Philately: Important addresses for stamp collectors Source: |
Direction |
Berne | Swiss Post Stamps and Philately Customer Services Ostermundigenstrasse 91 3030 Berne | Phone: ++41 (0)31 / 338 06 09 Fax: ++41 (0)31 / 338 73 08 [email protected] |
Philatelic Offices |
Aarau | Philatelie der Post Hauptpost
5001 Aarau | Phone: ++41 (0)62 / 835 68 22 Fax: ++41 (0)62 / 823 10 22 |
Basle | Philatelie der Post Post-Passage 9 Nauenstrasse 30 4002 Basle | Phone: ++41 (0)61 / 278 54 46 Fax: ++41 (0)61 / 278 54 45 |
Berne | Philatelie der Post Schanzenpost 3000 Berne 1 | Phone: ++41 (0)31 / 386 65 31 Fax: ++41 (0)31 / 386 65 31 |
Chur | Philatelie der Post Postplatz 7002 Chur | Phone: ++41 (0)81 / 256 32 36 Fax: ++41 (0)81 / 256 33 22 |
Geneva | Philat�lie de la Poste zone conseil de la poste du Mont-Blanc 18, rue du Mont Blanc 1200 Geneva 1 | Phone: ++41 (0)22 / 739 20 48 Fax: ++41 (0)22 / 739 27 49 |
Lausanne | Espace philatélique Place de la Gare 1000 Lausanne 1 | Phone: ++41 (0)21 / 344 32 50 Fax: ++41 (0)21 / 344 30 49 |
Lucerne | Philatelie der Post Hauptpost 6000 Lucerne 1 | Phone: ++41 (0)41 / 229 95 35 Fax: ++41 (0)41 / 210 03 01 |
Lugano | Filatelia della Posta Via della Posta 6900 Lugano 1 | Phone: ++41 (0)91 / 807 81 71 and ++41 (0)91 / 807 81 72 Fax: ++41 (0)91 / 923 16 16 |
Neuch�tel | Philatelie der Post / La Poste-Info 2001 Neuch�tel 1 | Phone: ++41 (0)32 / 720 26 12 Fax: ++41 (0)32 / 720 26 17 |
Saint Gall | Philatelie der Post Bahnhofstrasse 8 Postfach 1543 9001 Saint Gall | Phone: ++41 (0)71 / 230 30 21 Fax: ++41 (0)71 / 230 30 23 |
Zurich | Philatelie der Post Fraum�nsterstrasse 16 8022 Zurich | Phone: ++41 (0)1 / 204 49 81 Fax: ++41 (0)1 / 204 49 73 |
Our agencies abroad |
Italy | Bolaffi Spa Via Cavour 17/A I-10123 Torino | Phone: ++39 11 55 763 00 Fax: ++39 11 56 20 456 |
Norway | Postens frimerketjeneste Norway Post, Stamp Bureau Postboks 9350 N-0135 Oslo | Phone: ++47 22 40 78 60 Fax: ++47 22 17 44 90 |
Netherlands | PTT Post Filatelie Verzamelservice Europaweg 33 NL-9723 AS Groningen | Phone: ++31 23 516 28 12 Fax: ++31 23 531 39 06 |