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Indexes: Philatelic Organizations By Topic

List : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Z

Fed's, FDC's, Fire, Flags, Forgeries, France ++

See Also: By Location     By Name
And: Wikipedia's List of postage stamp collectors' clubs and societies


  • Federations (National & Regional) (Work FIP, AskPhil)
    1. World: Federation International de Philatelie (FIP)
    2. International: FILAPOSTEL (Int'l Federation of Postal & Telecom workers/collectors)
    3. Europe: Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA)
    4. Americas: Federaci�n Inter-Americana de Filatelia (FIAF)
    5. Asia: Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP)

    6. AE: Emirates Phialtelic Association
    7. AL: F�d�ration des Collectionneurs Albanais
    8. AM: Union of Philatelists of Armenia
    9. AR: Federaci�n Argentina de Entidades Filat�licas (FAEF)

    10. AU: Australian Philatelic Federation (APF)
    11. AU: NSW: Philatelic Development Council (PDC)
    12. AU: ACT: Australian Capital Territory Philatelic Council (ACTPC)
    13. AU: QLD: Queensland Philatelic Council Inc. (QPC)
    14. AU: SA: South Australian Philatelic Council (SAPC)
    15. AU: TAS: Tasmanian Stamp Council (TSC)
    16. AU: VIC: Victorian Philatelic Council (VPC)
    17. AU: WA: Western Australian Philatelic Council Inc. (WAPC)
    18. AZ: Azerbaijan Philatelists Union
    19. AT: Verband �sterreich Philatelisten-Vereine (V�Ph)
    20. BD: Bangladesh Philatelic Federation (w/Rep. in AU)

    21. BE: F�d�ration Royale des Cercles Philat�ques de Belgique (FRCPB/KLBP)
    22. BE: KVBP: Koninklijke Vlaamse Bond van Postzegelverzamelaars (KVBP)
    23. BE: SFP: Socialistische Federatie voor Postzegelverzamelaars vzw

    24. BG: Union of Bulgarian Philatelists
    25. BH: Bahrain Philatelic Society
    26. BO: Federaci�n Filatelica Bolivana
    27. BR: Federaci�n Brasileira de Filatelia
    28. BY: Byelorussian Union of Philatelists

    29. CA: Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (La Soci�t� royale de philat�lie du Canada)
    30. CA: ON : Grand Valley Philatelic Association
    31. CA: ON : Greater Toronto Area Philatelic Alliance
    32. CA: QC : Federation Quebecquoise de Philatelie (FQP)

    33. CD: F�d�ration Congolaise de Philat�lie (FECOPHI) {Kinshasa/Zaire}
    34. CH: Verband Schweizerischer Philatelisten-Vereine (VSPhV)
    35. CL: Sociedad Filat�lica de Chile
    36. CN: All-China Philatelic Federation (ACPF) {Beijing}
    37. CO: Federaci�n Filat�lica Colombiana (FEFILCO)
    38. CR: Asociaci�n Filat�lica de Costa Rica
    39. CU: Federaci�n Filat�lica Cubana
    40. CY: Cyprus Philatelic Society
    41. CZ: Svaz Cesk�ch Filatelistu (SCF) (Union of Czech Philatelists)

    42. DE: Bund Deutscher Philatelisten e.V. (BDPh)
    43. DE: DPhJ: Deutsche Philatelisten Jugend e.V. (DPhJ)
      (Germany's Association of 600+ Philatelic Youth Groups)
    44. DE: VPhA: Verband Philatelistischer Arbeitsgemeinschaften (VPhA),
      (Germany's specialty societies federation)
    45. DE : Bavaria : Landesverband Bayerischer Philatelisten-Vereine e.V.
    46. DE : Berlin : Verband Berliner Philatelisten-Vereine e.V.
    47. DE : Brandenburg : Landesverband der Philatelisten Brandenburgs e.V.
    48. DE : Hesse : Verband der Philatelisten-Vereine von Hessen, Rhein-Main-Nahe e.V.
    49. DE : Mecklenburg : Landesverband der Philatelisten Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.
    50. DE : middle area : Philatelistenverband Mittelrhein e.V.
    51. DE : northern area : Philatelistenverband Norddeutschland e.V.
    52. DE : N. Rhineland-Westfalia : Verband der Philatelisten in Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.
    53. DE : northwest area : Nordwestdeutscher Philatelistenverband Elbe-Weser-Ems e.V.
    54. DE : Saar : Landesverband der Briefmarkensammler des Saarlandes e.V.
    55. DE : Saxony-Anhalt : Landesverband der Philatelisten in Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.
    56. DE : Saxony : Landesverband S�chsischer Philatelistenvereine e.V.
    57. DE : Lower Saxony : Verband Nieders�chsischer Philatelistenvereine e.V.
    58. DE : southwest area : Landesverband S�dwestdeutscher Briefmarkensammler-Vereine e.V.
    59. DE : Thuringia : Landesverband Th�ringer Philatelisten e.V.
    60. DK: Danmarks Filatelist Forbund (DFF) {Danish Philatelic Federation}
    61. EE: Estnischer Philatelistenverband (Estonian Philatelic Federation)
    62. EG: Philatelic Society of Egypt

    63. ES: F�d�ration Espa�ola de Sociedades Filat�licas (FESOFI)
    64. ES: Andaluc�a : Federacion de Sociedades Filatelicas de Andaluc�a {FEFIAN}
    65. ES: Asturias : Federacion Asturiana de Sociedades Filatelicas {FASFIL}
    66. ES: Balear : Federacion Balear de Sociedades Filatelicas {FEBSFI} (Baleric Isls)
    67. ES: Canarias : Federacion Canaria de Sociedades Filatelicas {FECASOFI} (Canary Isls)
    68. ES: Cantabria : Federacion Filatelica de Cantabria {FEFICA}, Spain
    69. ES: Cataluna : Federacion Catalana de Sociedades Filatelicas {FECAFIL}
    70. ES: Castilla y Leon : Federacion de Castilla y Leon de Sociedades Filatelicas {FECLSOFI}, Spain
    71. ES: Centro : Federacion Centro de Sociedades Filatelicas {FECESOFI}, Madrid, Spain
    72. ES: Extremena : Federacion Filatelica Extremena {FEFIEX}, Miajadas, Spain
    73. ES: Galacia : Federacion Gallega de Sociedades Filatelicas {FEGASOFI}
    74. ES: Navarra : Federacion Navarra de Sociedades Filatelicas {FENASOFI}
    75. ES: Pa�s Vasco {Basque Provinces} : Federacion Vasca de Sociedades Filatelicas {FVSF/ESEB} - Fed. de Pa�s Vasco
    76. ES: Riojana : Federacion Riojana de Sociedades Filatelicas {FERISOFI}
    77. ES: Valenciana : Federacion Valenciana de Filatelia {FEVAFIL}
    78. FI: Suoemn Filatelistiliitto (SFF) {Philatelic Federation of Finland}

    79. FR: F�d�ration Fran�aise des Associations Philat�liques (FFAP)
    80. FR:  I : Groupement Philat�lique du Paris - Ile de France (GRAPHIL)
    81. FR:  II: Groupement R�gional du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais (GPRNPDC)
    82. FR:  III: Groupement Philat�lique R�gional du Champagne-Ardenne
    83. FR:  IV: Groupement Philat�lique R�gional du Lorraine (GPRL)
    84. FR:  V: l'Union des Associations Philat�liques F�d�r�es de Moselle
    85. FR:  VI: Groupement philat�lique regional d'Alsace et de Belfort
    86. FR: VII: Groupement du Bourgogne - Franche-Comt�
    87. FR: VIII: Groupement du Rh�ne-Alpes (GRAP)
    88. FR:   IX: Groupement du Dauphin� (GPRD)
    89. FR: IXA: Savoie (+-)
    90. FR:  X : Groupement du Provence-Alpes-C�te d'Azur - Corse (PACAC)
    91. FR: XII: Groupement du Languedoc-Roussillon (GPRLR)
    92. FR: XIII: Groupement du Midi-Pyr�n�es (GPMP)
    93. FR: XIV: Groupement du Aquitaine (GPA) et SUD - OUEST
    94. FR: XV: Groupement Philat�lique du Centre-Ouest (GPCO)
    95. FR: XVI: Groupement du Bretagne (GPB)
    96. FR: XVII: Groupement du Haute-Normandie (GRAPHN)
    97. FR: XVIIA: Groupement du Basse-Normandie (USPFBN)
    98. FR: XVIII: Groupement du Maine - Anjou - Touraine (GRAPMAT)
    99. FR: XIX: Groupement Philat�lique R�gional Centre- Loire (GRPCL)
    100. FR: XIXA: Groupement du Berry - Nivernais (GPRBN)
    101. FR:  XX: Groupement - Massif Central (GPMC)
    102. FR: XXI: Groupemnet - Forez - Velay - Vivarais (+-)
    103. FR: XXIIA: Groupement - Outremer:
    104. (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyanne, R�union, Nouvelle-Cal�donie)
    105. FR: GAPS: Groupement Associations Philat�lique Specialisees (GAPS)
    106. FR: PHILAPOSTEL (Ex: Ass. de l'Union des philat�listes et des t�l�cartistes de La Poste)

    107. GE: Georgian Philatelists Union
    108. GT: Asociaci�n Filat�lica de Guatemala
    109. GR: Hellenic Philotelic Federation (HPF)
    110. HN: Federaci�n Filat�lica de la Republica de Honduras
    111. HK: Hong Kong Philatelic Society
    112. HR: Croatian Philatelic Federation (HFS)
    113. IE : Federation of Phialtelic Societies of Ireland
    114. IR : Iran Philatelic Society
    115. IL : Israel Philatelic Federation
    116. IT : Federazione fra le Societ� Filateliche Italiane (FSFI)
    117. LU: F�d�ration des Soci�t�s Philat�liques du Grand-Duch� de Luxembourg
    118. MN Federation (Union) of Mongolian Philatelists
    119. MX: Federacion Mexicana de Filatelia

    120. NL : Koninklijke Nederlandse Bond van Filatelisten-Verenigingen (KNBF)
      formerly: 'Nederlandse Bond van Filatelisten Verenigingen (NBFV)'
    121. NL : Federatie I.V. Philatelica
    122. NL : Jeugd Filatelie Nederland (Youth fed.)
    123. NL : Gelderland and Utrecht : Filatelistenvereniging De Globe
    124. NO: Norsk Filatelistforbund (NFF)

    125. NZ : New Zealand Philatelic Federation
    126. NZ : Association of Northern Philatelic Societies
    127. RO: Romanian Philatelic Federation (Federatia Filatelica Romana)
    128. SE: Sveriges Filatelist F�rbund (SFF)
    129. SI : Filatelisticna zveza Slovenije (FZS), Slovenia
    130. SK: Slowakischer Philatelisten Verband, Slovakia
    131. TH : Philatelists Association of Thailand
    132. TR : F�d�ration des Association Philat�liques de Turquie
    133. TW: Chinese Taipei Philatelic Federation
    134. UA: Association of Philatelists of Ukraine

    135. UK: Association of British Philatelic Societies (ABPS)
    136. UK: Wales: Federation of South Wales Philatelic Societies
    137. UK: Scotland: Association of Scottish Philatelic Societies (ASPS)
    138. UK: HA: Hampshire Philatelic Federation
    139. UK: IM: Isle of Man Philatelic Federation
    140. UK: KE: Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies
    141. UK: MD: Midland Philatelic Federation
    142. UK: MS: Middlesex Philatelic Federation
    143. UK: NE: North of England Philatelic Association
    144. UK: NW: North Western Philatelic Federation
    145. UK: SO: Somerset & Dorset Philatelic Federation
    146. UK: SS: Association of Sussex Philatelic Societies
    147. UK: SU: Federation of Surrey Philatelic Societies
    148. UK: SX: Association of Essex Philatelic Societies (AEPS)
    149. UK: TV: Thames Valley & District Philatelic Federation
    150. UK: WX: Wessex Philatelic Federation
    151. UK: YK: Yorkshire Philatelic Association
    152. US: American Philatelic Society (APS), USA
    153. US : NE: Northeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs (Show: Philatelic Show; Apr/May),
    154. US: NW: Northwest Federation of Stamp Clubs (NWFSC)
    155. US: SE: Southeastern Federation of Stamp Clubs (SEFSC)
    156. US: AZ: Arizona Federation of Stamp Clubs
    157. US: CA: No.: Council of Northern California Philatelic Societies (CNCPS)
    158. US: CA: So.: Federated Philatelic Clubs of So. California (FPCSC/SESCAL)
    159. US: GA: Georgia Federation of Stamp Clubs
    160. US: MN: Minnesota Federation of Stamp Clubs (MFSC)
    161. US: NJ: No.: North Jersey Federated Stamp Clubs
    162. US: NY: Federation of Central NY Philatelic Societies
    163. US: SD: South Dakota Coin & Stamp Association
    164. US: VA: Virginia Philatelic Federation
    165. US: WI: Wisconsin Federation of Stamp Clubs
    166. UY: Federaci�n Uruguaya de Filatelia, Uruguay
    167. ZA: Philatelic Federation of South Africa

  • Fire  

      See also: Topical Directory : Events : Fire Services / Fire Fighting.

  • FDC's - First Day Covers
    1. UK : Association of Great Britain First Day Cover Collectors,
    2. US : American First Day Cover Society (AFDCS)
      Cite: AZ, USA
    3. US : Cachet Makers Association - AFCDS Chpt. 65
      Fred Fowler, Treasurer (cf.)
      c/CMA, PO Box 392, Niles, MI 49120
    4. US : CA : American First Day Cover Society - C. Ries Chapter (# 48),
    5. US : I L : American First Day Cover Society - Chicagoland Chapter (No. 6)
      aka: Chicagoland First Day Cover Society
    6. US: OH: The Dayton Stamp Club - member AFDCS
    7. US : NJ : Hand-Painted & Handdrawn FDCs - Chapter 73 AFDCS,
    8. US : NY : Art Cover Exchange (ACE); More than just FDC's . .
    9. US : TX : American Ceremony Program Society
    10. US : TX : American First Day Cover Society - Fred C. Sawyer Chapter 56

      See Also: Covers

  • Flags (Vexillology)  
    1. Philatelic Vexillology Society, UK

  • Flora and Fauna (nature)
    1. Gruppo 'Flora e Fauna', di CIFT, Italy
    2. Insects On Stamps (a Yahoo! club), Internet Clubs

      See Also:
      Topical Directory : Other : Wine (& thus) Grapes
      Gruppo Vite e Vino (Wine & Grapes), di CIFT, Italy

  • Forgeries  
    1. FIP Commission for the Fight Against Fakes and Forgeries FIP

      Chair. (c.2014): Klaus Sch�pfer, [email protected]
      Herzog-Friedrich-Strasse 19, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria

      Sec. (to Mar. 2014), Webmaster in Mar. 2014:
      Richard Gratton FRPSC, AIEP, [email protected] -
      Box 202, Windsor, Quebec J1S 2L8, Canada

      Bureau Members c.2014:
      G. Eduardo Escalada, Spain, [email protected]
      Luis F. Diaz, Costa Rica - [email protected]
      Lim Sa Bee (Sa Bee Lim ?), Singapore - LimSaBee@YaHOo!.com

      Chair. (c.2012) James Van der Linden, [email protected]
      B.P. 1, B-4837 Baelen, Belgium
      Tel.: 0032 8 776 4405, Fax: 0032 8 776 4991 (c.2005 - 2008)

  • Foundations  
    1. Association pour le Developpement de la Philat�lie, France
    2. Fundacion Albertino de Figueiredo (Fundacion de Filatelia), Spain
    3. Florida Philatelic Foundation, FL, USA
    4. Philatelic Foundation Christchurch Inc., New Zealand

  • France (and related)  
    1. Club Philat�lique Franco Belge, Mouscron, Belgium  

    2. Association Philat�lique des Collectionneurs de Timbres Poste
      des Anciennes Colonies Fran�aises (COLFRA), France

    3. France & Colonies Philatelic Society (G.B.), UK

    4. France & Colonies Philatelic Society, NY 10016, USA

    5. Soci�t� Fran�aise de Timbrologie, France

      See Also:: Clubs in France

  • Fraternal Organizations
    1. Lions International Stamp Club APS-12, ATAu-02
      Publication: Lions Intl. Philatelist (was Philatelion ? Per ATA 200101; bimonthly)
      Contact c.2012: Mr. Douglas C. Schembs, Jr. - [email protected], (908) 232-8551
      321 Lamberts Mill Road, Westfield, NJ 07090-4738
      c.2005: John W. Bargus, (250) 743-5782
      304-2777 Barry Road, Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L0, Canada
      c.2000: R.R. 1, Mill Bay, BC V0R 2P0, Canada
      It is an affiliate organization of Lions Clubs International and holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) during the Lions' International Convention.

      Over 100 Countries have issued over more than 500 stamps Honouring Lions Clubs (c.2012)

    2. Motivgruppe "ROTARY INTERNATIONAL" BDPh-06 (Index)
      Herrn (Mr.) Ivan Kaldor, Tel. +49 069-95633144, Fax: 069-95633145
      Walter Hesselbach Str. 30, 60389 Frankfurt, Germany

    3. Salvation Army Philatelic Circle (SAPC)
      (Data Page.)
      Publication: a multipage qauarterly newsletter
      Secretary, Harry Hayes, Tel.: +44 (0)1904 764660
      11 Chatsworth Drive, Haxby, York YO3 3QS, UK (c.1995-2012)
      c.2000: Paul le Roux, [email protected]
      "The Circle's aims are many, including 'to publish news and studies of S.A. philately, and to gather, exchange and disseminate information about items which in some way connect The Salvation Army with the postal service.' This field is very wide indeed and includes stamps, envelops, postcards, publicity labels, metered (machine-franked) mail, special postmarks and the like.
      The journal has continued its quarterly issues in an unbroken run to date; up to 24 pages per issues; and with a total of 510 pages by June 1999. The auctions have included as many as 300+ lots per sale; the exchange service has extended from the four U.K. countries to the U.S. and Canada; Australia and New Zealand.
      A Convention had been held each year since 1993, where members present talks and displays featuring their own particular collections. To date, these have all been held at York, in the superb Citadel there."


      See Also: Scouts & Guides, Salvation Army


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