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Index: Dealers : J

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Clubs - Titles | NAMES |: General - Philatelic | TOPICS |: Commercial - Philatelic

  1. J & K Stamps (US, .ca, Europe), .us-TX
  2. J & Y Stamps 2000 - Jeff & Yvett Trinidad (resource), WA 6430, Australia
    xRef./Cite: Clubs : Australia : Eastern Goldfields SC
  3. J.A.S.C. (British Empire & worldwide) .us-
  4. J. A. Visser (Agent) .nl
  5. J. Barefoot Ltd - John Barefoot (literature, Europe classics), .uk-NY
  6. J C Enterprizes Charles Wilhelm (ww, U.S., Topicals, Covers), .us-IN
    aka: Jay Cee Stamps
  7. J.C. Michaud Stamp Co. - Claude Michaud (postal history, auction agent), .ca-NS
  8. J.C. Stamp Collection - Johnny Choi, @ (PR China & Hong Kong)
    aka: 'Stamps World' - http://com.to/jcstamp ; '404'
    old: www.geocities.com/Tokyo/3265 '404' c.2009
  9. J C Stamp.Corp. - J C Stamp Collection (China and Hong Kong)
    is this also Johnny Choi?
    old: www.jcarea.com/jcstamp '404'
  10. J Champagne Philatelie (), .fr
  11. J. Garvey & Sons - Les Garvey (GB, Br.Commonnw'lth, .ca, ww, private treaty, appraisals), .ca-AB
  12. J F-B Philatélie - Jean Franqois Brun (mail auctions, expertizatioin: .fr &col.), .fr
  13. J F Hills - T. MacGill (Pacific, Cvrs, P/S, Mail Bids) .au-WA 6000
  14. J H Cards / HH Sales (Lit., postcards) - cf. HH Sales
  15. J.H.S., .uk-WS
  16. J.J. Maher Company - James J. Maher (Mixtures & Packets), .ca-ON
  17. J.L.M. Negoce - Jean Louis Maache (), .fr
  18. J.M. Subastas Filatelicas - Juan E. Mautalen (auctions), .ar
  19. J. McGuire Philatelics - John L. McGuire, @
    (US Revs, cut sq, officials, ww postage) .us-NY; e-mail (SDI) only!
  20. J.P. Consultants - JP Wharton-Hood (Br.Africa, Br.C'wealth, Br.Empire), .za
  21. J.P. Lepretre Philatelie - Jean-Pierre Lepretre (), .fr
  22. J P Stamps and Collectables - Kobus du Plessis (GB, Channel Isles), .za
  23. J.P.W. Banknotes & Coins - John Watson (.au: Banknotes, Coins, Stamps), .au-Vic
  24. J. Pulyalto S.A. / Galeria del Sello - Jesus PUYALTO Mairal (tienda), 07004 Palma de Mallorca, .es
  25. J. R. Mowbray Ltd (WW;Agent , auctions), .nz
    cf. John Mowbray Int. below..
  26. J R S Fairs / John Rice Stamps Co. (Fair Organizer, GB), .uk-ST
  27. J. R. Subastas y Antiquedades - Jose Maria RAMIREZ Agullo (.com), 28013 Madrid, .es
  28. J. Reeves & Co. - Jennifer Reeves (autographs, auctions, supplies, Show organizer), .us-PA 16652
    Formerly: James J. Reeves, Inc. (sic)
    Show: Baltimore Friendly Monthly Stamp & Coin Show
    Ref.: Specialized Collecting: FDC
    (aka: Reeves Hobby Supplies); w/different URL
  29. J S Adlington Enterprises - James S Adlington, .au-QLD 4825
  30. J. S. Volutza Philatelics - Joe Volutza (OS: U.S., Worldwide, Covers, Postal History, Space), .us-PA
  31. J Sanders (Philatelist) Ltd. - Alan Sanders, .uk-
  32. J. SANTOS Bobillo (.com), 26002-x2 La Rioja, .es
  33. J. Schnellbacher Philatelie - Juergen Schnellbacher (ww covers, p/h, lit.), .de
    Old: home.t-online.de/home/schnellbacher.philatelie/ c.2009
  34. J.V. Bond Company - James V. Bond (WWII stamps, currency & collectibles; PayPal) .us-CA
    offers appraisal, search and brokerage services
  35. J.W. Cappelens Antikvariat - Jørgen W. Cappelen (book seller; incl. albums, catalogs), .no
  36. Jace Stamps - Greg Barcroft (.ca, GB, ww), .ca-ON
    aka/&/q.v.: Stamphead Auctions
  37. Jack & Jill's Kiloware - Jack Kaminsky (Kiloware, Packets, Collections), .us-MO
    Compare: "We have listed prices for ...":
    1) DD - Douglas Dobson,
    2) DM - Don Mullins and
    3) DF - Dan French
    pages.prodigy.net/pk1998/ '404' c.2009
  38. Jack Nalbandian, Inc. - Dowiot & Nalbandian (.us EFO's), .us-RI
  39. Jacks (quantity discounts) .us-TX
  40. Jackson, Gail G. (topicals), .us-TX
  41. Jacksonville Stamp & Coin - Peter & Norma Dearing (US, WW, lots/collections), .us-FL, USA
  42. JACOB Ernst, Nestor (.com), 28035 Madrid, .es
  43. Jacobs, Hans-Dietmar - (India, Indian States and Bangladesh) .de
  44. Jacques, W.A. (Andorra, Austria), .uk-NY
    xRef : Clubs : UK : Andorran Philatelic Study Circle
  45. Jacques-Cartier Stamps - Hugo Deshaye, .ca-QC
    aka/q.v. Hugo Deshaye (Philatelist) Inc.
  46. JADECO Stamp & Hobby - J.D. Manville (RS, Shows: Fall & Spring, German Area, WW, Supplies), .us-WI
  47. Jager, Sjoerd (MNH & S/S: Australia, Indonesia and New Zealand) .nl
  48. JAIMEJUAN Leon, P. J. (.com), 25007 Lleida, .es
  49. Jain, Pradip (), .in
  50. Jakimow, Leo (WW; Australasia, New Zealand, GB..) .au-ACT
  51. Jakubek, Wolfgang (Expertization: pre/early & Schleswig-Holstein; .dk, USA; incl Confederate States) .de
  52. James Bendon Ltd. (P/H & Literature: pub./sales), .cy
    Cite: Topicals: Introductions: books
    xRef.: .au,
  53. James E. Lee (U.S.: Essays & Proofs, p/h, fancy cancels, literature), .us-IL
  54. James E. Stanton Stamp Showroom - James E. Stanton, .us-MN
    stampguyz.com/jestan/ - '404'?
  55. James Song Philatelics (Straits Settlements, .jp Occ., .sg, thematics; Agent) .sg
  56. James Spence Authentication (Autograph Authentication), .us-NJ
  57. James Stamp Company - Dr. Raymond J. Ziegler (U.S. Classics), .us-FL
  58. James T. McCusker, Inc. (FDC's, FDC auctions~ !!) .us-MA 02767
    See also their FDC Auction Central
  59. Jameson, Stanley (Auction Agent, P/H, US Classics, ww), .us-FL
    aka: Empire Co.  
  60. Jamestown Stamp Company, Inc. (mailorder since 1938) Jamestown, .us-NY n/a
    (Approvals, Stamps, Postcards, Coins, Supplies ...)
    Forums, Alt URL, @, 1-888-Stamps-6 for orders
    Alt?/old URL?: Jamestown Stamp Company, .us-
    Another: Mail Order Stamps - Jamestown Stamp Company, Inc., .us-
  61. Jansec Pty Ltd. - James Gordon Jude (), .au-NSW
  62. Japan Philatelic Agency (Agent for 35+ nations) .jp
    & 'Japan Philatelic Co. Ltd.' "our group company"
  63. Japan Philatelic Group - Ken Clark (Japan, p/h, books) .uk-
  64. Japan Stamp Dealers' Association (JSDA) - Y. Furuuchi (Catalog), .jp
    xRef : Topical Dealers Index : Dealer Associations  
  65. Japhila (now 'InfoPhila') Internet Magazine, .cz
    Ref.: s/b News
  66. Jaråker-Linström Kb, .se
  67. Jaretzky, Rolf-Dieter (Expertization: .mx) .de
  68. Jas Cyberspace Museum (JCM) Shop - Jas W Felter (artistamps), .ca-BC
    Ref.: Dealers : Topical : Cinderellas
    old: http://www.faximum.com/jas.d/jcm_shop.htm
  69. Jasch, Dr. Michael (Expertization: Soviet zone) .de
  70. Jäschke, Paul-Peter (Expertization: Michel 53-97; less 67, officials 1-14) .de
  71. Jäschke-Lantelme, Michael (Expertization: *) .de
    (* Germany : Michel 31-97; less 67, .pg; New Guinea,
    .mh, .ws/ .as, .fm; Carolinas, .mp)
  72. Jatia, Deoki N. (RDP: Expertization: India), .in
  73. Jay Smith & Associates (Scandinavia; incl. expertizing, ww), .us-NC
  74. Jay-Lor (US, W. Europe, Br. colonies, .jp, .ca, topicals, approvals), .ca-ON
  75. Jayto Stamp Co. / Jerry B. Bourque Stamps (ww packets), .us-SC
  76. JC Cashet - Sean Connolly, @ (FDC's; producer, autographs, stamps, ..) .us-__ n/a; prob. CA
    His specialty is in the WWII era.
  77. JCM - Jas Cyberspace Museum Shop - Jas W Felter, FIVE/CINQ Unlimited .ca-BC V7V 3A3
    featuring artistamps, artist's books, art works
    Cite (Museum): Basic Collecting : Glossaries & Identifiers  
  78. Jean De La Fontaine Stamps for Collectors, .fr
    Jean De La Fontaine Stamps For Collectors, @ (ww, topicals; PayPal) Bx, .us-AZ 85267-3411 ; varient URL?
    John De La Fontaine [Jean ..] (mixtures, kiloware, US, FDC's) .us-
    old? http://jlafontaine.3comsbc.com/english.htm
  79. Jean-Paul Bach AG (.ch, .li, Auktionen, Shop, expertization...), .ch
  80. Jeanile Stamps (France, Canada) .ca-QB?  
  81. Jenkins Stamp Frames - James Barry, Minnesota Diversified Industries (sales), .us-MN
  82. Jenny Ash Stamps - Andy Nichols (US) .us-
  83. Jerome Gunderson Stamp Company, .us-
    Alt. URL: Jerome Gunderson, .us-
  84. Jeron Stamps - Jerry L. Ray (.uk, .us, .un), .us-WV
  85. Jerry Blair Pty Ltd - J Blair {ww, mail auctions}, .au-QLD
  86. Jerry Connolly Stamps (Graded Stamps, U.S. Classics, 19th Century), .us-CA
  87. Jesus Vico S.A. / Vico Monedas (.com), 28009 Madrid, .es
  88. JET Stamps, @ (GB, Channel Isls ...) .us-RI
  89. Jim & Millie Stearns (Morocco, Canada, U.S., Picture Postcards), .us-MI
  90. Jim A. Hennok Ltd. (auctions) .ca-ON
    old: http://www.CollectorMall.Com/Stamps/Hennok/ '404' c.2011
  91. Jim Adams Rare Stamps - James C. Adams (.us: Classics. N.Amer., ww: Lots, Accumulations), .us-MI  
  92. Jim Forte's Postal History (US, Military & WW Postal History), .us-NV
    'Help Wanted'
    Cite: Topical Index : Post Offices, Army (APO's); article
    Cite: Clubs : US : WI
  93. Jim McGrath Stamps (Worldwide and U.S., Wholesale, Retail), .us-FL
  94. Jim Mehrer's Postal History (p/h, p/c, lit., supplies, auctions), .us-IL
    Ref.: Topical: Transportation: See Also
    Cite: Clubs : USA : IL
  95. Jim Miller Ltd. (Canada's Postal History, Canada View Postcards), .ca-BC
  96. Jim's Can-Am Specialties - Jim Mowrer (US, .ca), .us-IN
  97. Jim's Stamps - Jim McKellips (gen. printer and stamp sales; eBay, PayPal) .us-VA 24504
    xRef: Clubs : USA : State Revenue Society
    xRef: Dealer Topics : Printers
    Cite: our personal ref
    Hosts(ed) : The Stamp List (Formerly SCWN): stamplist@hillcity-mall
    old: http://www.hillcity-mall.com/mckellips/stamp.html,
    old: [email protected] & [email protected]
    old: eBay [email protected]
    older: http://home.earthlink.net/~mckellips/stamp.html
  98. JIMENEZ Carrasquilla, Rafael Francisco - Filatelia Carrasquilla (tienda), 29001 Malaga, .es
  99. JIMENEZ Martinez, J. M. (.com), 30004 Murcia, .es
  100. JIMENEZ Mugica, Javier (tienda), 28015 Madrid, .es
  101. JIMENEZ Ortega, M. (.com), 11403 Jerez de la Frontera, .es
  102. Jiyou.Net (China)
  103. JJ Philatelic CentreAS (aero ..)
    F-149 Vishnu Garden, New Delhi 110018 India.
  104. JLA Stamps - James Archbold (U.S. & Foreign. S.S., Sheets, Covers; Mixtures/Kiloware), .us-FL
  105. JLK Stamps, .us-TX 76126
    AKA: Confederate Stamps and Postal History - John L. Kimbraugh
    &: Kimbrough, John L. (CSA, mint US singles 1929- ),
  106. JLP Cachets (FDC's)
    c/o Custom Impressions (Albums pgs, binders) Bx, .us-IL IL 60525-8386
  107. JMJ Stamps, .uk-HA
  108. Jobi Philatelic Services - Bill Lehr (US Postal Stationery, WW, Thematics, Articles), .us-PA
  109. Joe Frasketi's Space Covers - Tony Frasketi (FDC's; Space) .us-FL 33901
    Cite: Gen. Links : Newsgroups : Links
  110. Joe Lambert - U.S. Stamps (sic), .us-CO
  111. Joe's Stamps - Joe and Tina Neri (US, B-O-B), .us-CO
  112. Jogra Enterprise (stamps; free list), .ca-BC
  113. Johannesburg Philatelic Auctions - Paul Ashman ( type? ), .za
  114. Johansson, Evert (FDC's and Maxicards, Sweden, Faroe, Aland, Greenland), .se
  115. John & Jan Fitzpatrick (.nz p/h & stationery, ww), .nz
  116. John Bull Stamp Auctions Ltd., (Public Auctions), .hk
  117. John Curtin Ltd., .uk-SU
  118. John De La Fontaine - See: Jean De La Fontain
  119. John Elphege La Riviere (), .us-CA
    aka/q.v.: ELA Austions
  120. John J. Chaite (Cinderellas, France/Colonies, Scouts, Trieste Zone A, AMG, Machins), .us-DE
  121. John Lister Ltd. - David Lister (Br Commonwealth; Agent) .uk-BR
  122. John Martino Philatelics, @, SDI (ww approvals) .us-NJ USA
    P.O. Box 555, Chatsworth - - Tel.: 1-609-894-4319 / Fax: 1-609-894-0220
  123. John McDonald Stamp Company (FDC's, Disney, Mixtures/Kiloware. ww), .us-MA
  124. John Mowbray Intternational (Wholesale, Retail, Auctions), .nz
    cf. J. R. Mowbray Ltd above..
  125. John Murray's U.S. Stamps (US, Hawaii), .us-TX
  126. John Rice Stamps Co. / J R S Fairs (Fair Organizer, GB), .uk-ST
  127. John Sheffield Philatelist Ltd. ( Public & Online Stamp Auctions, Retail Offerings), .ca-ON
  128. John H. Talman Ltd. (retail, wholesale, private treaty, auctions, auction agent) .ca-ON
  129. John's Stamp Den - John A. Steele (U.S., Worldwide), .us-IL
  130. Johnson, Heather (), .au-VIC
  131. Johnson, Ron (), .uk-HZ
  132. Johnson Philatelics (Pty) Ltd. - Richard Johnson RDPSA (Br. Africa, Cape GH, Br.C'wealth), .za
  133. Jonal Art Covers - Eunice Alter (Hand-Painted Covers; FDC's), us-
  134. Jonathan Gilbert Stamps (British FDC's) .uk-
  135. Jones, Al E. (), .us-OK
  136. Jones Trading Post, Ltd. - Joseph F. Jones (Mail Bid Sales, .us, ww), .us-TN
    aka: Foothills Stamps (c.2014)
  137. Jonny's Samlerservice - Jonny Øen, .no
  138. Jordan, J.C. (Argentina, Brasil) .ar
  139. JORI Armengol, Jose Maria {y} Ma. Victoria BRUSSOTTO Canellas -
    Filatelia Jori (espana e hispanoamerica, tienda), 08017 Barcelona, .es
  140. Jose Antonio Gutierrez C.B. - Jose ANTONIO Gutierrez (.com), 11201 Algeciras, .es
  141. Josef Stamp Gallery (Germany, Thailand, Europe)
  142. Joseph Luft ( U.S., discount postage @ face, philatelic resources) .us-WI
  143. Joss Cards (Topical (sports covers). Aerophilatelic covers), .za
  144. Jove Sarrlet, J. M. (.com), 04004 Almeria, .es
  145. Jovanovic, Dragoljub (Balkans, .ru, .at, .de), .uk-LO
  146. Joyeria La Dama (.com), 03201 Elx / Elche, .es
  147. JP Philatelics - Jerry F. Pitstick (United States, Europe, British Commonwealth), .us-UT
  148. JpStamps - Jose Paulino PERAMOS Terron (Thematicos: mudo), 18014 Granada, .es
  149. JRB Collectables, .us-
  150. JUAREZ Gomez, Antonio (tienda), 28003 Madrid, .es
  151. Juchert, Bernd (Expertization: .br) .de
  152. Judaica Sales Reg'd - Isidore Baum (.il: new issues.., judaica, .ru & topicals incl. locals), .ca-QC
    aka: Wonderful World of Stamps (Topicals Etc.)
  153. Judnick Postcards - 'Postcard Bill' Judnick (postcards, covers, stamps, photos), .us-OH
  154. Julie Matte Inc. (.ca, Newfoundland, supplies), .ca-QC
    formerly: Viateur Matte, Inc.
  155. June Frimärken, .se
  156. Junge Briefmarkenfreunde Berlin e.V. (DPHJ) (youth society?)
    why did I put this here?
  157. Jungjohann, Heinz Erwin (Expertization: 1938-1941, .pl; incl Gdansk .de
  158. Juniper Covers Ltd - Hugh V. Feldman (GB, covers) .uk-
  159. Juno Stamps - (Mail bids: Far East Asia, literature. P/H ww.), .us-MN 55116
  160. Juracek, James (ww, lots, collections) .us-
  161. Jürgen Götz e.K. Internationales Auktionshaus (auctions), .de
  162. Just Good Stamps - Gerald Johnson (mixtures), .us-MI
  163. Just Wendy Themes - W. White (thematics) .uk-NO
    "Fully searchable topical stamp site."
  164. Justo Vega Hidalgo y Otra C.B. (.com), 18005 Granada, .es
  165. Juvelar (FDC's, souvenir cards, US fancy cancels) .us-
  166. JWF Stamps - James W. Faber (U.S. & WW Postal History, Advert Covers), .us-IN

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