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Indexes: Philatelic Organizations: B
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Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belarus, Bermuda, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, British.., BrVirginIsl, Brunei, Bulgaria

Indexes:     By Topic     By Name
And: Wikipedia's List of postage stamp collectors' clubs and societies

    Regional Organizations
    Local, National & Overseas Organizations
  • Bahrain  
    1. Bahrain Philatelic Society FIAP (Data URL)
      PO Box 26862, Kingdom of Bahrain
      Phone: 973-533455, @YaHOo!

    2. Kuwait Philatetic Bureau
      Emirates Philatelic Association's Data Pg.

  • Bangladesh  
    1. Bangladesh Philatelic Federation FIP, FIAP
      Mr. Mohammed Monirul Islam
      Secretary General
      28/G   Issa Khan Road
      Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
      @YaHOo!, Fax: +880 612 9718 5386 (c.2006, '08 FIP)
      @bol, Fax: 88-02-8814713 (c.2008 FIAP)

      Rep. in AU: 5/98 Clissold Pde, Campsi, NSW 2194, Australia
      @optusnet (c.2008)

  • Belarus  
    1. Byelorussian Union of Philatelists FIP, FEPA
      c.2006 (FIP, FEPA)
      President: Valery Bondarik, @
      Prospect Masherova 50 - 9, 220123 Minsk
      Tel.: 00375 17 227 46 38={Lew Kolosov}
      Tel.: 00375 17 284 0651={Yuri Kukurusin}
      Fax: 00375 17 284 0651={Yuri Kukurusin}

  • Belgium  
    1. Koninlijke Vlaamse Bond van Postzegelverzamelaars (KVBP)
      Mr. J. Ysenbrandt
      Werfplein 6, 8000 Brugge, Belgium
      Ysenbrandt = Secretaris, Penningmeester c.2008
      Mevr. Ysenbrandt = Hulpsectaris c.2008

      F. Van Linden, Hoogbunderlaan 29 te 2550 Kontich
      Tel.: 03/457.81.89

      G. Compernolle, Fr. Rooseveltlaan 192 te 1050 Brussel
      Tel./Fax: 02/672.96.19

      J. Caers, Steenweg 212 te 3570 Alken
      Tel./Fax: 011/31.14.94

      W. Demeulemeester, Bellemdorpweg 73 te 9881 Bellem
      Tel.: 09/374.19.62

      Gilbert Boenders, Troonstraat 22 b1 te 8400 Oostende
      Tel.: 0478/53.09.61

    2. Socialistische Federatie voor Postzegelverzamelaars vzw
      Mr. Firmin Thys, Tel. 03.480.66.28
      Bosstraat 38, 2500 Lier
      Cite: Clubs : Belgium : Lier

    3. Fédération Royale des Cercles Philatéques de Belgique (FRCPB) FIP, FEPA
      In Dutch (KLBP): Philatéliques de Belgique
      Publication: la Journée du Timbre et la Philatélie de la Jeunesse
      Rue Longtin 44, B-1090 Bruxelles (c.2008 FIP)
      Phone: +32 2 423 2322, Fax: +32 2 423 2328
      Pres. Eddy Van Vaeck, @klbp*, @scarlet
      Sterrenlaan 197 b2, B-2650 Edegem (c.2006 FEPA)
      Tel./Fax: +32 3 449 3700
      Deumestraat 168 bus 8, 2640 Mortsel, Belgium (c.2001)
      Tel. 0032 3 449 4831, Fax: 0032 3 440 7465
      Liege Conseil provincial (LCp)

    4. Filatelia Alosta, Belgium
      aka: Philatelia Alosta
      cf.: Postzegelkring "Philatelia Alosta", .be ; new url 8/2002
      Cite: Basic Collecting : Identifiers
      Cite: Clubs : Belgium : E. Flanders
      old: '404'
      older: '404' including root.

    5. "DE DRIE SLEUTELS" (Postzegelclub), Zwijnaarde, Belgium [U; resources, E]

    6. Belgian Modern Philatelic Study Circle (Belmophil)
      "Our Study Circle has no board representatives, has no office, does not claim for admission fees and does not issue regular publications. Members are all volonteers; they collect information about one or more set of stamps and simply exchange their documents. All this information is centralized by Roger J-B E Verpoort who ensures a structured distribution. Various articles and resumes are published in philatelic magazines or in single brochures."
      J-B E Verpoort, @

      J-B is also: General Secretary:
      Académie de Philatélie de Belgique ( Wikipedia)
      Co-operators are:
      Eric Mesdagh, T:09/360.03.41, @
      Hoogstraat, 77, 9620 Zottegem
      Gaston Wuyts, Isschotweg, 206, 2222 Heist op den Berg
      Alain Pierret, @, Elsakkerweg, 1d, 9830 Sint martens Latem
      Pascal Lieckens, @

    7. Belgian Olympic Philatelic Club
      Cite/xRef: Clubs : Belgium : Wetteren
      Cite/xRef: Clubs : Belgium : Rhode Saint Genese
      Cite : Entities : Belgium

    8. Société Belge de l'Entier Postal
      (Belgian Postal Stationery Society)
      Jacques Stibbe, Rue des Taxandres 17/5, 1040 Bruxelles
      Dr. Luc Van Tichelen, Tel.: +32, @-mail
      Herendreef 6, B - 3001 Heverlee (Leuven), Belgium

    9. Belgium Stamps and Phonecard Club, Belgium

    10. Studiegroep Belgisch Congo, Brasschaat, Belgium

    11. Nautica Navyclub
      Driekoningweg 15, 8310 Brugge, Belgium
      (West Flanders Province)

    12. Universal Ship Cancellation Soc. - Mercator Chapter #85 USCS-10
      Gunther E. Segers, Eglantierlaan 49, B-2630 Aartselaar, Belgium

    13. Philatélic Club Arlonaisa s.b.l.
      rue de Diekirch 217, B-6700 ARLON, Belgium
      [Luxembourg Prov., Belgium] (

    14. Philatélic Club Carnièrois, .be

    15. Society Aerophilatelique Belge ,B-1140 Bruxelles, Belgium  

      ->See Also:

      More Clubs : Local (in) : Belgium
      Clubs : Topical (about) : Belgium

  • Belarus
    1. Minsk Postal museum (x)
      (Minsk Museum of Telecommunications)
      Address: K.Marks 29
      Minsk, Belarus
      Tel. 227-05-31

  • Bermuda  
    1. Bermuda Collectors Society
      P.O.Box 177, Box 370 Old Route 28, Glenford, NY 12433-2365, USA
    2. or: Bill Charles Gompel,
      P.O. 547183, Orlando, Fl 32854 (USA) (c.200907)
      By phone: 407-716-4730 (USA) By fax: 407-843-2697 (USA)
      By email: [email protected]
      See Also their page on literature (not available via homepage c.201009)
      "This section contains a comprehensive list of handbooks and monographs on Bermuda philately compiled by Charles Freeland and Michel Forand."

  • Bolivia  
    1. Federación Filatélica Bolivana FIAF, FIP
      Apartado Postal 3280, La Paz (c.2005, '08 FIAF)
      Presidente: Sr. Eugenio von Boeck, @
      Cajon Postal 4247, La Paz (c.2008 FIP)

  • Botswana
    1. Botswana National Museum, Monuments & Art Gallery
      Private Bag 114, Gaborone, Botswana
      Assumed to have philatelic holdings. (cite c.2001)
    2. Botswana Philatelic Society PFSA-11
      (PFSA Data Pg.)
      Meets: 2nd Tuesdays @ 20h00
      At: O'Hagans, Game City Centre, Gaberone
      Sec. (c.2011): Mrs Lene Bay, Tel./Fax: +267 39-37-882, [email protected]
      Box 502426, Gaborone, Botswana
    3. Botswana Postal Museum More...
      PO Box 100, Gabarone, Botswana
      Said to contain the Holmes Bechuanaland Collection.
      Also, artwork and proof material for Botswana issues. (cite c.2001)

      >See Also: Phil. Orgs. : Topical (about) Botswana

  • Brazil  
    1. Federação Brasileira de Filatelia (FEBRAF), @ FIAF, FIP
      (Brazilian Federation of Philately)
      Presidência: Marcelo Gládio da Costa Studart, @terra
      Cx. Postal: 036 Cep.: 70359-970 - Brasília - DF
      Fone/Fax: (0055) 61.3328-2268 / 3328-3827
      Secretaria: Gilberto Fernando Tenor, sec@Y!, Tel.: 15-3232-4896
      Cx. Postal: 75 Cep.: 18010-971 - Sorocaba - SP
      "Órgão que reúne a maioria dos clubes e associações filatélicas do Brasil. Para esclarecer suas dúvidas à respeito de selos fale com o Sr. Mário Xavier Júnior {@} (ABRAJOF) Telefone: 3237-1314."

    2. Camara Brasileira de Filatelia - Henrique Cruz, .br

    3. Círculo de Aerofilatelistas do Brasil More..
      Caixa Postal 8006
      Rio de Janeiro 21032-970 RJ (c.2006)

      ->See Also: Clubs : Topical (about) : Brazil

  • British Virgin Islands
    1. British Virgin Islands Philatelic Society
      Presidente: Dr. Giorgio Migliavacca, @
      P.O. Box 704, Road Town, Tortola 00108-8000
      See also entry under Caribbean

  • British - See : 'United Kingdom'
    See Also:
    Clubs Index : British...

  • Brunei  
    1. Brunei Ministry of Communictions FIAP
      Cite: Dealers : .bn

    2. Sarawak Specialists' Society, UK
      (incl. Brunei, Labuan and North Borneo)
      Chan Kee Tex, No 1080 Tabuan Jaya,
      93350 Kuching, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA

  • Bulgaria  
    1. Union of Bulgarian Philatelists FEPA, FIP
      P.O. Box 662, BG-1000 Sofia
      Pres.: Spas Panchev, @
      Sec. Gen. Christo Nickoltchev (c.2010), Tel.: +359 2 958 6374, Fax: +359 2 981 877, @-Mail


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