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Clubs - Titles | NAMES |: General - Philatelic | TOPICS |: Commercial - Philatelic

  1. MC Philatélie (), .fr
  2. McBride Stamp Auction, Inc. , .us-
    (503) 286-6045, Fax: (503) 286-5837
  3. McCann, Bill AS; why? (BNA bklts, .ca p/s, military p/h), .ca-ON
    old: (aero) .ca-ON, 170 Dixon Rd, Weston, Ontario M9P 2L8, Canada.
  4. McCloud Stamps, Covers & Coins - John G. Stolz (.us, p/h, FDC's: Hand painted & better), .us-NY
  5. McCraw Enterprises LLC {stamps, coins, specializes in Hell Bank Notes} .us-NM 87048 E-mail
  6. McDermott, Howard (US Classics), .us-MN
  7. McDonald, John (covers, mint stamps)
    Alt. URL?: McDonald, John, .us-
  8. McDonald's Stamps & Coins - J D McDonald, .au-QLD ; research
  9. McFarland Stamps - Frank J. Roub (ww) .us-
  10. McGowan, George W. (Approvals, Postal History, British Colonies, ww, pc's), .us-NY
  11. McIntrye, Dr. Gary (postal history), .us-CO
  12. McKee, J. David F. (Scouts, Guides & Brigade checklist), .ie
    xRef: Topical Dir. : Scouts.
    Cite: Philatelic Identifier : Scouts & Guides : See Also
  13. McKenzie, James B. (GB, ww, auctions), .ca-ON
  14. McMillan & Wife - Troy McMillan (Back Of Book, British North America, U.S., Worldwide), .us-CA
  15. McLean, B. (GB, Scandinavia, Europa), .uk-Scotland
    aka/q.v. 'e Stamp Auctions'
    old: www.sol.co.uk/s/stamps/ (forwards c.2009)
  16. McLeod Stamp Co. (US, ww & supplies) .us-NY
  17. McNaughton, James (Brokerage, Consignment Sales, Greenland), .us-FL
  18. McPhee, John - .au-WA
  19. MCXI Philatelics - Ralph Greenhut (Europe, ww), .us-IL
  20. MDC Stamp Group (stamp producer/printer) .ca-ON
    Cite: Review : show : (WSE 2000)
  21. Me.Fil - di Messeri Ugo, Florence, .it
  22. Medallion Stamps - Rick Day (.ca, .us), .ca-ON
  23. Mediamatic Pty. Ltd. - Editor: John Leah (Pub.: Australian Stamps Professional Mag.), .au-VIC
  24. Meerdaal Fil .be ; ck url
    Meerdaal Fil (Belgium, ww thematics) .be
  25. Megabags, .uk-HZ
  26. Meghrig Coin & Stamp Supplies - Garo M. Meghrig (Wholesale Supplies), .us-CA
  27. Meharry, S.R. (), .au-SA 5070
  28. Mehlmann, Volker (Expertization: Lothringen 1870-1871) .de
  29. Mehta, Ashok (Retail Shop: .in, thematics, compositions), .in
  30. Meidan, Reuven (.il, Klussendorf, SIMA, phospher strips, eBay), .il
    xRef. : Research : Israel
  31. Meiners, Roland (Expertization: German Southwest Africa) .de
  32. Meir, Andrew (Br C'wealth, USA, .eu, China), .uk-DE
  33. MEJIAS Garcia, Angel - Filatelia A. Mejias (tienda), 08011 Barcelona, .es
  34. Mekeel's & Stamps (Magazine), .us-NH
  35. Melamed, Isaac (), .ar
  36. Melbourne Phonecard Centre ("Stamp Dealer"), .au-Vic
  37. Melbourne Stamp Fair (Fair: Weekly), .au-Vic
  38. Melnikov, Leonid (Expertization: ; pre-adhesive=Soviet *) .ru
  39. MENDEZ Dominguez, P. (.com), 28200 San Lorenzo de El Escorial, .es
  40. Meneses, Alvaro LOPEZ de (tienda), 28013 Madrid, .es
  41. Mercado Filatelico Puerta de Toledo (multi-vendor tienda; q.v.), 28xxx-? Madrid?, .es
  42. Merceret Sarl (), .fr
  43. Merkurphila OG - (auctions), .at
  44. Merseyside & District Stamp Dealers' Club {M&DSDC} (Dealer Assoc.), .uk-ME
  45. Metroplex Stamp Co. (US, ww, Acces.), .us-TX
  46. Metropolitan Expositions, Inc.
    Now: Michael J. Stern - Rare Postage Stamps (), .us-FL
    Note/Sold/Now: Metropolitan Expositions LLC (below)
  47. Metropolitan Expositions LLC / Philatelic Communications Corp., .us-NH
    John & Elaine Dunn (Publishers, Show organizers {Metro}, US stamps)
    Publishers of : Mekeel's & Stamps and U.S. Stamp News.
  48. Metropolitan Stamp Co. of Chicago - Ted Castro, Paul Enderle (GB, Ducks/Hunting permits), .us-IL
  49. Metz, Roberto (), .ar
  50. Meyers, Charles G. (Auction Agent) .us-MI 48076
  51. Mexico-Elmhurst Philatelic Society Int'l (MESPI) (Expertization .mx) .us-TX, .us-CA
  52. Meyer, Bernd (Expertization: Officials 16-98, control prints 1916-1945, 96-33) .de
  53. Meyer, Rolf Harald (Catalofo de Selos do Brazil) .br
  54. Meyer, Stephen, .uk-SA
  55. Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga - I. Panfilov, .ru
  56. MGK Stamps - H. Nathan, .au-VIC 3162
  57. MHF Corp. - Henry Baumgartner (), .us-TX
  58. Michael ( of Illinois ) - Michael Jardine (US, UN, FDC), .us-IL
  59. Michael ( of Florida ) - (C.) Michael Wiedemann (Florida and U.S. P/H, Space. US mint/used), .us-FL
  60. Michael A. Banas, Jr. Stamps (Pre-1940 U.S. and Worldwide), .us-FL
  61. Michael Eastick & Associates Pty Ltd - M. Eastick (Australia, EFO's, KGV, ww, software) .au-VIC 3130
  62. Michael Generali's Online Stamp Shop (ww at Stamp Head ), .us-TX
    old: http://members.tripod.com/~Michael_Generali/ '404' c.2010
    (was/aka: The 'M' Trading Co., NY) - (stamps, new issue svc, new/used supplies)
    free classifieds, Stamps (only stamps) shipped free, 10% on consignments
    posts(ed) 'Philatelic News From 1908 - 1909' and more ..
  63. Michael Honegger - Briefmarkenauktionen (mail aucitons), .ch
  64. Michael I. Casper Rare Stamps (Internet, Mail, Public Auctions. auction agent), .us-NY
  65. Michael J. Stern - Rare Postage Stamps (U.S. & WW Classics, BrC'wealth, BNA, GB, .ca), .us-FL
    Formerly: Metropolitan Expositions, Inc.
  66. Michael Jaffe Stamps, Inc. (Duck & Indian reservation stamps), .us-WA
    aka: Michael Jaffe Stamps and Brookman Stamp Company
    cf.: Brookman Stamp Co. (catalogs etc), .us-WA 98666
    www.stampdealers.com/Jaffe/ '404' c.2008
    www.duckstamps.com/ '404' c.2008
  67. Michael Kay.co (Accessories) .uk-
  68. Michael Rice Collectibles (appraisals; incl. stamps, antiques), .ca-BC
    aka/q.v.: Fenian Antiques
  69. Michael Rogers, Inc. (auctions, Asia, Middle East) .us-FL
    Ref.: PR China
    xRef.: Dealers : CT, USA : Daniel F Kelleher
    xRef : Auctions : StampHall, .us-MO
    See Also: Winter Park Stamp Shop
  70. Michael Wigmore, @2, & Crocker, @ - Professional Philatelists (British Africa) .za
  71. Michael's Philatelics - Michael J. Breton (.ca; BNA, .us), .ca-ON
    old: Interlog.com/~MichPhil
  72. Michael-Vermont - Michael McMorrow (p/h, postcards sales & exhibits, eBay) .us-VT 05759
    Cite: Philatelic Entitles : USA : VT
  73. Michaud, Claude (Auction Agent) .ca-NS B3K 5Y1  
  74. Michel (Catalogs, software ...) .de
    xref : Catalogs: See also: Michel
  75. Mickel Smits 'PHILATELIST' Pty Ltd. (r/s: Asia, .au, .uk - incl. cinderellas, p/h), .au-WA 6000
  76. Mickelson Philatelics (GB, Ireland) .us-NY
  77. Mid-America Stamps - Donald F. Herndon (PNC's, .us, .de, .un), .us-OK
  78. Mid-South Stamps (Middle East), .us-TN
    www.midsouthstamps.com '404' c.2008
  79. Middle East Stamps OA - Gary F. Paiste (Turkey, Ottoman Empire) us-VA
    Cite: Entities : Regions : Mid East
  80. Midwest Stamp Dealers Association (sic), .us-IL
    Full Surveys c.2001, c.200802, c.201202, c.201501
    Note to self: #294 as in MSDA(294) in dlr dbf; source field / e.g.: ' MSDA-14(294) '
  81. Miguel A. Santamaria - Miguel Angel SANTAMARIA Moreno (tienda), 28003 Madrid, .es
  82. MIGUENS Mata, Luciano - Filatelia Philatelicos (Tienda virtual), 46190 Ribarroja, .es
  83. Mihaylov, Stefan (Bulgaria, worldwide)
  84. Mike Holt - Sue Holt (Machins; new issue svc, GB) .uk-WM
  85. Mike Lee Philatelics (.au, .ie, .uk, wants), .au-VIC
  86. Mike Sagar Postal Stationery (of Canada, Newfoundland), .ca-BC
  87. 'Mike's Philatelic Spin' (Formerly], Mike Yu - See: Pacific Philatelic Central, .us-CA 90064 ; need addr
    (Germany, mixes, supplies, lit., PayPal)
  88. Mike's Stamp Page (mailto:[email protected]) (s/b philatelic)
    Has good image of 1998's Trans-Mississippi Issue (USA)
    members.tripod.com/~Maffei/index.html ; forwards c.2011 but data c.1998
  89. Mike713 Covers - Michael Friedman (First Day Covers, Event Covers, Patriotic Covers), .us-CA
  90. Miley Stamps - Mike Miley Jr. (U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Covers), .us-MI
  91. Militaria International (some stamps, phonecards), .au & .nz
  92. Mill Creek Ltd - Steve Crippe (EFO), .us-MO
  93. Millbar Stamps - Dr. Barry M. Millman (.de, .eu, mail auctions), .ca-ON
    & Milbar & Paige (q.v.)
    & Niagara Stamp Auctions
  94. Millennium Commemorative Covers Ltd. - Peter Jennings, Chairman, @ (First Day and Commemorative Covers), .uk-BR B17 9JU
    47 Regent Road, Harborne, Birmingham B17 9JU
    Tel: +44 (0)121 428 4777, Fax: +44 (0)121 428 2777
  95. Millennium Philatelic Auctions (auctions), .au-NSW
    Now incorporating Rodney A. Perry Auctions c.2002
  96. Miller's Stamp Co. - Irving Miller (U.S., US classics, auctions), .us-CT
  97. Miller's Stamps Shop - Verna Miller (United States, Pre 2000 United Nations, Supplies), .us-CT
  98. Mills Philatelics - Tom Mills (ww P/H), .us-DE
  99. Miloie, Chastven (.cz, .sl, .sk, .yu, .al), .il
  100. Milton,David (Show Promoter, Approvals, new issues), .uk-MS
    aka: David Milton Stamp Fairs
  101. Minguella y Gili S.L. / Filatelia Minguella - Ignacio MINGUELLA Zuazo (tienda), 08036 Barcelona, .es
  102. Mini-Arts (approvals, topicals) .us-IA
  103. Minnephila - Dave Ruch (general foreign, Scandinavia), .us-MN  
  104. Minnesota Diversified Industries - James Barry (Jenkins Stamp Frames; sales), .us-
  105. Minnesota Stamp & Coin Company, Inc. - Rick Wolfe (US), .us-MN
  106. Minnesota Stamp Dealers Assoc. {MNSDA; MSDA(MN)} (Show: MN Stamp Expo), .us-MN
    MSDA-01(3332) : Last survey: 2012
    ref= ' MNSDA '
  107. Miqstamp - Albert Olejnik (Topicals, ww, Asia, .fr Colonies), .us-MI
  108. MIR Colomar, M. - Filatelia Mallorca (tienda), 07003 Palma de Mallorca, .es
  109. MIRAS Teruel, Maria Dolores - Filatelia Cristobal Miras (tienda) 08021 Barcelona, .es
  110. MIRACLE Masferrer, P. (.com), 08302 Mataro, .es
  111. MIRMAN Castillo, Mario - Subastas Sevilla
    {y} Once Limado S.L. {y} Estudio Filatelico S.A. (tienda, Subastas), 41001 Sevilla, .es
  112. Misra, Satish (India & states, fiscals, cinderellas...; mail bid auctions), .in
  113. MJM Covers and Postcards (Postcards), .us-IL
  114. MKS Collectibles - Dave Stauffer (US), .us-IL
  115. MLG Stamps - Mike Graska and Darlene Kramer (US; eBay), .us-NY
    Email: Mike (bad form) or call at (518) 893-2231
    Mike: 63 Tanneryhill Road, Porter Corners, NY 12859
    http://www.mlgstamps.com '404' c.2008
    Google: Mike Graska & Darci Cox c.200802
    587 Main Street, Corinth NY 12822 (USA)
    Phone: (518)-654-6320 // Fax: (718) 504-3675
    Email: [email protected]
    See Our Website Here: http://www.ravenbullmastiffs.com
  116. Modern Military Mail Collection (sic) , fr
  117. Modern Stamps, Inc. - Ken Rusch (Public Auctions, Auction Agent, .us, .ca, lots), .us-MI
  118. Moderne Philatelie Briefmarkenfachgeschäft - Birko Karte (Retail Shop), .de
  119. Modlow-Arvai Stamps - Lawrence Modlow (Modzelewski), William M. Arvai
    (ww approvals, packets, collectible auctions online), .us-NY
  120. Modry, Dr. Fritz (Expertization: Soviet zone, perfins ..) .de
  121. Moeller, Carl Aage (Expertization : .dk & DWI, .fo, .gl, .is) .dk
  122. Moghaddam, A. (Iran) .ir (Iran)
  123. Mohammed, Zohir (aerophilately ..) .iq (Iraq)
  124. Molinel Philatelie - Edy Demeyer (Timbres d'Europe), .fr
  125. Molnar, Daniel T. (Germany Colonies, French Colonies, British Colonies, Worldwide), .us-CA
  126. MOMalbum.de -H. Farahbaksh (Mid East Stamp Album Pages), .de
  127. MONDEJAR Ruiperez, D. {Forum Filatelico?} (.com), 16xxx Cuenca, .es
  128. Mondiatheme - Arnaud Magistry (), .fr
  129. Mondo-Phil Stamps - Arne Weiland (W. Europe, Nordic area, Br.C'wealth), .ca-BC
  130. MONGE Griera, Aureliano {y} Aureliano MONGE Plana -
    Filatelia-Numismatica Aureliano Monge (tienda), 08002 Barcelona, .es
  131. MONGE Plana, Aureliano {y} Aureliano MONGE Griera -
    Filatelia-Numismatica Aureliano Monge (tienda), 08002 Barcelona, .es
  132. MONGE Pineda, Lorenzo - Filatelia Monge (tienda), 08009 Barcelona, .es
  133. MONTANER Amoros, Jorge - Expo Galeria S.L. (.com), 46001 Valencia, .es
  134. MONTENEGRO de Tena-Davila, Juan Pedro - Filatelia Montenegro (tienda), 060xx-x2 Badajoz, .es
  135. MONTENEGRO de Tena-Davila, Juan Pedro - Filatelia Montenegro (tienda), 1000x-x2 Caceres, .es
  136. Monter og Frimaerker (Danmark) .dk
  137. MONTES de Neira, Alfredo {y} F. Javier {y} MONTES Perez-Rasilla, A. -
    Filatelia Cantabria (tienda), 39003 Santander, .es
  138. Montgomery Stamps - Fred Capolongo - (US, eBay)
    New URL; 'No DNS' 8/2001; try again
  139. Montréal Timbres et Monnaies Inc (Auctions, .eu: .fr, .de, .uk. ww, rev.), .ca-QC
  140. Moo Stamp Company - Chuck Moo (OS: Wants, Worldwide; esp. Hong Kong), .us-CA 90510 [U]
  141. Moody Blue Stamp Co. - John E. Bray (Approvals, Br.C'wealth, GB), .ca-NS
  142. Mooney, Roy E. - REM (the REM 7/1/71 Catalog) .us-GA
  143. Moore, Dingus and Louis @, @ (50 yrs of WW P/Hist & Revenue Docs
  144. Moore, Mrs. Karen R. (), .us-SC
  145. Moorhouse, Brian (Latin America), .uk-CA
    www.moorhouse.u-net.com/ 'forwards' c.2008
    Cite: Clubs : UK : Spanish Main
  146. MORALES Ojeda, M. T. (.com), 28006 Madrid, .es
  147. MORENO Atahonero, Maria Jose {y} M. DIAZ Alonso - Filatelia Diaz Moreno (tienda?), 28004 Madrid, .es
  148. Morehouse, Phillip (ww), .au-NSW
  149. Morford, Duane D. (US Stamps on Approval) .us-
  150. MORGADO Lazaro, Herminia - Numismatica y Filatelia Flores (tienda), 06001 Badajoz, .es
  151. Moreton Stamps - John Grimes (Europe used, thematics, telephone cards), .nz
  152. Moria Stamps - Jacob Korlansky (), .il
  153. Morrell Stamps (Canada & Provinces, USA & Worldwide), .ca-BC
  154. Morrison, David (Br.C'wealth, p/h: Ship & Train wreck mail .. ), .uk-LI
  155. Mortimer, David Nigel Bruce (.au specialized, British C'wealth/Empire, .hk, .nz), .au-SA
  156. Morville Trading - Peter Morville (Topicals), .us-CA
  157. Mosiondz, Jr., Peter (Pre 1940 US), .us-NJ
  158. Mostbuys.com (ww, thematics) .ca-
  159. Mostly Classics - Tom Kendall, .us-IL
    (US to 1940, Expertization, free US album pages, philately)
    Cite: Dealers US : Menu : See Also
    Cite: Identifier : Dealers
  160. Motivbriefmarken-Versandhandel Callimici (Motiv/topicals), .de
  161. Mougrabi Stamps - E. Tschernichovski (Agent) .il
  162. Moulton Philatelics, Ltd. - Richard Moulton (postcards), .ca-BC
  163. Mounts and More - Eric Carlson (Supplies, stamps), .us-CO
  164. Mouse'n Such, The - Paul Stanton (), .us-MI
  165. Mowbrays Australia (Public auctions), .au-NSW
    Now (c.2015): Velvet Collectibles Group
  166. Mowbrays Australia (Public auctions), .au-VIC
    Now (c.2015): Velvet Collectibles Group
  167. Mowbray Collectables Ltd.(), .nz
    old: www.MowbrayCollectables.Co.NZ '404' c.2010
  168. Moyer Stamps & Collectibles - Bruce M. Moyer (Online Store, United Nations), .us-PA
  169. Mozek, Dr. Christian (Expertization: Bergedorf) .de
  170. MPN Stamps - M. Niewenhuizen (.au, .nz, GB), .au-VIC 3153
  171. Mr. Columbus - David Nye (Columbus Topicals), .us-MI
  172. Mr. Stampman (US) .us-NY
  173. Mr. Thematics - Alan Houghton (thematics), .za
  174. Mr. Z’s Stamps-Coins - Phillip S. Vogt (Retail Store, Hawaii, U.S. Possessions), .us-CA
    aka/See Also: Vogt Stamps
  175. Müller, Hanfried (Expertization: WW2: E. Prussian fieldpost; Soviet zone) .de
  176. Müller, Rolf Frieder (Expertization: WW II : fieldpost, Michel 1-12, 14-15, 17) .de
  177. Muller Philatélie (), .fr  
  178. Mullins, Don (Kiloware) .us-
    http://www.seanet.com/~dlm/ ; now '404' 9/1
  179. Mulready Philatelics - Robin Cassell (GB: Mulreadys etc), .uk-DO
  180. Multipress Verlag AG [GR, @] (Katalogs, Literature), .ch
    Römerstrasse 54, CH-4153 Reinach BL 1
    Tel. ++41 061 716 28 80, Fax ++41 061 716 27 00
  181. Mundt, Howard & Barbara (.us, ww : Approvals), .us-IN
  182. Muńoz, Hugo (), .ar
  183. MUNOZ Garcia, Pedro/P. (.com), 1140x-x2 Jerez de la Frontera, .es
  184. Munro, Ian (Br Commonwealth, topicals) .ca-
    Alt URL: Munro, I.S., .ca-
  185. MUNTADA Munoz, Manuel - Filatelia Numismatica Gaudi (tienda), 08025 Barcelona, .es
  186. Muntaser, M.H (Iraqi stamps & banknotes) .jo [E] 8/2
  187. Müntz, H.G. (Expertization: forerunners, mandate, .il), .il
  188. Murphy, Richard E. (ww, .ch, Western Europe, Asia), .us-FL
    cf. Ness Expos
  189. Murphy, RonAS (aero ..)
    PO Box 88, Wynnum, QLD 4178 Australia. 61 [0]7 33960825.
  190. Murray Payne Ltd. (KGVI, incl Expertization, articles, auctions), .uk-SO
    Stuart Murray Babbington and Richard George Payne Pollard (Dickon) ; phew..
  191. Murrin, Robert J. (PNCs, Perfins, Postal Stationery, Collections & Accumulations), .us-FL
  192. Murry, Carole (Topical: wildlife, WWF, dogs, butterflies)
    AOL's Hometown shut down 10/31/2008
  193. Muscott's, .uk-SU
  194. Mustacich, R. (Battleship revenues) .us-CA
  195. Muszack, Alejandro (), .ar
  196. My Penny Blacks - Douglas P. McGill (Penny Blacks 1840-1841; esp. Scottish related), .us-CA
  197. Myers, Joseph (approvals: Canada, Newfoundland) .us-MI 49068
  198. Mystery Box, The - Dr. Frederick Highland (author/publisher of Books ..) .us-WA
    cf Ana Libri Press, .us-WA
  199. Mystic Stamp Co. - Don Sundman (Online Store, Approvals, Fleetwood FDC's, resources), .us-NY

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