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Index: Dealers : V

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Clubs - Titles | NAMES |: General - Philatelic | TOPICS |: Commercial - Philatelic

  1. Vaccari srl - Edizioni Vaccari .it [IT, EN]
    (Literature; sell/pub., postal history sales, Vaccari magazine; p/h)
    xRef : Country Research : Italy
  2. Vachat, Guy du (Expertization: .tr) .fr
  3. Vackimes, Stylianos="Steve" (Packets, .mx?) .us-TX
  4. Vaher, Eo (Expertization: Estonia), .us-NY  
  5. Vahlbruch, Gertrud (dealer)
    alt URL: Briefmarken aus aller Welt, @ [GR]
    Site 'under construction' ; 9/2001
  6. Valelink Ltd., .uk-en-ES
  7. Valence Collection - Yann Gilles (stamps, letters, postcards, currencies), .fr
  8. Valentin Philatelic Studio, Inc. - M. Valentin (topicals, Topical Covers, Want Lists, shop), .ca-QC
  9. Valeur Collection (), .fr
  10. Vallespir Philatélie (), .fr
  11. Valley Philatelics - Michael L. Zeglin (Netherlands, Classic US, Supplies, Collectibles), .us-MN
  12. Valley Philately - Gordon Passau (), .nz
  13. Valley Stamp - Larry Volovski
  14. Valley Stamp & Coin, Inc. - Bruce M. Moyer, (UN) .us-PA
    See: UN Stamps.com
  15. Vamraak, Gunnar - First Day Covers, .no
  16. Van Isle Coin and Stamp (), .ca-BC
  17. Van Looy & Van Looy Postzegelveilingen N.V. (auctions), .be
  18. Van Alstyne, John (Stamps, Lit. & Supplies) .us-CA
  19. Vancauwenberghe, Patrick (), .fr
  20. Vance Auctions Ltd. - Vance & Chris Carmichael (Mail Auctions; online bidding), .ca-ON
    old: http://www.icom.ca/~vance/index.htm
  21. Vancouver Coin & Stamp (1982) Ltd (retail shop), .ca-BC
  22. Varlet, Claude (), .fr
  23. Vasconi Stamps 2000 - Vasil N. Popov, @ (Eastern Bloc, Topicals, Wholesale & Retail) .bg
  24. Vassilians Depot, .us-
  25. VAT (tax) number system in the European Union
  26. Vaughan, Andrew (Specialty: GB)
  27. Vavrovsky, Jean (Classics Worldwide, Covers Worldwide, Worldwide.), .us-FL
  28. Vayanos, Con (), .au-Qld
  29. VB Stamps Co. - See : AVB Stamps
  30. Vega Hnos. Nueva Filatelia Numismatica (.com), 18005 Granada, .es
  31. VEHI Lopez Eestve, Manuel Alejandro - Filavem S.L. (.com), 08037 Barcelona, .es
  32. Veikkos.com - Veikko Jungbluth (Books, online auctions), .de
    (featuring: old advertisements, postcards, poster stamps, and letter seals)
  33. Velickovic, Dr. Jovan (Expertization: & .ba), .yu
  34. Vendeexpo - la Feuillatheque - Jacques Galimard (), .fr
  35. VENTOSA Ramon, Salvador (.com), 43003 Tarragona, .es
  36. Ventura Coins - Charles R. Adams (United States), .us-CA
  37. Vera Trinder Ltd (Comprehensive Philatelic Lit.) Keith & Jonathan Butt, .uk-LO
    (Vera Webster retired)
    xRef: Dealers : Australia : New South Wales
    xRef : Dealers: Israel
  38. Veraphil - Vera Fliss (.li, .ch), .ch
  39. Verband Norddeutscher Briefmarkenhändler (Dealer Assoc.), .de
    (Dealers' Association of North Germany)
  40. Verdavoir (), .fr
  41. Vereinigung der Briefmarkenhändler Mittel - Ost - Deutschland (Dealer Assoc.), .de
    (Federation of Stamp Dealers in Central & Eastern Germany)
  42. Vereinigung Hessischer Berufsphilatelisten (Dealer Assoc.), .de
    (Dealers' Association of 'Land Hessen')
  43. Vereinigung Niedersächsischer Berufsphilatelisten (Dealer Assoc.), .de
    ('Association of Lower Saxony professional philatelists')
  44. Vereinigung Westdeutscher Berufsphilatelisten, (Dealer Assoc.), .de
    (Association of West German professional philatelists; dealer assoc.)
  45. Verite, Guy (), .fr
  46. Verlag Austria Netto Kataloge - Mrs. Christine Steyrer, .at
    AKA: Active Intermedia
  47. Vermont Stamp - John Lutz (Retail Shop, VT p/h), .us-VT
    Cite: Clubs : US : VT : Vermont Philatelic Society
    Cite: Clubs : US : VT : Upper Valley Stamp Club
  48. Vernon Pickering's Philatelic Mall
  49. Versailles Philatelie (France, Andorre, Monaco, TAAF), .fr
  50. Vest Pocket Philatelics - William F. Di Salvatore (Worldwide Covers, Stampless Covers, Post 1800), .us-AR
  51. Vesoul Philatelie - Jean Debaude (Cartes postales), .fr
  52. Vespa, Roland (), .fr
  53. Verus Stamp Co., Mike Jackson (Acces., Shows, ww), .us-IL
  54. Viages Club de Vanguardia - Emillo FONOLLOSA Clavero (tienda), 08010 Barcelona, .es
  55. Viateur Matte, Inc. (Canada, provinces, supplies), .ca-QC
    aka/q.v.: Julie Matte Inc. c.2007
    www3.sympatico.ca/viateur.matte/, [email protected] '404' c.2007
  56. Vichy Philatelie (), .fr
  57. Vico Monedas / Jesus Vico S.A. (.com), 28009 Madrid, .es
  58. Victoria Butterfly Gardens (albums, packets), .ca-BC
  59. Victoria Stamp Auction Ltd. (Mail Auction), .ca-BC
    (A Division of Cal Stephens Ltd.) ; research
    aka/q.v.: DonSCal.com (.de, ww, auction)
    & aka: AKTIV Software Corporation
  60. Victoria Stamp Company - Phoebe MacGillivary (British Empire auctions), .us-NJ
    No. Amer. distributor of 'The Falkland Islands and Dependencies Catalogue' by Stefan Heijtz
    Cite: Entities Index : Falklands
    Ref.: Dealers : Falklands
  61. Victory Stamp Company - H. P. Singh (Retail Shop), .in
  62. Victoria Stamp Traders - Ernest Weiner (Packets, Accessories, Wholesale), .au-VIC
  63. Victory Stamps - Joel Radin (EFO's, Rev., US), .us-SC
  64. Vidiforms Company, Inc. - James P. Michalek (Showgard Mounts & Accessories), .us-NY
  65. Vienne Philatelie et Collections - Guy Boutonnier (), .fr
  66. Victory Stamp Company - H. P. Singh (Retail Shop), .in
  67. Vietbay - Nguoi Viet Tu Do (Vietnam: Stamps, Coins, Currency ...), .us-CA
    Cite: Dealers : .vn
  68. Vietnam Stamp Company {COTEVINA} (Vietnam Postal Bureaux), .vn
    home.vnn.vn/tem_vn/english/index.html '404' c.2008
  69. Viking Collectables - Robert E. Sivertson (stamps, covers, p/c, coins), .ca-BC
  70. VILLA Ramon, Jose (.com), 46008 Valencia, .es
  71. VILLACAMPA Guio, Carlos (.com), 50004/10 Zaragoza, .es
  72. VILLAFRANCA Villafranca, M. - Filatelia Numismatica El Galeon (.com), 18002 Granada, .es
  73. Village Card Shoppe (albums, packets), .ca-BC
  74. Village Stamp & Coin - Brad Houser (Retail Shop), .us-IN
  75. Villarroel S.L. (sellos), 28012 Madrid, .es
  76. VINAS Cardona, Fortian - Filatelia Vinas (tienda), 08013 Barcelona, .es
  77. Vincennes Philatélie - Renaud Varga (.fr & comm., Andorra, Monaco . .), .fr
  78. Vincent Graves Green Philatelic Research Foundation (Expertization), .ca-ON
  79. Vintage Postcards and Stamps - Michael L. McLean (Retail Store, approvals, supplies), .us-WA  
  80. Virtual Stamp Club, The (thematic packets; stories)
    Cite? / cf : Clubs: Virtual Stamp Club not same !
  81. Virzi Philatelic Sales, Sam D., (covers), .us-OR
    Selling aerophilatelic, postal history, navals, transportation, FDC, Cinderella, and W/W.
  82. Vis-a-Vis - Bob Vis (GB & Europe Classics, Collections/Lots), .us-MI
  83. Vista Stamps (approvals: .ca, .us only. packets: ww, topical. supplies), .on-CA
  84. Visnyovszki, Gabor (Expertization) .hu
  85. Visser, Gerda ( ), .nl
  86. Vista Stamps (Canada, ww) .ca-
  87. VIVAR de Toro, Ma Esther y Antonio -
    Numismatica y Filatelia Vivar / Filatelia A.E. Vivar (.com), 20003 Donostia-San Sebastian, .es
  88. Vivar de Toro Hermanos S.L. - A. Vivar de Toro (.com), 20003 Donostia-San Sebastian, .es
  89. VIVES DE LA CORTADA Angles, Alberto -
    Filatelia Numismatica .. (.es y colonias, Andorra..), 08002 Barcelona, .es
  90. Vivian, Jean-Pierre (), .fr  
  91. Vlastos Philatelic Center / Maria Vlastos Stamps - .gr [U; No DNS 8/2]
    (Stamps, Auctions, Books, Collectibles, Memorabilia)
    & Vlastos (catalog covering Cyprus & Greece]
  92. Vlist, Hendrik Willem van der (Expertization: markings 1930-50) .nl
  93. Vogel, Erich (United Nations) .us-NY
  94. Vogel, Jürgen (Expertization: Baveria) .de  
  95. Vogt, Pamela & Phillip (Auction Agents) .us-CA
  96. Vogt Stamps (aka: Mr. Z's Stamp Shop) - Phillip Vogt (Retail Shop, Hawaii, U.S. Possessions), .us-CA
    cf.: Pamela Vogt above
  97. Vollmeier, Paolo (Expertization: .it) .ch
  98. Volutza, Joe (& Wayne Gehret) (US stamps, covers) .us-PA 19606
  99. Volovski Rarities - Lawrence Volovski (U.S. esp. Classics), .us-CT
    aka: Valley Stamp Co.
  100. VSIS Software Solutions Ltd. (web hosting services via SCC), .il 61117
    Presumably the SCC represents a 'Software Solution'
    Operates the Stamp Circuit Club (SCC) (Resources: traders; free, dealers, auction houses, clubs ...)

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