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AJ's World Stamp Dealers Index
Terms often used in the Indexes

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Index TermComment:
Agent or Agency
aka: Postal Agent

Refers to dealers who are 'agents' of or for a Postal Authority. Some offer stamps at 'face' - others sell at a premium.
Usually denoted in indexes with the PLUS symbol (+), the term 'Agent' or 'Acency'.
cf 'Auction Agent'.

  • Master List of Postal Agents

    Auction Agent

    Individuals usualy commissioned to 'execute' bidding at a live public auction when you can not be there. They usually do NOT provide 'Expertization'.

  • Master Auction Agents Index

    Index Terms
  • 'Cite:'
    Links to a primary listing with contact data.
  • 'Ref.:'
    Links to a listing with descriptive data.
  • 'xRef:'
    Links to a listing Cross-linked to a 'Cite:' or 'Ref.:'.
  • These terms are often in the form of a 'chain' - e.g.:
    'xRef: Topicals : Fauna : ...'
    'Ref.: Basic Collecting : ...'
    'Cite: Specialized Collecting : Postage vs. Other : ...' etc.

    Note: A 'Cite:' linking to an entry in the World Dealers Directory is implied by links using 2 letter Internet codes in the lower case preceeded by a 'dot' (e.g. '.id', '.cn', '.ca'-QB, .us-NY 10016 etc.; sometimes, recently, including a 'State' code ['NY'] where a page exists for that individual 'state' or political unit and, most recently, with a postal code appended to help refine quick identification of location).

    e.g. 'AJ's Stamp Co. (FDC's) .us-CA 91225'

    Links representing the same functions are also used via Category or Specialty descriptions:

    e.g. 'AJ's Stamp Co. (FDC's) .us-CA 91225'
    And can indicate: additional entries (Ref), cross-refenences (xRef) or a 'Cite' - it is 'pot-luck' via a Category... except where ONLY the description is used to link:
    e.g. 'AJ's Stamp Co. (FDC's) .us-CA 91225'

  • Intra / Inter Index Linking - Where linking is via a single letter [e.g. 'XYZ Webring ...' (note the 'W')] the link takes you to that letter of the alphabet in a relavent index. Links using a whole word [e.g. 'Webring] lead to a specific entry.

  • More information is in the 'Indexes Introduction'.
    See Also: Abbreviations

    Expertization :

    Certification of philatelic materials by recognized experts in their respective fields.

    M E N U
  • Index of Experts
  • Format for index listsings.
  • Experimental frames version.

    Reference Sources Used Here

    Online resource from The Chicago Collectors Club  
  • Association International des Experts Philateliques
    AIEP: World class Experts group from Switzerland.
    c.2008, their listings include photos of experts. '404' c.2008 '404' (forwards) c.2008
  • Bund Philatelitische Prufur
    BPP: German expertizers group
  • Wim Bonger's PhilaGuide
    Seems to rely on BPP & Michel Catalog for Germany

  • Notes
    Our independent research notes.


    See Also:
  • An example Certificate (cc) from: David Brandon Expert Committee
  • Another example

  • Philatelic Experts (G. Kock, .fi)
    Listing ".. about 1,130 living and non-living individual philatelic experts, dealers and even forgers who have or may have backstamped or handsigned postage stamps." (many certificate images too! aj) (vastly upgraded c.2014!!)

  • Gary Paiste's Expertizing and/or Owners Marks
    (Related to the Ottoman Empire & successor states)

  • Do It Yourself Cover Expertisation - Richard Frajola  
    Expert Associations

  • AIEP: Association Internationale des Experts Philatelique, .ch
    local list
    Currently said to be quartered in Switzerland
    Also note:
    A.I.E.P. (same URL), .at  

  • APEX: American Philatelic Expertizing Service, .us-PA
    "More than 170 collectors and dealers, each considered an expert in one or more fields of the hobby, serve the American Philatelic Expertizing Service. Items submitted usually are reviewed by up to five experts before formal opinions are rendered." c.2000

    APEX is a joint effort of the APS and the ASDA

    - Discounts for APS members.

  • ASEP: Association Suisse des Experts Philateliques
    An association of Swiss experts
    Also called:
    SBPV: Scheizerischer Briefmarken-Prufer-Verband

  • BPP:  Bund Philatelitische Prufer, .de
    - Best Online Resource !
      German association of expertizers
      local list

  • CEM: Comission de Expertos de Madrid, .es

  • PSAG: Philatelic Stamp Authentication & Grading, Inc.
    A commercial American authenticaion service (USA, Canada).
    Cite: US Dealers: .us-FL

  • PSE: Professional Stamp Experts
    Cite: US Dealers: .us-CA-oc
    A commercial American authenticaion service
    with a nice online library of articles.

    Other Resources:

  • The Philatelic Foundation (PF)
    PF: : Expertization: Worldwide Issues

  • Royal Philatelic Society of London (R.P.S.L.) Ltd.
    RPSL is an AIEP Affilate: Expertization: Worldwide Issues

    The Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation, Canada

    (Expert Committee for AIEP): Expertization: Canada, British North America

  • RDP: Roll of Distinguished Philatelists
    The RDP was started in 1921, the first signatory being King George V. A committee decides who should sign - philatelists who undertake important research, form major collections, or work hard for the hobby. (cite)

    'UK Philately' lists additions for 2000 & 2001
    - we seek a full online version!

  • Table of Contents
    General Dealers Index     Topical Dealers Index     General Philatelic Index
