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's Encyclopedia of Stamps and Philatelic Links

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Indexes: Philatelic Organizations By Topic

List : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Z

Machins, Mathematics, Maritime, Mauritius, Maxim Cards, Medicine, Mediterainian, Meter Stamps, Mexico, Middle East, Military, Monaco, Morocco, Museums, Music

See Also: By Location     By Name
And: Wikipedia's List of postage stamp collectors' clubs and societies

  • Machins
    1. Machin Interest Group, Australia

    2. Machin Collectors Club, UK

  • Mathematics
    1. Mathematical Study Unit, MD 20817, USA
    2. See also: Riverside Stamp Club, CA 92507, USA

  • Maritime
    1. Maritime Frimerkeklub, Den
        Habets Alle 24A. Baghuset 1. sal, 2700 Bronshoj

    2. Maritime Postmark Society, OH 44282, USA
    3. T.P.O. & Seapost Society, UK

    4. Royal Navy Philatelic Society - Robert Foster John, @
      19 College Rd., HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, PO1 3LJ, UK
      Tel.: +44 (0) 1705 291259 / 1705 820921, Fax: +44 (0) 1705 862437
      Cite: Specialized Collecting : Postal History

    5. Universal Ship Cancellation Society, CA 94539, USA
    6. Cite: Topicals: Transportation: By Sea

  • Mauritius
      See organizations in: 2soc-m.htm#mu>Mauritius

  • Maximum Philately (Maxi cards ...)

    1. FIP Maximaphily Commission FIP (info@)
      Chair. c.2012, 2014: George Constantourakis, @ (c.2014), [email protected] (c.2012)
      2115 Girouard Avenue, Montreal, Quebec H4A 3CA, Canada
      Tel.: +514 482 2764 (c.2012)

      Secretary c.2014: Jenny Banfield, New Zealand - [email protected]

      Member c.2014: Terry Watson, USA - [email protected]

      Mr. Nicos Rangos, @cytanet (Chair.: c.2005, 2006, 2008)
      P. O. Box 1151, CY-2001 Nicosia, Cyprus
      Tel.: 00357 2 495 895, Fax: 00357 2 510 440

      old?; same fax: Eleftheroupoleos 4, F6 Acropolis, CY-2001 Nicosia, Cyprus
      Tel: +357 99 63 91 81, Fax: +357 22 510 440

    2. Maximaphily Group of Israel
      Contact : Itzhak Shdemati, [email protected] '404' c.2008 (root no response)
      Google c.2011: but I get a warning saying
      "Warning - visiting this web site may harm your computer" c.20110823

      cf.: Maximaphilatelic Club, The (SAME?)
      P.O. Box 183, Netanya 42101, Israel
      cf.: Maximaphily time; a journal held at ULI.
      ISSN: 0793-2022
      Published: Netanya : The Group, 1994
      Subjects: Postage stamps -- Israel -- Periodicals.

    3. Les Maximaphiles Francais
      Chez B. Bouveret, @
      130, Residence des Eaux Vives - 91120 Palaiseau - France (c.2008)

    4. Les Maximaphiles Belges
      - Belgische Verenging der Maximafielen asbl-vzw Bruxelles, Belgium

    5. Asociacion Espanola de Maximofilia {ASEMA}, Spain

    6. Associazione Italiana di Maximafilia, Italy

  • Medicine
    1. The Disinfected Mail Study Circle, UK & VA, USA

      See Also:

      Topicals Directory : Medicine

      United Nation's WHO - The World Health Organization (Wikipedia's WHO entry) The United Nations public health arm. Monitors disease outbreaks, assesses the performance of health systems around the globe..
      USA's Center for Disease Concrol (CDC)

  • Mediterainian
    1. AR: Centro Filatelico Mediterraneo

  • Meter Stamps
    1. N L: Postzegelvereniging Postaumaat
    2. ES: ATEEME (ATM's: valor variable)
    3. US: International Machine Cancel Society
      aka: Meter Stamp Society, USA (new url c.2011 (cite)

      - See Also:
      Philately: The Meter Stamp - ePostage

  • Middle East (Turkey, Levant, Israel, Egypt etc)

    1. Ottoman and Near East Philatelic Society (ONEPS) APS-05
      Journal: The Levant
      The next annual meeting of ONEPS will be held at NOJEX May 25-27, 2012, on Saturday May 26th.
      Contact Pres.: Robert Stuchell, @, Tel.: (610) 251-2244 (c.2009)
      193 Valley Stream Lane, Wayne, PA 19087-5854, USA
      Secretary: Rolfe Smith, @, Tel.: 772-336-8572 (c.2009)
      old: '404' c.2012 & [email protected]

    2. Ottoman Empire Collectors - Tughra Net - Chuck Maki, .us

      &: Tughra Net - Charles (Chuck) G. Maki, @, .us-MS ; diff. URL!
      all urls appear to be '404'

    3. Turkish and Ottoman Philatelic Society, The (TOPS) , VA 22030, USA
    4. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Osmanisches Reich/T�rkei (AROS) More... BDPh-06
      (Association Ottoman Empire / Turkey - AROS)
      J�hrliche Treffen f�r Diskussion und Tausch
      (Annual meeting for discussion and trading)
      Vorstand (Exec.): Vorsitzender (President): Wilhelm Weber, [email protected] (c.2011)
      Stellvertreter und Herausgeber des T�rkei-Spiegels (Deputy Editor) (c.2011) :
      & 'N�here Informationen k�nen Sie per eMail anfordern' (enquiries): Dr. Andreas Birken, [email protected]
      Kontact c.2006 : Peter Sch�rger, [email protected], Tel./Fax: +49 0711/7970922
      Leinfelder Str. 46, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, D-70771, Germany
      Website {in German} features, "Lexikon der t�rkischen Philatelie".

    5. Oriental Philatelic Association of London (OPAL), UK

      See Also : Clubs in the 'Middle East' :

      Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian Authority (West Bank), Saudia Arabia, Syria, Turkey, etc.

      "Ottoman philatelists share certain common interests with the Sephardic genealogist. Ottoman philatelists need to: (1) decipher Ottoman dates (for postal markings, hence are keenly interested in the Ottoman calendar system); (2) know where certain towns were located (to identify post offices and alternate town/city names during and after Ottoman administration), and (3) to have knowledge of Ottoman writing styles (to decipher notations on postal material and to read postal cancellations) and documents (which may have certain types of "revenue" stamps affixed)." - Ottoman Sephardic Genealogy: An Introduction (c.2009)

  • Military

    1. AR: Grupo de Filatelia Naval

    2. CA: Canadian Forces Philatelic Society  

    3. DK: Censored Mail [DN, EN], Denmark

    4. FR: Amicale Philatelique et Marcophile Colmarienne :
      (grande section sur la marcophilie militaire moderne)

    5. I E: Censored and Military Postal History (Irish)

    6. I T : Associazione Italiana Collezionisti Posta Militare

    7. NO: War and Fieldpost Association (aka: 'Krigs- og feltpostforeningen')

    8. SE: Swedish Military Postal History Society (Sveriges Milit�rposts�llskap)

    9. UK: Forces Postal History Society (FPHS)

    10. UK: Leighton Buzzard Forces Post Office Study Group

    11. US: Military Postal History Society (MPHS) {formerly: War Cover Club}

    ->See Also:

      Postal History

      Give Modern Military Postal History A Try!
      Rick Miller, Linn's Stamp News (refresher course)
      "... Figure 7. The governor of Colorado, to whom this letter was addressed, was just one of five state governors that the U.S. Postal Service was unable to locate in 1993."

  • Mexico

    1. Mexico-Elmhurst Philatelic Society Int'l (MESPI), USA APS-12
      Journal: Mexicana (quarterly)
      Contact c.2012: Dr. Mark Banchik, [email protected]
      P. O. Box 222125, Great Neck, NY 11022
      APS Contact: Mark Banchik (c.2008 via email)
      PO Box 2125, Great Neck, New York, 11022-2125, USA
      Michael D. Roberts, Treasurer (tr@, [email protected])
      MEPSI Provides Expertization (forms on website)

    2. Mexico-Elmurst Philatelic Society Int'l (MESPI) Library
      (Tuscon Chpt), AZ 85733, USA

    3. Mexico/Latin America Study Group, CO, USA

      ->See Also: Clubs : (in) Mexico

  • Monaco  

    1. Club de Monte-Carlo - Tel.: 377-93 15 41 50
      ..created in February 1999 to gather selected collectors who are invited to exhibit in the Museum of Stamps and Coins of Monaco, during the biennial (every 2 years) Exhibition of " 100 stamps and philatelic documents among the rarest of the world "

  • Morocco  

    1. FR: Society de Philat�lie du MAROC et de la TUNISIE (SPLM)
        (Society for Moroccan and Tunisian Philately)

      ->See Also: Clubs (in): Morocco

  • Museums (See Also: Libraries)

    1. AL : Postal Museu, "Rreshit collaku" Str, Tirana (to do)

    2. AR: Museo Postal y Telegr�fico Doctor Ramon J. Carcano
      (y Seccion Filatelica)

    3. AU : QLD : General Post Office Museum
    4. AU : TAS : Australian Post Office Museum - Tasmania
    5. AU : VIC : Australia's Post Office Museum
      aka: Post Master Gallery:
      Including archives of Australian stamps since 1913, "The National Philatelic Collection", exhibited at the Post Master Gallery, is Australia's most significant collection of philatelic heritage and artwork. It is also one of Australia's foremost graphic design archives. "

    6. BW : Botswana National Museum, Monuments & Art Gallery
    7. BW : Botswana Postal Museum

    8. BY : Minsk Postal Museum, Belarus
      (Minsk Museum of Telecommunications)

    9. CA : ON : Library and Archives Canada (LAC)
    10. CA : ON : Queen's University Archives
    11. CA : ON : Canadian Postal Museum (really in Quebec)

    12. CH : Museum f�r Kommunikation, Switzerland

    13. CR : El Museo Filat�lico en Correo Central, Costa Rica (just a reference)

    14. CU : Museo Postal y Filatelico Cubano

    15. CY: Philatelic Center and Postal Museum, Cyprus

    16. CZ: Czech Postal Museum

    17. DE : Museumsstiftung Post und Telekommunikation, Berlin (a foundation)
    18. DE : Berlin : Museum f�r Kommunikation Berlin, Germany ("the world's first postal museum")
    19. DE : Bonn : Archiv f�r Philatelie, Germany
    20. DE : Frankfurt : Museum f�r Kommunikation Frankfurt, Germany
    21. DE : N�rnberg : Museum f�r Kommunikation N�rnberg, Germany

    22. ES: Museo de Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre {FNMT}
    23. ES: Museo Postal Telegrefico de Espana

    24. FR: Musee de la Poste de Paris
    25. FR: Musee de la poste et des techniques de communication de Basse-Normandie
    26. FR: Musee regional du Timbre au Luc en Provence Musee...
    27. FR: Association du musee Postal des Anciens Ambulants, France

    28. GR: Athens Postal & Philatelic Museum, Greece

    29. HU : BULYEGMUZEUM (The Hungarian stamp museum)

    30. I D : Musee des Timbres Taman Mini Indonesia

    31. I E : An Post Museum, Ireland

    32. I N : National Philatelic Museum of India - Calcutta

    33. I N : National Philatelic Museum of India - New Delhi

    34. I L : Alexander Museum of Postal History & Philately, Israel

    35. I T : Istituto di Studi Storici Postali, Italy

    36. KR : South Korean Postal Museum

    37. LK : Sri Lanka Postal Museum

    38. LU : Luxembourg P&T Museum

    39. MC : Museum of Stamps and Coins of Monaco
      11 Terrasse de Fontvieille
      MC-98050 Monte Carlo, Monaco
      Tel.: (+377) 93 15 41 50, Fax: (+ 377) 93 15 41 45

    40. MA : Mus�e National des P et T devient le Mus�e National de POSTE MAROC, Le

    41. MU : Blue Penny Museum, Mauritius

    42. MU : Mauritius Postal Musuem

    43. MY : Sarawak Museum, Malaysia

    44. MX: Museo Postal de Mexico
    45. MX: OX: Museo de Filatelia de Oaxaca

    46. NA : National Archives of Namibia

    47. NL : Museum voor Communicatie (telecom, post & philately)

    48. NO : Postmuseet Lillehammer

    49. NO : Norsk Telemuseum

    50. NZ : Canterbury Museum (Rhodes's Chalons Collection)

    51. NZ : Postal Museum of New Zealand

    52. PH : Philippines Postal Museum and Philatelic Library (PMPL)

    53. RO : Romanian Philatelic Museum  

    54. RU : Irkutsk Postal Museum, Russia

    55. SG : Singapore Philatelic Museum

    56. SE : Postmuseum in Stockholm

    57. SE : Telecommunicationsmuseum Sverige

    58. TH : Thailand Postal Museum (Sam Sen Nai Philatelic Museum)

    59. TN : Musee National des PTT

    60. TR : Post Telegraph & Telecommunications Muzesi ('PTT Muzesi'), Ankara

    61. TW : Taiwan's Postal Museum

      aka/cf.: Chunghwa Postal Museum (& Library), Taiwan ROC
      Cite: Postal Authorities : Taiwan

    62. UAE : Emirates Postal Museum (EPM)

    63. UK : Bath Postal Museum
    64. UK : British Library - Philatelic Collections (& Museum)
    65. UK : The British Postal Museum & Archive (BPMA)
      &: The Museum of the Post Office in the Community
    66. UK : Colne Valley Postal History Museum
    67. UK : Royal Philatelic Society of London (RPSL)
    68. UK : Guernsey's Postal Museum
    69. UK : Alderney's Postal Museum "A few exhibits containing postal history items."
    70. UK : Wales : LLangollen Postal Museum

    71. US: National Postal Museum
    72. US: Museum of American History
    73. US : The Smithsonian American Art Museum
      & National Portrait Gallery (& Library)
    74. US : AZ : Postal History Foundation Library (& Museum)
    75. US : CT : New England Air Museum Chapter of the AAMS
    76. US : MA : Spellman Philatelic Museum (& Library) of Stamps & Postal History, The (Cardinal)
    77. US : MI : USPS Museum, Marshall, Michigan (cc)
    78. US : OH : Margie Pfund Memorial Post Mark Museum and Research Library

    79. VA : Il Museo Filatelico e Numismatico (Reference) (x)
      old: p.zza stazione ferroviaria, Citta del Vaticano (Vatican City)
      Formerly 'located in the old Vatican City railway station. The museum contains a collection of Vatican City material and a limited amount of the Roman States. Access is controlled by passes issued by the Governatorato dello Stato della Citt del Vaticano.'

      The Museum is now (c.2007) " located inside the Vatican Museums. Vi si accede dall'ingresso principale dei Musei Vaticani in Viale Vaticano (Metro A, Cipro-Musei Vaticani). It is accessed from the main entrance of the Vatican Museums, Viale Vaticano (Metro A Cipro-Vatican Museums).
      Apertura ed orari: come previsto per i Musei Vaticani. Opening and times: as for the Vatican Museums. Visite guidate possono essere organizzate chiamando preventivamente (0039) 06 69883005. Guided tours can be arranged in advance by calling (0039) 06 69883005. Ogni altra informazione potr� essere richiesta anche tramite fax: (0039) 06 69884550 o email: All other information may be requested by fax: (0039) 06 69884550 or email: [email protected] .

    80. ZA : Museum Africa (Johannesburg)
    81. ZA : National Cultural History Museum (Pretoria)
    82. ZA : Oorlogsmuseum
    83. ZA : Republic of South Africa Communications Museum
    84. ZA : South African Cultural History Museum (Cape Town)
    85. ZA : South African National Museum of Military History
    86. ZA : Stampwise (SA Post Office Museum)
      cf. South African Post Office Museum and Archive

    87. ZA : War Museum of the Boer Republics

    88. ZW : National Archives, The (Museum)

      ->See Also:

      Wikipedia: " List of philatelic museums" (see also : Postal Museums)
      ..This is a list of museums related to philately or postal services. ...
      Wikipedia: International Council of Museums (ICOM)
      Smithsonian's Museum Studies Reference Library (MSRL), USA
      US's National Postal Museum's Links to Philatelic Museums (cc)
      APS's list of US Philatelic and Postal History Libraries & Archives (cc) (c.2014)

  • Music

    1. AR : Grupo Tem�ticos Musica

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