoted to collecting stamps, essays, proofs, FDC's, errors, etc. relating to Malaria
Contact: Malaria Philatelists International - MPI (APS #AF0266)
c/o Mr. Larry D. Fillion
18 Arlington St.
Acton, MA 01720
Email: [email protected]
History of Medicine Stamps - Truman G. Blocker, Jr., us-TX
old: www.utmb.edu/galveston/universities/utmb/mml/blocker/stamps.html
new: arweb5.utmb.edu/ar/Library/BlockerCollections/BlockerHistoryofMedicineVisual/PostageStampsCollection/tabid/988/Default.aspx (c.2016)
See Also:
(U.S.) Department of Health and Human Services ; parent to:
(U.S.) Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
(U.S.) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
(U.S.) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Which "helps provide health resources for medically underserved populations..."
b>In the past...
Diseases, Viruses and Medical Conditions on Postage Stamps
Listings of stamps covers from 'AIDS' to T.B.
a Philately.com info page
/philately.com/philately/disease.htm '404' c.2016
Medical Stamps
[in Japanese] M. Kuzui, Japan
old: www.asahi-net.or.jp/~br5m-kzi
A Philatelic History of Radiology,
Chuck Mitchell. (c.f.)
old: www.xray.hmc.psu.edu/rci/ss4/ss4_23.html
including TB seals and other cinderellas
- an exhibit of note - aj!
NO LONGER AVAIABLE C.2016: If you have a copy...
A Century of Radiology
1. A Philatelic History of Radiology :
- Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen: the Discovery
- Scientists And Inventors
- Fluoroscopy
- Skeletal Radiography
- X-ray Tubes
- The Heart And Lungs
- Mobile Photofluorography
- Radium - The Discovery
- The Radiologic Technologist
- Dark Adaptation And Image Intensification
- Marie Curie
- Ultrasound
- The Nobel Prize
- The New X-rays
- Contrast Media
- Neuroradiology
- Radiation Oncology
- Nuclear Medicine
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- International Congresses Radiology & Cancer
- Tuberculosis Seals
- Anti-cancer Campaigns
- Cinderellas
- Radiology Moves Forward
- Additional Sources
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