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AJ 's Encyclopedia of Stamps & Philatelic Links

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Index: Titles
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | New
Philately + Dealers + Entities + Clubs + Names: First & Last + Topics
  1. i bolli delle colonie, di Saverio Pascazio, Italy
    "Il catalogo online dei francobolli per le colonie del Regno d'Italia"
    Specialized for identifying and cataloging stamps of colonies of the Kingdom of Italy.
  2. ibolli - , Italy
    Catalogo on-line con riproduzione di tutti i francobolli delle emissioni d'Italia
    Online catalog with reproductions of all the stamps issued in Italy
  3. Icelandic Stamps Web - Vigfus Palsson, .is
  4. Iceland Post Offices (Photos and Postmarks), by Al Gruber
  5. Identifier of Carriers, Locals, Fakes..., The, Larry Lyon
    Featured by : Park Cities Stamps, .us-TX
  6. Idioms [or 'Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries'] Exhibit (unposted) - Tom Fortunato ('TMF')
  7. IL Francobollo, Italy
    News on modern stamps and philatelic advice.
  8. IL Postalisa - Roberto Monticini, Italy
    La rivista nasce con lo scopo di sviluppare e diffondere la filatelia e la storia postale nel web, senza il perseguimento di alcun interesse commerciale.
    ("The magazine was founded with the purpose of developing philately and postal history on the web, without pursuing any commercial interest.",
  9. Index Mundi
    Website much like the CIA World Factbook - country data.
    Cite : Philatelic Topics : 'Worldwide' : See Also:
  10. International Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Philately, R. Scott Carlton
    Cite : Dealers : USA : FL
    Cite : Homepage
    Cite : Homepage : Xmas list  
  11. (aka/see: - wonderful resources!; sadly dead c.2010) .us-CA
    Ref.: Gen. Links: Resources
  12. Introduction to Postal History, Rhode Island Historical Society
    Cite: Clubs : RI : See Also:
  13. Introduction to Stamp Collecting - Cronica Filatelica
    Enjoying the hobby. '404' c.201502
  14. Introduction to Stamp Collecting - Linn's Stamp News
    History, Suggestions, Tips
  15. Introduction to United States Revenue Stamps, by Richard Friedberg
    Cite : Dealers : Topical Index : Revenue Stamps
    Cite : Dealers : USA : PA
  16. 'Italian Stamps' - a YaHOo! Discussion Group (en Italiano) - Marco Negrì, .it

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