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Noticias de interés para la comunidad antártica


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Proyecto Antawa

Casilla de Correos 86

Correo Central 

CP 11000

Montevideo - Uruguay

Email:  [email protected]



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Información general 

Links de interés para coleccionistas

Información para coleccionistas: (arriba)

Joseán Arbizu, filatelia antártica:  ('404' c.2009)

Antarctic PhoneCards:

Postal Items to offer, from antarctic bases:

Argentina, Antarctica - Postal information: :

To get a copy of “Argentine antarctic stations datestamps catalogue” and the available covers lists, send US$ 10.00 to the following address and will receive the mentioned material by mail. (and he has very much more!)

Salvador Alaimo
Casilla de Correo N° 64

  • Tel./Fax. (541) 4541-1396
  • E- mail: [email protected]
    "Commodore Salvador Alaimo, retired from the Argentine Air Force, was born in the city of San Juan ( Argentina) on January 2 1934.

    He obtained a M.Sc. in Meteorology in Saint Louis ( Missouri) University, U.S.A. and passed the greatest part of his career working with the National Meteorology Service of Argentina where he held the post of General Director from 1983 up to 1993 and he was selected has VicePresident of the World Meteorological Organitation for two periods of four years.

    In his speciality he realized many operations for Argentina´s Air Force in the Antarctic . It is interesting to point out the Operativo Tierra de San Martín (1967) ,the inauguration of the Air Base Marambio (1969) , the first landing in the Antarctic of an Herculés C-130 plane (1970), the first presidential flight to the Antarctic (1973), the first continental transpolar flight ( 1973) and other airborne operations to the Antarctic and Islas Malvinas. For that reason he was awarded the Antarctic insignia and was honoured by the President of Argentina with the gold medal for his intervention in the First Transpolar Intercontinental Flight.

    Commodore Alaimo is a well known collector of stamps, covers and postmarks related to the Antarctic and Islas Malvinas theme.

    He is a member of :

    Asociación de Cronistas Filatélicos de la Argentina ( Arg..)
    Grupo de Filatelia Naval.
    Sociedad Argentina de Aerofilatélia (AEROIFILIA)
    The Falkland Islands Philatelic Study group. ( G.B..)
    Polar Postal History Society of Great Britain

    Has published numerous articles related to the theme in various publications in Argentina and abroad, such as:

    Aeroespacio - Revista Nacional Aeronáutica y Espacial ( Arg).
    Antártida - Órgano de difusión de la Dirección Nacional del Antártico (Arg.)
    Mundo Filatélico- Publicación mensual ( Arg)
    Pefimar- Publicación de la Peña Filatélica de Mar del Plata ( Arg.)
    Apuntes Filatélicos - Revista del Círculo Filatélico de Liniers. ( Arg.)
    El Sextante- Publicación del Grupo de Filatelia Naval. ( Arg)
    Boletín Aeropostal- Publicación Oficial de la Soc. Arg. de Aerofiliatélia ( Arg.)
    The upland goose - Journal of the Falkland Is. Philatelic Study Group ( U.K..)
    Gaceta Aerofilatélica - Sociedad Filatélica Española ( Spain)
    Correo Polar-Publicación de la Sociedad española de Filatelia Polar ( Spain)
    Cronista Filatélico - Publicación de la Cronistas Filatélicos de la Argentina.
    Equateur Antarctique- Bulletin Philarelic ( Ecuador)
    Ice Cap News- Journal of the American Society of Polar Philately ( USA)
    Polarphilatelie e.V.- Arbeitsgemeinschaft im BDPh. e V. ( Germany)
    Boletín del Centro Naval de la República Argentina
    Revista F.A.E.F. (Argentine Federation of Philatelic Entities)
  • Filatelia del sector antártico argentino:

    Sobres y sellos de Base Artigas:

    Sobre con sello del buque uruguayo ROU 26 Vanguardia:

    Antarctic Philatelly:

    Web Afinsa, oferta de sellos: ('404' c.2009)


    Algunos sitios que brindan información sobre actividades en la Antártida

    Passim, Directorio de la Antártida:

    Impresiones y escritos:

    Base Científica Antártica Artigas:

    Viaje a la Antártida:

    Historia de la Antártida:

    Animales de la Antártida:

    Organismos que regulan la Actividad Antártica: 

    Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) :

    Consejo de Administradores de Programas Nacionales Antárticos (COMNAP):

    Comisión para la conservación de los recursos vivos marinos (CCAMLR):

    Texto del Tratado Antártico:


    Noticias Colecciones Información Shopping Turismo Boletín

      Antawa: uniendo a los amigos de la Antártida, de habla hispana 


    Email: [email protected]