's World Stamp Directory powered by FreeFind Index: Dealers : N New | # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Z | Ads Clubs, Titles | NAMES |: General - Philatelic | TOPICS |: Commercial - Philatelic N & J Stamps - Ron "Stampman" Stolk (auctions, supplies) .au-WA 6965 N A Hayne Postcards (sic), .ca-ON N. V. Izdepski {Norbert V.} (Event Covers, First Day Covers, PC's, .eu-Western, ww), .us-CA Nagel Philatelics - Charles Peter Nagel (Germany & Area), .us-FL Nabors Collections - Gerard Alter (), .fr Nalbandian Enterprises - Noubar Nalbandian (Germany, philatelic gifts) .us- 'boasts the largest inventory of German on the West Coast.' hosted at Northwest Stamps Phil. Ctr www.northwest-stamps.com/ne/ '404' c.2014 Namib Stamps (Namibia, Topicals) .na Nancy Philatélie (), .fr Narellan Coin & Stamp Show (Fair: 2nd Sunday {Feb.-Nov.}), .au-NSW Narwhal Stamp & Coin (approvals: 50% cat.) .ca-ON P7E 6R5 NASCIMENTO Goncalves, Alberto - Algonfil S.L. / Goncalves Filatelia S.L. (tienda), 28013 Madrid, .es Nathan Mercer Phonecards (Phonecards: New Zealand, Standing Orders), .nz Natick Stamps and Hobbies - John Mercer (shop, new issues, FDC's), .us-CA National Association of Antique Malls, .us-NC 28036 xRef : Topical Dealers Index : Dealer Associations - Other old: http://antiqueandcollectible.com/naam/ '404' c.2011 National Philatelic Exchange - F. Rinaldi (Br C'wealth, Europe) .au-ACT 2611 National Pride Coin & Stamp - Ray Neiman (retail shop), .ca-AB National Stamp Dealers Association (NSDA), .us-CA Last full survey: 2006 c.2011: .ca, c.201412: .ca-ON c.201412: USA: AR, CA, FL, IA, ID, IL, IN, KY, MI, MN, MO, OK, PA, TN, UT, VA, WA, WI c.201412 none: , al , ak , ct , de , hi , me , nv , vt c.201507: AZ, MA, OR, SC c.201507 none: nd, sc old URL: ally.ios.com/~fortun49/nsda.html Sheldon Ruckens, President (c.2001) National Stamp Day (Fair/Show: 1st or 2nd Sat. in Oct.), .za National Stamp Gallery (Australia, PNG, FDC's, p/h) aka: Rodney A. Perry Auction Galleries, .au-VIC 3000 xRef.: Dealers : Topical : Software National Stamp Sales - Toby Sellinger Heiligmann (topicals), .us-NY National Wildlife Philatelics - D.H. Boshart (Online Store, Duck Stamps/Prints), .us-FL Federal, State, International, and Junior Duck Stamps (Stamps/Prints and Limited Edition Prints since 1976.) Natural World on Postage Stamps - Patrick Paxton (Topicals, new issues) .us- NAVARRO Paya, Alfredo (Expertization: Spanish Postal Forgeries), 36003 Pontevedra .es Nederlandsche Postzegel- en Muntenveiling, De, @ [DU, EN] (Auction: stamps, coins) .nl Leeuwenveldseweg 14, 1382 LX Weesp Tel.: +31 (0) 294 - 433 020, Fax: +31 (0) 294 - 433 055 Nederllandsche Vereeniging Van Ppstzgelhandelaren (NVPH) - (Dealers Assoc.), .nl (Dutch Stamp Dealers Association) last full survey: 2006 Needleman, Jeffrey L. (Investments, Wholesale, Investor Publications), .us-CA Negev Holyland Stamps - Sidney Morginstin (.il; holyland philatelics, judaica), .us-NJ aka: Negev Holyland Auctions aka: Button Stamp Co. aka: Balestamps Negri Filatelia - Marco Negri (sells stamps, phone & postcards, 'Album Trinacria'), .it aka: Filatelia Negri c.201008 mailto:info(at)filatelianegri.it Hosts a YaHOo! italianstamps discussion group http://www.albumtrinacria.it/ '404' c.201008 old: http://utenti.multimania.it/negrifil/ (refers to above c.201008) Older: http://utenti.tripod.it/negrifil/ (forwards c.201008) Neighbor, Chad (.eu, p/h, p/c, approvals, wants, Shows), .uk-Scotland Neil Creative Media / Neil Media Inc. - Randy Neil (Philatelic Ad Agency, web hosting & design), .us-KS has created several philatelic web sites. Nellemann, Soeren, @ (WWII Military and Civil Censored Covers), .dk "I have more than 7.000 covers relating to WW2 .." Alt./diff. URL: Nellemann's Stamp (Military and Civil Mail from WW2) .dk? Nelson, John E. (US, WW) .us- Nelson Bay Stamps & Coins (), .au-NSW Nelson Bay Stamps and Coins - Alan Carthew (), .au-QLD Nelson Brewart Stamps and Coins - Nelson Brewart, .us- Nelson Stamp & Coin - Jason Nelson (), .us NY 12477 Neo-Trends Stamps Co. - Vinod Patel (eBay Store: Packets, Topicals, ww), .ca-ON Neofila Ltd. (Agent, Year Sets, FDC's etc.: E.Euro, exUSSR, ex.yu), .lt Neoteric - aka: SimplyStamps (Topicals, mixes, ww; PayPal) .us-PA Nepal Philatelic Society (Agent) .np Nepvou (), .fr Nestor JACOB Ernst (.com), 28035 Madrid, .es Net-frim (Denmark) .dk NETCollection (resources, software, advertising) .us-CA ; n/a Cite: Resources Nethersole, Mike (), .us-VA NetPhila - Pierre Morillon -(France) .fr 33110 aka 'PHILCOLEC' NESS Stamp Expositions - Richard Murphy (), .us-MA AKA: Metropolitan Expositions LLC NetSTAMPS WebZine - Dick Sine's WebZine Pub. Grp., .us-SC no longer has philatelic content. Nett Price (Philatelic) Sales - Ken Andrews (), .au-NSW Netto - See: Frimarks-Netto/Svenska Safe-Album, .se Neumann, Till (ww P/H, Auctions, Expertization: Bremen: Pre-philately, stamps, p/h), .de New England Stamp - Gary & Robert Hausin (US, WW. Show: NAPLEX), .us-FL New Orleans Stamp & Philatelic Supply Shop - William P. Athens (OS: Supplies & Accessories), .us-LA New Zealand & Br C'wealth Sales - Brian {retired firefighter} ( eBay (0 items c.201504) , PayPal), .nz Brian (?), P.O. Box 48-043, Blockhouse Bay, Auckland 7 sites.netscape.net/stampsbrian/homepage '404' c.2008 old eBay Auctions: cgi6.ebay.netscape.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?MfcISAPICommand=ViewListedIte:ms&userid=chocnz&include=0&since=-1&sort=3&rows=25 '404' c.2008 (see 'eBay' above) New Zealand Covers - Terry Hooper (.nz: covers, fdc's ..), .nz New Zealand Philatelic Brokers Limited aka: New Zealand Stamp Brokers See: Complete Stamp Company, The New Zealand Stamp Dealers' Association, Inc. (NZSDA), .nz Last full survey: c.2011 old: www.teleport.com/~cne/page2.html Newcastle Stamp & Coin Fair (Monthly Fair), .au-NSW xRef: Clubs : Index : Newcastle Youth Stamp Club Newiger, Dieter (Expertization: early .it; incl Sardina, .jp) .de Newman Stamps, .uk-GL Newport Harbor Stamp Co. - David M. Cobb (.us, EFO's, PNC's, Ducks, .de, .at, Zepps), .us-CA Newton House, .uk-SU Newton Stamp Co. - Stephen Waxer (ww, Collections/Lots/Accumulations, BOB), .us-MA Newton Stamps .uk-Scot Ney, Christine (Expertization: Saar officials Michel 1-32) .de Nguyen's Stamp Collection and Exchange, Thu http://vietpage.com/thu/stamps '404' c.2008 Cite: Dealers : Vietnam Niagara Stamp Auctions (Mail Auctions), .ca-ON Millbar Stamps Niblett, J.R. .uk-HZ Nice Philatelie (), .fr Niche Software Inc. / CollectiblesSoftware (KollectAll {v9.1 c.20150205}, Gen. Store: books, supplies), .us-FL Nicholls, P&D (Approvals: .au & area, BrC'wealth, ww), .au-NSW Nickerson Stamps (approvals, packets), .ca-NS old: stampapprovals.com/nickerson '404' Nicoara, Dan - Gallery of Stamps and Postcards for sale Niddrie Arcade Book Exchange & Stamp Shop (retail shop, books, stamps), .au-VIC Nieser Stamps & Coins - Kenneth M. Nieser (Latin America; incl. Travel to!), .us-TX Nikai, Piraeus (& Iosifidoy, Maria), .gr Nikolaev, Serge K., .lv Nile Post, The - Mrs. Barbara J. Ammel (Egypt, Palestinian Authority: new issues), .us-CA 94536 Nimes Collections - Francois Lozanne (), .fr Nino Stamps - Antonino Pappalardo (.au & Pacific Isls, .it & area), .au-NSW Nippon Philatelics AS (aero ..) Drawer 7300, Carmel, CA 93921, USA. NJM Cachets - Nathan J. Matteson (Handpainted FDC's), .us-MI 49202 old: Matteson Stamps - Nathan J. Matteson, .us- old url: home.earthlink.net/~mattesonstps/ ; '404' 10/2001 geocities.com/WallStreet/District/1190/ '404' c.200910 No Limits Stamps - Steve Spoerl (Australia. .eu: Baltics, Ireland, Scandinavia. WW; Used US), .us-WI aka: No Limits Stamp Club Norbert Hampf Briefmarken-Versand ( ), .de Noble's Catalog of Cacheted Inaugural Covers - Edward Krohn, .us-FL Ref.: Specialized Collecting : FDC's Ref.: Dealers : Topical : Cachets Nokomis Collectibles - Susan Kolze (FDC, Supplies), .us-MN Nome Street (ww booklets), .us-MD old/erroneous?: www.nomestreet.com Nopanen, Arto (Nordic Stamps) .fi Nord-Fila Teli HB, .se Nordfrim (Agency) .dk Nordica - David Bein (Agency) .us-NY Nordisk Filateli - Morten Persson (Scandinavia - online magazine: EN, SE) .se (U,E) Nordisk Frimärksjänst AB - Täby, .se Nordisk Frimerkeservice (Agent) .no Nordkapp Frimärken & Konsult AB, .se Nordphila e.K. - Ekkehard Järschke (auctions: mail bid; 6/yr, online), .de Norfolk Island Stamps - Sheila Grimshaw,
's World Stamp Directory powered by FreeFind