This page contains: Levels 1.1, 1.2, draft 2.1 ?'s what of ITU? and topicals like: 40320 France - Conseil de l'Europe (1958) 40340 France - UNESCO (1961) Level 1.1 : Geographical divisions of the world to the second sub-division. |(Header Abbrvs.)| |RG|'region, geographical' area |#|APRL's area/era codes ; consider using as map co-ord's. (see 'Reference Materials' "Numerical" for more extensive list) |Comment|Level 1 - the MacroView: no specific country names; fourth data field to be key to regional info files. Note: here the 'description' area is field 2: NEWS x=entered as stated. xx=entered 2 ways under same # .e.g. 33905 Africa, West - Western Sahara - Region of and as 33905 Wester Sahara - Africa, West - Region of ====================================================================== | Regional Areas; Continents/Seas --- |lessor| | # | Area (NEWS) - lessor - data - data | # |RG|Comment ====================================================================== Note: no numbers over 100K are reliable; they've been changed!!!!!!!! consult the database et al. 10330|Africa --x- | |1g|w/b# 100540 ; general: the continent 100580|Africa, N. --x- | |1n|.eg, Morocco, Tunesia 100600|Africa, E. --x- | |1e|17060? "East Africa (1964-)" 100660|Africa, W. -x- | |1w| 33905|Africa, W. - Western Sahara -xx- | |EH|Is it composed of parts of Algeria, Mauritania and Mali? 100640|Africa, S. --x- | |1s|.za, 100620|Africa, Central --x- | |1c|.cf 101080|Americas --x- | |2a|the continent, Western Hemisphere 28710|America, N. --x- | |2n|Canada, U.S.A. incl. Hawaii? Arctic? 101140|America, Middle |=Mexico, Central America, West Indies/Caribbean Isls 102220|America, Central --x- | |2c|Mexico to Panama |America, Central - West Indies -- | ? |2i|Caribbean Islands; General - incl Leeward Isls and other 'groups' etc... 33220|America, S. --x- | |2s|Colombia - Uraguay/Chile 11430|Asia --x- | |4g|General 102140|Asia, N. --- | |4n|.RU, Mongolia 102120|Asia, E. --- | |4e|.CN, .JP ...North / South Korea? 102200|Asia, W. -- | |4o|SW; Orient?, Levant?, 102200|Asia, W. - Asia Minor - = - Middle East|27270|4_|Western edge: same as Middle East/Near East?; Turkey, Turkish Empire, Syria ... 27270|Asia, W. - Middle East - |27270|4o|general: .af, .ir, turkey 27940|Asia, W. - Near East - |27940|4o|general: Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Israel, Iraq, Arabian Peninsula (area; lvl2) 42560|Asia, W. - Near East - Arabian Peninsula-x| |4_|Saudi Arabia, South Arabia (lvl2) 102160|Asia, S. --- | |4s|Indian Subcontinent: .IN, .BD, .PK ... 102180|Asia, S.E. -- | |4x|.VN, .ID, .LA ... 102220|Asia, Central --- | |4c|.UZ, .tj ... 11431|Asia - Far East - Geopolitical term - See: Asia, E.| |4e|simantics?; Geopolitical term? 101620|Atlantic Ocean --x- | |5g|general 101660|Atlantic, N. --x- | |5n| 101680|Atlantic, S. --- | |5s| 101680|Atlantic, S. -Great Britain - Falkland Islands|17480| |sie.;geopolitical route?/positional in empire? 11480|AustralAsia --- | |6g|? spans 2 "continents" 11480|AustralAsia - Australia -- |11490|6g|???;here? it is a continent; some say.- filename? 6g 17460|Eurasia --x- | |0g|general; The entire continent 17460|Eurasia -- Europe - x |17470|eu|general 11430|Eurasia -- Asia - x |11430|4g|general 17470|Europe --x- | |eu|general: 'The little continent' 103180|Europe, N. --- | |en|Scandinavia: .no, .dk, .se, .gl, .is 32510|Europe, N. - Scandinavia -- |32510| |same? 17120|Europe, E. --x- | |ee|LV, LT, EE, ... From here down the left hand numbers reflect the right hand entity position. x=they are entered in the database as listed. 38290|Europe, W. -x- |ew|GB, .FR, .BE .... 20080|Europe, W. - Great Britain/UK? -- |GB|geopolitical and stamp issueing entity comprising England, Scotland..; part of UK and bc (consider new entry 'British Isles'; GB, Scottland, Ireland, N.Ireland ...) 14370|Europe, W. - Channel Isls - |GB|geo 33520|Europe, S. --x- | |.IT ... 14200|Europe, Central --x- |ec| 42900|Europe, S.E. --x- |es|.ba, .hr, .si, .k_(Kosovo) 43000|Europe, S.E. - Balkan Peninsula -x- |es|general; .yu+, Greece, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria 10140|Europe, S.E. - Aegean Islands -x- |es|general; .yu+, Greece, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria 103620|Indian Ocean --x- | |io|general (filename?: ig)- map: 29420|Pacific Ocean --x- | |pc|general: "Pacific Islands" (note: 29420 is "Pacific Islands"; changed it.) 105260|Pacific Ocean, N. --x- | |pn|North Pacific : ?? 105280|Pacific Ocean, S. --x- | |ps|South Pacific: Tahiti ... see 'po' also 43700|Pacific Ocean, S. - Oceania -x- | |po|generalSouthern area; 'tween HI & NZ ? |Pacific Ocean - Central -- | |pc|middle Pacific : ?? 43500|Polar Regions --x- | | |? does originality count? 43520|Polar Regions - Arctic Ocean -x- | |ax|? 43540|Polar Regions - - Antarctica -x- | |AQ|general: .UA, .US, .UK, .FR, .NZ, .RU; land mass is nearly as great as that of Europe and USA together * note: use 2 letter 'RG' code appended to APRL# to form filenames for web page menus or sub-indexes, maps... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- what are the rules?: Level 1: no specific country names; fourth data field to be key to regional info files. ; Australia and exception?; oft considered a continent. And Greenland? #'s proposed: 17460; Eurasia 20705; Americas: - i.e. Western Hemisphere 33905; Asia W. ; Western Sahara 42300; Africa N 42320; Africa E 42340; Africa W 42360; Africa S 42380; Africa Central 42500; Asia N 42520; Asia E (reserve 100) 42560; Arabian Peninsula 42620; Asia W (reserve 40) 42660; Asia S (reserve 40) 42800; Asia S.E. (reserve 40) 42840; Asia Central (reserve 40) 42860; Europe, N. 42900; Europe, S.E. 43000; Balkan Peninsula 43040; Atlantic Ocean 43060; Atlantic Ocean, N. 43100; Atlantic Ocean, S. 43500; Polar Regions 43520; Arctic Ocean 43540; Antarctica 29420|Pacific Ocean (note: 29420 is "Pacific Islands"; change to Pacific Ocean.) 43600; Pacific Ocean, N. 43640; Pacific Ocean, S. 43700; Oceania Highlights: |Polar Regions --- | |ax|? does originality count? |Arctic Ocean --- | |ax| |Australia --- |11490|AU|???;here? it is a continent; some say.- filename? 6g |AustralAsia --- | |6g|? spans 2 continents |Asia, W. - Asia Minor - = - Middle East| |4_|Western edge: same as Middle East/Near East?; Turkey, Turkish Empire, Syria ... |Asia, W. - Middle East -- |27270|4o|general: .af, .ir, turkey |Eurasia -- Europe - |17470|eu|general; "Europe" in 3rd field |Eurasia -- Asia - |11430|4g|general; "Asia" in 3rd field |Asia, E. --- | |4e|.CN, .JP ...North / South Korea? |Asia - Far East - Geopolitical term - See: Asia, E.| |4e|simantics?; Geopolitical term? vs |Asia - Far East -- | |4e|simantics? |Europe, W. -Great Britain/UK? - | |GB|stamp issueing entity comprising England, Scotland..; part of UK and bc |Pacific Ocean, S. -- Oceania - | |po|generalSouthern area; 'tween HI & NZ |Pacific Ocean, S. -- Bitish Oceania-|13170|po|more political? |Pacific Ocean, S. -- French Oceania-|18730|po|more geo; actual country or stamp issuing entity. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1.1: Greater Geo-Political pointers |Asia, N. -- USSR - |36230|political division; exceeds Asia in Moldova? |Asia, N. -- CIS - *|41200|political division; Russian Federation?, 12 of FSUR's * CIS # recommended: 41200 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next less general level - include with countries?: Level 2.1 |Near East - Lebanon - | |4o| |Near East - Syria - | |4o| |Near East - Palestine - | |4o|historical & West Bank |Near East - Israel - | |4o| |Near East - Iraq - | |4o| |Near East - Jordan - | |4o| |Near East - Transjordan - | |4o| 42560|Near East - Arabian Peninsula - |4o| 42560|Arabian Peninsula --- | |4_|general 33230|Arabian Peninsula - South Arabia -- | |4_|Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Aden... 32460|Arabian Peninsula - Saudi Arabia -- | |4_| 33230|South Arabia ---- | |4_|general: Aden, Yemen, Saudi Arabia 38520|South Arabia - Yemen Arab Republic -- | | | 40860|South Arabia - Yemen, Dem. People Rep. of --| | |this could get to be work. 40850|South Arabia - Yemen, People Rep. of -- | | | 10570|Balkan Peninsula - Albania -- | | | |Balkan Peninsula - Bulgaria -- | | | |Balkan Peninsula - Bosnia-Herzegovina -- | | |formerly part of Federated (or Federal) Peoples Republic of Yugoslavia & has 3 postal admins con-currently |Balkan Peninsula - Croatia -- | | |formerly part of Federated (or Federal) Peoples Republic of Yugoslavia |Balkan Peninsula - Greece -- | | | |Balkan Peninsula - Kosovo -- | | |Autonomous Region |Balkan Peninsula - Macedonia -- | | |formerly part of Federated (or Federal) Peoples Republic of Yugoslavia |Balkan Peninsula - Montenegro -- | | |formerly part of 'Yugoslavia'; used ISO code: 'CS' {formerly used by Czechoslavakia} until split up of Serbia-Montenegro c.2006 |Balkan Peninsula - Romania -- | | | |Balkan Peninsula - Serbia -- | | |formerly part of 'Yugoslavia'; used ISO code: 'CS' {formerly used by Czechoslavakia} until split up of Serbia-Montenegro c.2006 |Balkan Peninsula - Slovenia -- | | |formerly part of Federated (or Federal) Peoples Republic of Yugoslavia |Balkan Peninsula - Turkey -- | | |extreme eastern tip; includes Istanbul |Balkan Peninsula - Vojvodina -- | | |Autonomous Region in Serbia 13170|Oceania - Bitish - | |po|more geopolitical? 18730|Oceania - French Oceania- | |po|more geo?; actual country or stamp issuing entity. |Oceania - German - | |po|general; geopolitical? |West Indies - Danish West Indies - (1855-1917) |16660| |then US V.I. |West Indies - Spanish West Indies -- |33920| |general? what are the rules?: Level 2: has 2 divisions: 2.1. Geographical SubRegions, 2.2. GeoPolitical Divisons; inter-continental ; contained in next file: 0-rpcode.txt.