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Clubs - Titles | NAMES |: General - Philatelic | TOPICS |: Commercial - Philatelic

  1. Av. Editions- OACP de Morant - Gerard de Morant (.fr: Album maker, stamps), .fr  
  2. AVB Stamps - A. 'Vic' Bove (US var's, precancels, errors), .us-
    aka?/cf : VB Stamps Co. (bove.html)
  3. Avenue Stamp Co., The - .uk-MS
  4. Avery Dennisson Corp. (stamp producer/printer), .us-CA
    Ref.: World Expo 2000
  5. Avion Thematics - Roger B West (Thematics, St. Helena, Dominica), .uk-NO
  6. Avon Mixtures, .uk-WA
  7. Awardmasters Philatelics - Pete James (mall, online auctions +; PayPal), .us-TX (No Stamps c.2009)
    now called 'Awardmaster Promotions' c.200911; removed from tx.htm.
    PO Box 692331, Houston, Texas 77269-2331, Retail, chat forum ...
    Tel 281-376-4849 (NEW: 281-251-0093), Fax 281-376-4849, E-mail  
  8. Axtner Internationale Philatelie (Agent, Middle East, China, .th, .la), .de
    cf. : Philagenta GmbH
  9. AYALA Diaz, Pedro (.com), 28760 Tres Cantos, .es  
  10. AZ Web Design - Tim Odom timodom@juno... (stamp background images for web pages), .us-
    geocities.com/RainForest/Jungle/6431 '404' c.2009; see above link
  11. Azarkevich, John (P/H), .us-NY
  12. AZOFRA Ortiz, J. - Filatelia Azofra (.com), 40005 Segovia, .es
  13. Aztec Ranch.com - Paul Talbot, .us-AZ
    AKA/q.v. : Talbot, Paul, .us-CA

    ========== B ==========
  14. B & B Stamps (US, Britain and Colonies) .us-
    www.bbstamps.com/ '404' c.201012
  15. B & B Stamps & Coins - William McGoff (CSA, US, Covers: US, UN), .us-AL
  16. B & M Stamps (.us, ww, retail shop), .us-TX
  17. B & S Stamps - C.J. Howard ()
    aka/q.v.: Robin Hood Stamp Co., .uk-NO
  18. B & S Stamps - Blaine Cox (Buy-Sell-Trade), .us-UT  
  19. B A D Stamps - B. A. David (pre 1940 US, ww, buyers), .us-FL 32503
    Mr. David is Managing Director of SDI; 10/1
    old: www.stampdealers.com/lyn_sdc/ - forwards
  20. B Alan Ltd, .uk-KT
  21. B and P Ltd - Patty Holt and Bill Wade (Philately and Deliotology), .us-
    members.aol.com/LAOS123 '404' c.2010
  22. B B A-Therese Weiser Nachf - Claudia Weiser (auctions; public {10/yr} & online), .de
  23. B B B Beumer Espana S.L. (Accesories Manufacturer), 08015 Barcelona, .es
    aka: BBB-BEUMER ESPAŃA LTD (Accessories), .es
  24. B B Filateli, @ - Jesper and Bent Bryld Gravesen, .dk
    "Worldwide Cover, Postcard, Postal History and Stamp sale."
    "This page is closed!!!" ; names not indexed (c.? ; known same c.201012)
    aka: Brdr. Bryld's Filateli, Postboks 131, 7900 Nykřbing Mors, Denmark.
    SE-nr.(Tel.?) 20 37 42 92, e-mail: [email protected]
  25. BB Design - Brad Bansner ("a full-service website production company", NSDA; no spec. listed) .us-PA
  26. B F D C Ltd- aka/see: A. G. Bradbury (British First Day Covers), .uk-LE
  27. B J Collection Philatélie Stéphanoise (), .fr
  28. B J's Coin & Stamp Co. - William J. Poland (ww), .us-TX
  29. B J's Stamps - Barbara J. Johnson (.de, US, ww. FDC's. retail shop), .us-AZ
  30. B Schulze Stamps Ltd. - Inge-Marie Fowler (.ca, .us: Mixtures & Packets, approvals), .ca-BC, .us-WA
  31. B Trading Co. - Carl J. Blazejewski (U.S. Classics, Canada, Germany, Postcards) .us-NY
    old: www.wizvax.net/btradeco, secure.e-access.com/atozland/store
    Alex Zdonick, Tracy Barber (P/H, PostCards, Victorian Trade Cards)
  32. Babich, Reuben (British Colonies, Europe, U.S., Covers), .us-FL (c.2014)
  33. BACARDIT Mitjanas, Josep {y} M. N. LAZARO Sanguesa -
    Filatelia Egara (tienda, Spanish stamps since 1920), 08221 Terrasa-Barcelona, .es
  34. Bach, Bernhard (), .de
  35. Bachenheimer, Frank (U.S.: Stamps, Revenues, Possessions), .us-IL
  36. Badgers Books (sic), .au-QLD
  37. Badische Briefmarken GmbH - Jürgen Hantschel (online auctions), .de
    aka: Deutschen Briefmarken AG
  38. Badisches Auktionshaus - Thomas Hörrle (auctions), .de
  39. Baete, Jean (Expertization: & .cd; Zaire), .be
  40. BagsToGo.co.uk - Nigel Kent (GB First Day Covers.), .uk-DV
  41. Baila - France Collections (), .fr
  42. Bailey, Ed (US, New Issues, Canada, Worldwide), .us-NY
  43. Bailey Stamps (US, ww: Lots & Collections, Topicals, and S/S) .us-
    http://www.baileystamps.com '404' c.200904
  44. Bait-Tov - Zvi Tov (Topical Packets, Wholesale), .il c.2009
  45. Baixauli, Ignacio - A. B. Kontinent / Filatelia Kontinent (tienda), 46006 Valencia, .es
  46. Baker, Ken (Wholesale Stamps), .au-NSW
  47. Baker Stamps & Coins, Ron (), .au-QLD
  48. Balestamps - Sid Morginstin, .us-NJ
    Now: Negev Holyland Stamps {q.v.}
  49. Balkan Philatelics (Eastern Europe, Albania, Bosnia ..), .us-TX
  50. Ball, Chris (Chnl Isl: .je, .im , .gg: stamps, phonecards), .je
  51. Ball, Michael (Scandinavia, Polar Regions) Bx, .us-MI
    AKA: A to Z...
  52. Ballard, Paul M. (ww), .us-SC
  53. Ballschmidt, Günter (Expertization: Soviet Zone; districts), .de
  54. Ballston Philatelics - William Sandrik (EU; .at, MidEast; .tr ..), .us-VA 22203
  55. Ballyhoo Web Service Inc. ( The Philatelic Dealer), .uk-
  56. Baltic States Stamps - Constantine Kliorys, (Baltic States), .lt
  57. Baltimore Express, LLC - Michael Thompson (British C'wealth, French Colonies, Italy & Colonies), .us-FL
  58. Bamford, Christina - c/ R.+B. Rölli-Schär AG (), .ch
  59. Banas Jr. Stamps, Michael A. (US Pre 1940, topicals, ww), .us-SC
  60. Bangladesh Stamps - Ms Sohana Chowdhury (Bangladesh), .bd
  61. Bangladesh, The Media Stamps of {The Media} (Bangladesh), .bd
    old: media.jumphobbies.com (The Media Stamps of Bangladesh
  62. Banknote Corp. of America (stamp producer, security printer) .us-
    Cite: Report : World Stamp Expo 2000
  63. Bannon, Pat (Fair organizer, stamps, coins ...), .au-NSW
  64. Baptist, Georg (), .de
  65. banque du timbre sarl, .lu
  66. Barabassy, Nikolaus (Expertization : Hungary : Michel : 1-14 inkl. zugeh. Ganzsachen {p/h}), .de
  67. Baral S.L., Coleccionismo (.com), 28850 Torrejon de Ardoz, .es
  68. Baral, Filatelia - Hortensia ALVAREZ Orellana {Vice Pres ANFIL c.2008} (.com), 28924 Madrid, .es
  69. BARATA Perez, M. M. - Filatelia Infico (.com), 14003 Cordoba, .es
  70. Bardo Stamps - Jim Bardo (Online Store: US incl. varieties & var. album pgs ++), .us-IL
    xRef : Clubs : 1954 Liberty Series group for a checklist
    xRef : USA Clubs : 1954 Liberty Series Study group (checklist)
    xRef : Auctions : StampHall, .us-MO
  71. Bare Cove Associates - Dwight Wahr (19th Cent. p/h, US Classics; CSA), .us-MA
  72. Barkdoll, John (US approvals for beginners; postage paid, MNH), .us-CA
    aka/qv: Littleflower Stamp Co.
  73. Barker, Robert E. - .us-GA
  74. Barnes, Bruce - .us-CA 90291
  75. Barnett, Terry A. (FDC's, Presentation Packs of G.B), .uk-
    stamp.collectors-on-line.com/dealers/barnett/index.html; went porn c.8/2
  76. BARRAS Rodrigo, Milagros (.com), 28013 Madrid, .es
  77. BARRENECHEA Uriarte, Miguel (tienda), 48007 Bilbao, .es
  78. Barret Philatelie (), .fr
  79. Barriga, John Alvaro (Filatelia Colombia Catalogo Barriga Colombia), .co
  80. Barrow, Edward - Trinidad & Tobago Philatelic Page (sales & Info), .us
    The Trinidad and Tobago Philatelic Page - Edward Barrow; diff URL
  81. Barry and Gerry Covers - Gerald A. Leviss (US Postal History c.2009), .us-NJ
    (Covers, Cachets : FDC's, Event, Thematic) c.2001
    www.BGCCachets.Com/, Tel.: 732-238-2967 '404' c.2009
  82. Bärsch, Jürgen (Expertization: ;Saar: Michel : 1-31), .de
  83. Bartels, Frau Ingeborg (), .de
  84. Bartels Stamp Co. - Andrew Bartels, .us-AZ
  85. Barton, Roger A. (Military Postal History)
  86. Barwinski, Peter (), .de
  87. Barzel, Sebastian - German Stamps and Coins, .de
  88. BAS Stamps Auctions - Alicia Garcia & Luis Pretto (Auctions), .ar
    With office in Miami, FL, USA
  89. Baschwitz, German (Expertiziation: Spain & Colonies), .es
    BASCHWITZ Gomez, German - Filatelia Hobby (.es & ex-colonias, expertization), 28012 Madrid, .es
    BASCHWITZ Gomez, German {y} Avelino GOMEZ Vera - Casa de Subastas de Madrid S.L.
    (auctions), 28012 Madrid, .es
  90. BASCO del Rio, Jaime (.com), 09004 Burgos, .es
  91. Basford, Bob (), .us-GA
  92. Basson, Brian - .na
  93. Bautzener Sammlertreff - Frau Marina Großmann (), .de
  94. Bavaria-Briefmarken - Markus Sitter (), .de
  95. Bavril, .uk-NF
  96. Baxley Stamps, George C. (Buy/Sell, ww), .us-NM 88311
    Emphasis is on Japan, Ryukyu, Far East, Western Europe, France and French Colonies and the British Commonwealth.
  97. Bay Stamps, Wales
  98. Bayerischen Briefmarken-Händler-Verbandes e.V (Dealer Assoc), .de
    (Bavarian Stamp Dealers' Assocation)
  99. Bayside Stamps (), .nz
  100. BC-InterStamps - Jorgen S. Aabech, .no
  101. Be-Line Co. (.th, Asia, ww), .us-TX  
  102. Beach Philatelics - John Swidinsky (US, UN), .us- FL 32137
    Tech.: Tim Odom
    alt (dotted) URL
    Old: members.tripod.com/~SmitX/BeachPhilatelics.htm (forwards 9/2001)
    xRef: Topical Dealers Index : Shows: Promoters & Svcs
    {and Atlantic Coast Exhibitions}
  103. Beacon Stamp Service - Berkley Harris (), .us-RI
  104. Beaman, John (Br.C'wealth, p/h, W.Europe), .ca-ON
  105. Bear Stamps - Ted Ashworth (Hawaii, Pacific), .us-HI
  106. Bearn Philatelie - I.A. Silombra (), .fr
    See Also: Philatelie des Carmes
  107. Beau's Mail Sales - Dick Beauchesne (), .us-GA
  108. Beaupré Stamps - Harold H. Beaupré, () .ca-ON
    Passed away in Mar. 2002 but ...
    old: home.golden.net/~rap/harold.htm '404' c.2011
    oldest: www.golden.net/~rap/harold.htm
  109. Beautiful Stamp Co. - Frank L. Huling (UN, .ch, .fr Stamps, BOB, & lots US mint & used; cheap! aj), .us-NE
  110. Beauvais SARL - Henri Odoul (Retail Shop, France & Colonies), .fr
  111. Beaver Coins, Stamps & Antiques (sic), .ca-ON
  112. Beaver Phila - Zenon Drapiewski (Topicals: esp. Religion, Canada, Poland, Vatican), .ca-ON
  113. Beaver Universal Philatelic Distributor - Roland R. Roth (.ca, .eu;w, p/c), .ca-QC
  114. BEB Stamps, .mt
  115. BEB Stamps, .uk-WY
  116. BEC Philatelics - Dale B. Evans (ww, Lots & Collections), .ca-ON
  117. Bechtold, Günter (Expertization: .de 1916-1945), .de
  118. Beck, Bob (Robert N.) (.us, .ca), .us-SC
  119. Beddows, John (auctions, .ca, lots & collections), .ca-ON
  120. Bedford Company, The - Bob Bedford (ww, wants, approvals), .us-FL
  121. Bedford, Mike, .uk-SX
  122. Bedrin, Marc S. (BOB, PB's, U.S. & Possessions), .us-FL (c.2014)
  123. Bedworth Stamps, John D. (sales), .uk-
  124. Beehive Collectors Gallery - Nyal W. Anderson (RS: .de, .us, ww, ephem., p/h, Mormon material), .us-UT
  125. Behr, Bernard (Expertization: .fr & Colonies, sales, auctions), .fr
  126. Behr Philatélie - Pascal Olivier Behr (Expertization: .fr & Colonies, retail shop), .fr & .fr
  127. Beith, Richard (aerophilately literature), .uk-CH
  128. BEJJCO of Florida, Inc. - Arnold Selengut (U.S., Worldwide, British Commonwealth, Precancels, ww), .us-FL
  129. Bel-Aire Collectibles - Greg Kellermann (Retail Shop, Public Auctions, Mail Sales), .us-MN
  130. Belarussian International Stamp Co. Rastsislau Permiakou and Mikhas Karpovich (CIS: .ru & reps, Baltic States), .by
    Cite: Entities : Notes on the Former Soviet Union
  131. Belau, Wolfgang (), .ca-AB
  132. Belgium Stamp Agency in North America / aka: Unicover (Agent), .us-WY
  133. Belgrave Stamp Shop - Mairin Holmes & K. Morgan, .au-VIC
  134. Belke, Arnim W. (W. Europe, Bargain Approvals, Want Lists), .us-CA
  135. Bellew, Tony - .uk-DV
  136. Bellmore Philatelics Inc. - Marvin Frey (BC, lots, ww, Errors, Freaks & Oddities), .us-NY
  137. Bellport Jewelers & Rarities - Peter Romano (Retail Store, Expertizing, Auction Agent, Lots, Ephemera), .us-NY
    aka: Bellport Galleries
  138. Ben-Ami Endres Auctions (r/s: books, stamps, coins), .il
    aka: Nun Bet Books
  139. Bendigo Coins & Stamps (shop), .au-Vic
  140. Benelux, USA - Anton Hendriks (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, U.S., Colonies), .us-CT ; e-mail only!
  141. BENGOECHEA Mirnada, Isabel -
    El Eco Filatelico y Numismatico (magazine, tienda), 31001 Pamplona, .es
  142. Benham House (FDC's), .uk-KT
  143. Bennett, Matthew (Worldwide Public Auctions: Large Lots, P/H), Baltimore, MD, USA
  144. Bentleigh Stamp Fair (Fair: 3rd Sundays), .au-Vic
  145. Bentley's (GB ++ Kiloware), .uk-NH ; need addr
  146. Benussi, Ruggero (Expert: .yu) .it
  147. BERBEL Martos, Antonio - Filatelia Jovellanos (tienda), 33201 Gijon, .es
  148. Berger, Florian (Expertization: Germany; specialized), .de
  149. Bergman, David R. (ww mint sets, approvals), .us-MA
  150. Bergougnoux, Philippe (ww lots, supplies), .fr
  151. Bergua, Enrique Soro (Expertization: .es & ex-colonies, Forgeries), .es
  152. Berkovitz Stamps (), .il (c.1998)
  153. BERLINCHEZ Gonzalez, Antonio - Bolsa Filatelica y Numismatica C.B. (tienda), 28005 Madrid, .es  
  154. Berman's Postal History - Alan Berman (auctions: Zeppellins, paquebot, airletters ..) , .uk-LO
    cf. Berman, Jon - Cornish Stamp Company
  155. BERMEOSOLO Gimenez, E. - Filatelia del Campo de Gibraltar (.com), 11201 Algeciras, .es
  156. BERMUDEZ Romero, P. - Arteocio (tienda), 28012-x2 Madrid, .es
  157. Bernadet Philatelie - Pierre Alain Bernadet (P/C's, covers, coins/currency), .fr
  158. BERNAL Villa, M. E. (.com), 28804 Alcala de Henares, .es
  159. Bernd's Briefmarkenseite (Germany), .de
    www.berndbartels.de '404' c.2010
  160. Berndt, Sebastian (), .de
  161. Bernstein Philatelics - Dr. Howard C. Bertstein (), .us-NY 11362
    248-25 Northern Blvd., Little Neck
    Tel. (718) 428-4666, Fax:(718) 428-1804
  162. Berra-Gautschy, Rémy (Expertization), .ch
  163. Berry, Brian (B.) J. & M. L. (), .au-QLD
  164. Besancon Philateliques - Michel Girod (), .fr
    aka: Besancon Philatelie (c.1999)
  165. Besnard Philatelie - Marc Besnard (), .fr
  166. BESTamps (US Mint), .us- (c.2001)
    BEStamps (US), .us- ; diff URL
  167. BESTEIRO Boan, Antonio - Numismatica Antonio Besteiro (.com), 36202 Vigo, .es
  168. Béthon, Patrick (), .fr
  169. Better U.S.A. - Jim Leer (United States, US Classics), .us-CA
  170. Betsy & Chuck's Christmas Seals & Stamps for Collectors (seals, EFO's, Japan & Pennsylvania), .us-PA
    Cite : Topical Index : Christmas
    Cite: Topicals : Religion: xMas (article by)
    old: betsychuck.home.att.net
    older: members.aol.com./betsychuck/
  171. Better, Arie (), .il
  172. Beumer-Diwisch, Ruth (), .de
  173. Beutler, Karl (), .de
  174. Bev'an Stamps & Coins, Bob (), .au-QLD
  175. Bevco Stamps, Inc. (Space Covers, ww stamps), .us-TX
  176. Beverly Stamp Co. (.de; to 1923), .us-TX
    old: c.2004-6: BeverlyStamps.Com '404' c.201012
  177. Bevil Cachets - Kendal Bevil (US FDC's & Event cvrs; hand painted cachets), .us-TX
    Cite: Collecting : FDC's
  178. Bexley Stamps - M. Hill (Agent: Lord Howe Island, Pacific), .au-NSW
  179. Beziers Philatelie - Daniel Fourneret (.fr & pre-independent colonies, topicals, supplies), .fr
  180. Bhusry, Karan (), .in
  181. Bi-El Philatelica Ltd (), .il
  182. Bick International - Israel Bick (incl. Holy Land stamps, Hollywood memorbillia, stamp shows), .us-CA-la
  183. Bielefelder Auktion - Hubert Stelzer (public auctions), .de
  184. Bid or Buy.co.za (auctions; online), .za
    xRef/Cite: Dealers : So. Africa
  185. BidFerret! - K. Morgan (online auctions; online), .au-VIC
  186. BidMore Online Internet Auction (lit. ; PayPal)
    offers(ed) eBay! Extreme Package! (software) & other eBay related literatures
    bidmore.com '404' c.201010
  187. bidStart (online auctions)
    Formerly : StampWants, LLC {q.v.}
  188. Bienkowski, Thierry (), .fr
  189. Bienvenido al Mundo del Material Filatelico Argentino, .ar
  190. Bierenbrodt-Wilhelmy, Uwe (), .de
  191. Bilby Stamps & Covers - Helen & Ann Garrick (.au: FDC's, Pictorial Cancells, cinderllas), .au-NSW
  192. Bill Barrell Ltd. (GB), .uk-LI
  193. Bill McDonald (WW Revenues), .us
    cf : McDonald, William T. (ww Revenue Stamps) .us
  194. Bill's Philatelic Bargains - Bill Boomer, @ (WW), .ca-SK
    Alt URL, time to "down-size my collection"
    Cite: (his 1940 Ford; not philatelic) : Transportation
    old: http://www.dlcwest.com/~bill.boomer/ (forwards) 9/2001
  195. Birdland Stamps - Walter J. Bird, @ (.us, Revenues, WW; PayPal), .us-NY 13108
  196. Birkan, R. (), .il
  197. Birkhead, Harry ( ), .za
  198. Birmingham Stamps - Charles Marsack (Retail Shop, Worldwide, Supplies), .us-MI
  199. Bison Stamp And Coin Co. - P. Paul Albano (United States, Hawaii, Buyer; will travel.), .us-MO
  200. Bjerkholt, Svein (Topical Stamps ; sell/trade, wants), .no (there c.2015)

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