's USA Stamp Directory
ZIP Codes: 10000 - 11499 · 11500 -..
American Stamp Dealers Association PTS-11217-14 Northern Blvd, Suite 205
Bayside, NY 11361 (addr changes; check url)(718) 224-2500 Fax: (718) 224-2501 & their new (c.2005) magazine: The American Stamp Dealer & Collector "Delightful" - aj!
See Also:The Collectors Club 22 E 35th St, NYC, NY 10016
Philatelic Foundation
70 West 40th Street, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10018Tel 212-221-6555 Fax 212-221-6208 Expertization: World pre-1940 Affilate AIEP NY not-for-profit Corp. See Also:
U.S. Philatelic Classics Society- New York Chapter, NY
Paper Chase - The Amenities of Stamp Collecting
Alvin F. Harlow, 1940The late Herman Toaspern, New York dealer, fondly remembered by collectors as "Toasty" -- how many remember when Walter Winchell's column announced in 1934 that "Herman Toaspern, famous postage-stamp expert, will Little-Church it with an upstate marm named Doris Burdett?" -- well, Toasty, as might be expected, knew better how to chase and throttle opportunity. A junk-paper dealer, one who had not studied the philatelic phase of his business, cleaned out the accumulation of a concern in downtown New York some years ago, but someone around the office, attracted by the appearance of an old stamp and knowing nothing about its value, picked it out of the mess and showed it to Toaspern the next time he saw him. Before you could say "philately," Toasty was at that company's office, demanding the name of the paper dealer; thence he rushed to the Italian's little warehouse on the East River, and learned that those particular papers were in some bales which he had shipped to a paper mill at Ogdensburg, New York, several days before. Toaspern did not despair. Knowing that a freight shipment travels at a very leisurely pace, he caught the next train for far northern New York, carrying scarcely more than a toothbrush; leaped into a taxicab at the Ogdensburg station and authorized the driver to break the law in reaching the mill. He arrived with his heart in his mouth, and was enormously relieved to find the shipment in a car standing on a siding, not yet unloaded. The mill manager was not surprised at his caller's business; he had seen crazy stamp-hounds before. But he was a kindly soul. At Toaspern's question, he casually penciled a few figures on a pad.
"Oh, say fifty dollars," he replied. Toasty handed over the money blithesomely. He found more than five-thousand dollars' worth of stamps in that batch of paper. . . You can buy Paper Chase, Alvin Harlow @ Amazon.com
Another excerpt. (cf.)
I tried! - just click and follow the link - it will play it on YouTube. ; aj.
Code | Address
10001 - New York City
Ideal Stamp Co. & Inter Governmental Philatelic Corp. (IGPC) has moved to New Jersey (c.2009)
10013 - NYCLeo Malz Co. Mr. Leo Malz APS-14, ASDA-07 P.O. Box 2100, Canal Street Station, New York, NY 10013-0875 Phone: 212-US-SPACE={877-7223}, Fax: 212-496-0134 ? aledacorp@gmail... via Mail : Appraisals, Want Lists Service, Expertizing Specialties: Latin America, Middle East, Mongolia, Space
old: 425 Broadway - 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10013-2509 (old: [email protected], [email protected])
10014 - NYCFrank Mandel P.O. Box 157, New York, NY 10014 Tel 212-675-0819, Fax 212-366-6462 Auction Agent
21st Century Stamps Elliott Idoff 322 Bleeker St. - No. G20, New York, NY 10014 Tel.: 212-362-8609, Fax: 212-691-8661 LSN-20070101:60:5 + LSN-20070101:66:167 US Mint Only, Want Lists
10017 - NYCAbout.com 220 East 42nd St, New York, NY 10017 The former 'Minning Co.') featuring over 700 categories including Stamp Collecting ; usually has books via amazoon.com ... and priority links for sale.
William T. Crowe AIEP-07 501 Fifth Avenue, Room 1901, New York, NY 10017-6107 Tel. +1 212 867-3699, Fax +1 212 867-3984 [email protected] AIEP: Expertization: USA, US Possessions
Israel Philatelic Agency of North America - moved to New Jersey
PhilaGallery Robert A. Schneider APS-06, ASDA-07, PTS-11 301 East 48th Street, New York, NY 10017 Tel.: 877-865-2656, 212-751-3709 Fax: 212-755-3176 @-mail#1, @-mail#2 Specialties: Retail. British Empire, Arabian Gulf stamps, postal history, specialist material.
"Selected worldwide postal history from other countries."
"Rob Schneider has a special interest in Silver Jubilee items. He is able to provide a listing of items available on request."
Office Hours. Callers by AppointmentSee Also: Corinphila, Switzerland : PhilaGallery is their USA Contact.
10019 - NYC
/ Stamps.Net Arthur Morowitz CSDA-11, ASDA-07, APS-14 Jonathan Morowitz ASDA-07 [email protected]
432 West 54th Street, New York, NY, 10019 (between 9th & 10th Ave's.) Tel./Fax: (212) 489-8130 [email protected]
"New York City's only street level stamp shop." (c.1999) Specialties: Canada, United States, Worldwide, Collections/Lots/Accumulations Arthur Morowitz is also listed on the masthead of ASDA's new magazine, The American Stamp Dealer & Collector, as Secretary - c.2007.old: www.stamps.net '404' c.2012 &: http://www.eBayStores.Com/ChampionshipStampSupplies/ '404' c.2012 Stamps.net: Originally (1999) founded by Richard Lehmann (StampFinder.com), in 2005 Champion acquired the domain and content of Stamps.net from Richard (w/ Randy Neil's -and- Servers Inc. support). (Had) good resources incl. Philatelic Bureaus, articles etc. - aj c.2007.
PGrp-10 / aka: Cherrystone Stamps Center Inc. Paul Buchsbayew (@) APS-14, PTS-11, NSDA-06, ASDA-07, AIEP-02, APhV-06 Joshua M. Buchsbayew (@) ASDA-07, APS-14 119 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019 Tel. +1 800-886-9313, 212-977-7734 / (212) 489-8130 (ph/fx: Paul '14) Fax +1 212 977-8652 ?/ (212) 977-8563 ! buchsbayew@aol..., info@cherrystoneauctions... Paul : Expertization: Russia, Soviet Union Cherrystone: Auctions since 1967. "Our frequently held auctions feature the widest selection of material in the world, with a focus on rarity and exceptional quality." c.2010
Spink Shreves Galleries Inc. Charles F. (& Tracy) Shreve APS-09, PTS, ASDA ... 145 W. 57th St. 18th Floor, New York, NY 10019 Tel: +1-212-262-8400, Fax: +1-212-262-8484 A unit of Spink & Son Ltd, London, England and home office in Dallas, TX. Specialties: Public Auctions with outright purchases & appraisals offered.
10020 - NYCChristie's 20 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020 Tel.: 212-636-2000 Auctions - A World Class co.
10021 - NYCSotherbys Auctions Customer Service 1334 York Avenue, New York. NY 10021 Tel.: Online Auctions: (N./S. Am.:) 847-236-5460 Tel.: (World:) 44-207-293-6060 Tel.: Live Auctions: New York: 212-606-7000 Tel.: London: 44-207-293-5000, Fax 847-236-5462 Auctions - ('World Class' aj.)
10022 New York CityBonhams Auctioneers & Appraisers Keith A. Harmer (cf.) ASDA-07, CSDA-11 580 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10022 Tel.: 914-962-6900, Fax: 914-962-5885 [email protected] Specialties: Auctions, British Commonwealth, United States
10022 Robert A. Siegal Auction Galleries, Inc. Park Avenue Tower 65 East 55th Street - 17th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10022 Tel.: (212) 753-6421, Fax: (212) 753-6429 Sales/ Auctions ; including excellent online articles & resources
10023 - NYCZirinsky Stamps Steven Zirinsky NZSDA-10, APTA-07, APS-14, PTS-11 PO Box 230049 Ansonia Station New York, NY 10023 USA Tel./Fax: 718 706 0616, Fax: 718 706 0619 Home: 212 866 6732 [email protected] Online Shop, "We specialize in stamps, revenues, postal history, and cinderellas from Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands as well as most British Empire and Commonwealth countries. In addition we focus on modern commercial mail from around the world including many small places such as Aland, Greenland, the Faroes, etc. " And an incredible array of monographs and studies online! - aj c.2010
10025 - NYCAnglo American Appraisal Serives, Inc. Mike Japp * APS-14, ASDA-07 817 West End Aveune, Suite 5A New York, NY 10025 Tel.: 212.865.1653 (US), Cell: 917.442.0175 * Fax: 212.865.1663 (US) info@angloamericanappraisal... eBay; & Eric (the webmaster) phoned this one in! c.200811 "Anglo American Appraisal Services is a New York City based company of Appraisers & Auctioneers, specializing in sales of the rare, the scarce, and the unusual in Art and collectibles. We are leading International internet auctioneers and also very experienced experts in Private Treaty sales. Our daily eBay and online auction sales are consistently impressive as are our private treaty sales for larger consignments or more expensive items. From stamp appraisals to art appraisals, we are available to perform both formal and informal appraisals of rare items and to offer free personal consultation to both buyers and sellers alike." "Mike consulted for Sotheby's and ran the Phillips New York rare stamp & collectible dept." (c.2014 their website {which also features online shopping!} and I note eBay features coins & stamps about 50/50)APS data: Services Offered: Appraisals, Buys Stamps, Expertizing. Specialties: British Commonwealth, China, Japan/Japanese Occupation, Western Europe, France, German Area, Thailand, Russia Area
old?: [email protected]
Mr.Alan E. Cohen APS-14, ASDA-07 P.O. Box 929, Cathedral Sta., New York, NY 10025-0929 Phone: (212) 280-7865, Fax: 212-280-7864 alanecohen@mindspring... By Internet or Mail: Approvals, Buys Stamps, Want Lists Service Specialties: U.S. Classics, U.S. Possessions, Postal History
USA-All-The-Way Mr. Gilbert A. Schaye APS-14 P.O. Box 361, Cathedral Sta., New York, NY 10025 Phone: (212) 663-9139 gmnyc@earthlink... By Mail (Part Time) offeres 'Want Lists Service' Specialties: U.S. Classics, 19th Century, Fancy Cancels, Civil War old?: 800-USA-1847 (c.2005)
10532 - Hawthorne areaDon Black Box 276, Hawthorne, NY 10532 Home of the 'online perforation guage' and other tools - offers a range of stamps and postcards.
10533 - Irvington areaRobert W. Lyman P.O. Box 348 Irvington on Hudson, NY 10533 Tel. and Fax +1 914 5916937
Consulting Member AIEP: Expert: British North America, New Zealand - NOTE: a 'consulting member' of AIEP is said to be currently inactive in expertization but we feel they are still good contacts.
10549Cambridge-Essex Stamp Co., Inc. Mr. Richard Ellis APS-14 41 Kensico Dr., Mount Kisco, NY 10549 Phone: (914) 241-8726, Fax: (914) 241-8159 Camessex@aol... By Internet, Mail, Public Auctions, Retail Store, Show Bourses: Appraisals, Approvals, Buys Stamps, Want Lists Service, Supplies/Albums, Expertizing Specialties: United Nations, Israel, U.S. Classics, Germany "Open in 1950, David Amory Lown has called Cambridge-Essex "New York's 'Smithsonian' of collectibles" in the New York Source Guide. Walking into the establishment is like visiting a pharoah's tomb. The listings within this website are woefully incomplete; it just wouldn't be possible to fit a description of everything in the store . . . Whether your passion is baseball, stamp collecting, antiques, photography, aviation, science, the Statue of Liberty, railroads, or any other of a plethora of other subjects, you're guaranteed to find that rare playbill, that impossible to find autographed hockey puck, or that unknown coin from the Civil War that you never knew existed. . . . There is well over a 50-year accumulation of items purchased from retired dealers, closed museums, and world-famous estates. The true collectible historian, or knowledge seeker will have an experience of a lifetime at this spacious gallery. All items are priced at just a tiny fraction of retail, auction, internet prices, and professional discount is offered."
10583Lawrence & Richard Sachs / L & R Sachs Mr. Lawrence S. Sachs APS-14, ASDA-07, FSDA-07, NSDA-04 Richard Sachs ASDA-07, NSDA-04 P.O. Box 5-H, Scarsdale, NY 10583 Phone: (914) 725-2394, Fax: (914) 725-4799 metfan67@yahoo... Via Mail, Show Bourses : Appraisals, Buys Stamps, Want Lists Service, Expertizing Specialties: U.S., Rarities
old?: 212-223-4021
10583Columbian Stamp Company, Inc. Mr. Harry (Sonny) Hagendorf APS-09, ASDA-14 PO Box B, New Rochelle, NY 10804-0121 700 White Plains Road, Scarsdale, 100583 (c.2007) Phone: 914-725-2290, Fax: 914-725-2576 Website: columbianstamp.com [email protected], [email protected] Retail via mail: U.S. & B.N.A. (ASDA c.2014) ". . .he began his career with the purchase of Jaxon Stamp Company, selling inexpensive approvals to beginning stamp collectors. However, it was not long before he realized that stamp collecting offered many options, including the world of rare stamps…and it was here that he discovered the passion, enjoyment and challenge of philately. . .The world of rare stamps has been Columbian Stamp Company’s domain since the late 1980’s. . . .
Sonny believes that one should always give back to the profession that has given him so much. To this end, he volunteers as a consultant to the Philatelic Foundation in New York, assists in providing valuations for the Scott Specialized Catalog of United States Stamps, and is a member of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum’s Council of Philatelists, where he serves on the Collections Committee, charged with helping to create the National Collection. He also sits on the boards of several community non-profit organizations. " (website c.2015)
10588 Shrub OakNational Stamp Sales Mrs. Toby Sellinger Heiligmann PTS-11, APS-14, ASDA-07 P.O. Box 415, Shrub Oak, NY 10588 Tel: 1-800-223-6067, (914) 245 7047, Fax: (914) 962 6188 [email protected] Specialties: Thematics/Topicals, Scouts, Space, Paintings, Olympics, Inverted Centers, Errors, Proofs, Aden, Montserratt, Br. Virgin Isls. c.2014 APS: Specialties: Canada, Errors, Freaks & Oddities, Essays, Proofs, Specimens, U.S. Classics c.2014 website: "We carry a wide range of worldwide stamp issues by country and by topic, including specimens, errors, proofs, and rare imperforates. We are now expanding our large quantity wholesale business to include the retail customer and collector while maintaining the competitive wholesale prices that our business was built upon."
old: P. O. Box 47, White Plains, NY 10602 Tel.: 914-948-4246, Fax: 914-948-3272
10598 Yorktown HeightsHarmers International Inc. (formerly Murray Hill Galleries) Keith A. Harmer APS-14, CSDA-07 Brandon Harmer CSDA-11 1325 Echo Hill Path, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Tel.: (212) 532-3700, Fax: (914) 962-5885 [email protected] Specialties: Auction Firm, British Commonwealth, United States "Welcome To Harmers International, Inc.
Family involvement in philately that spans 125 years..
A Cornerstone of Philately""Generations of the Harmer family have served philatelist(s) since 1884. In 1917, Henry Revell Harmer, the grandfather of Harmers International, Inc.'s current president, Keith A. Harmer (nb: CSDA lists him at Bonhams, NYC c.2011), commenced the famous Bond Street Auctions in London. The Harmer family established a branch office in New York during the 1930's and in 1946 H.R.'s youngest son, Bernard D. Harmer established permanent residence in the United States to run the New York office. Keith A. Harmer assumed the helm of the family business in the 1980's and has been involved in philately all of his life. Back in New York
The firm bearing his grandfather's name was sold in 2004 (see HR Harmer, CA), and while Keith remained active in philately, tutoring young Brandon on some of the finer points of collecting, the New York auction market was not quite the same.
With the continual encouragement of his former clients, who missed the presence of a Harmer family business in New York, Keith decided to re-enter the philatelic auction market. Harmers International, Inc
Harmers International, Inc. was a name the family considered using in the 1980's and seemed quite suitable for today's global economy. We have retained many of the Harmer family traditions clients have come to know, while adding new technologies for the convenience of our customers. Give Back to the Hobby.
As part of our continued efforts to encourage new philatelists and support philatelic clubs and groups, Harmers will be introducing a host of free community services which groups and clubs are welcome to avail themselves to. Two of the most exciting programs are the virtual meeting room, which allows presentations to be remote access and recorded in a video library for future reference. The other is our virtual collection gallery, where collectors can share their philatelic collections. These services and many others are in currently in development. Copyright 2009.Harmers International, Inc."
(see also Harmer-Schau & H.R. Harmer, CA)
old/as: Murray Hill Galleries Keith A. Harmer* Bernard D. Harmer 1992 Commerce St.,Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 (then moved back to above c.2005?) 800-223-6067, 914-962-6900*, 914-962-5885
10701 - Yonkers areaDr. Roberto Rosende (RDP) 50 Riverdale Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10701 Member of the AIEP : Expertization: Cuba
10803 - Pelham areaEast-West Philatelic Company PO Box 961, Pelham, NY 10803 914/668-6623 worldwide, Asia, topicals
10920Vidiforms Company, Inc. James P. Michalek APS-06, ASDA-07, PTS-11, CSDA-11 Showgard House 115 North Route 9W, Congers, NY 10920 Tel.: 877-507-5758, 845-268-4005 Fax: 845-268-5324 [email protected], [email protected]
"Showgard Mounts & Accessories, Supersafe, Hawaid & Hagner Products"
10940 - Middletown areaHenry Gitner Philatelists, Inc. Henry L. (& Debbie) Gitner APS-14, ASDA-07, NSDA-04 53 Highland Avenue (PO Box 3077), Middletown, NY 10940 Our office is located in Middletown, NY. We're open from 9:00am - 6:00pm, EST.
Visitors are welcome, but we request that you call ahead and make an appointment.Phone: 845-343-5151, Fax: 845-343-0068 ( 1-800-94STAMP ((800) 947-8267) - US & Canada only ) hgitner@hgitner... eBay Store: stores.ebay.com/Henry-Gitner-Philatelists (plus shop @ his website!) Specialties: Topicals, U.S., United Nations, Western Europe "Because we are one of the largest independent wholesale and retail dealers in the United States, we have a very extensive stock of philatelic material ranging from stamps for beginning collectors to very rare and esoteric items for the advanced specialist. Physically, our stock spans over 15 rooms; -- one visiting dealer said we are the "Wal-Mart of the stamp world -- if you want it, Henry probably has it!".Some of our stock has been described and written up in the form of price lists. Because we freely distribute these lists to interested collectors, many people think of us in terms of the items on those lists. The amazing thing is that our price lists represent less than 20% of our entire stock! Most of our retail business is actually done through collector want lists. If you do not find a price list which interests you, please be sure to ask or send us your want list: we probably have what you are looking for!" website c.2014.
Plus: Henry is/was also a regular feature writer for the '' Linn's Stamp News '' section "Stamp Market Tips". c.2007 aj.
old: 220 Low Ave, Suite 311, Middletown, NY 10940 c.2000
10956 - New City areaDave Kaplan Stamps P.O. Box 976, New City, NY 10956 Tel.: (845) 638-1180, Fax (845) 638-6678 AOL user name: dkapstamps, ICQ #: 24696187, eBay listings Specializes in United States issues ..
10982 - Tallman areaThe Stamp Store SDI [Alt. SDI URL] (Dieter Dant) P.O. Box 102, Tallman, NY 10982 Toll-Free Tel./Fax: 1-877-292-7791 Germany, US, worldwide stamps, approvals.
10993 Mark-Lane StampsIncorporating?: North Jersey Stamp Auctions, Pomona, NY Robert W. Simson ASDA-07, APS-11, FSDA-07, PO Box 626 West Haverstraw, NY 10993-0626 Tel.: (845) 362-5330, 866-385-2254 (google) [email protected] "Better U.S., Better Canada & Canadian Semi-Officials. Many Stamps w/certs." &: Martin S. Cole CSDA-11 111 East 80 St., #7A, New York, NY 10075, USA Tel.: (212) 929-0606 Fax: (212) 608-7266 [email protected] Specialties: Canada, United States, Canada Semi-Official Airmails
11023 - Great Neck areaMyron Hyman P.O. Box 231123 Old Village Station Great Neck, N.Y. 11023 Sells stamp booklet covers; cf.: Canady Consultants, AZ Google: "Myron Hyman"
11040Mr. Bruce L. Hecht APS-14, ASDA-07 P.O. Box 474, New Hyde Park, NY 11040-0474 Phone: (516) 437-5695, Fax: (516) 908-3586 bhecht@optonline... Internet, Mail, Show Bourses: Appraisals, Buys Stamps, Want Lists Service Specialties: U.S., U.S. Possessions, United Nations, Canal Zone, Railroads, United States Trust Territories, Worldwide, Topicals
11050Leo Constantinides ASDA-05, APhV-06, NSDA-06, GSDA-10 P. O. Box 1409 Port Washington, NY 11050-0305 Tel.: 516-627-0212, Fax: 516-627-5616 Western Europe 1840-1960 : (stamps, covers). Wholesale. assumed to be a specialist in, at least, German & Greek issues (see: GSDA, APhV)
11209 - Brooklyn areaBrooklyn Gallery Coins and Stamps, Inc. Ronald R. Volpe APS-06 8725 4th Avenue (@ 88th St.), Brooklyn, NY 11209 M-F 9-5 EST: Tel (718) 745-5701, Fax (718) 745-2775 Retail Shop? (I'd call first). Site features stamp & coin ++ albums, supplies, reference books and catalogs. "The one place for all coin, currency, stamp, postcard, first day cover, and sport-card collecting products. Family owned and operated for 40 years."
11215 - Brooklyn areaAron R. Halberstam APS-14 PO Box 150168, Van Brunt Station, Brooklyn, NY 11215-0168 Tel +001 718 788 3978, Fax +001 718 965 3099 arh@arhstamps... Pre-1960 British Commonwealth, Australia & States, British America, New Zealand
old: www.aronrhalberstam.com '404'
Stampville.com 456 Fifth Av, Brooklyn, NY 11215 Tel.: 1-877-STAMPVILLE Retails from IGPC stock (mostly?) Also holds URL to ' Titanic Stamps' (c.2014 is '404') Note: c.2014 the URL resolves to imperialmint.com which offers stamps, covers etc but no way of knowing who or where they are now. (WhoIs gives a blind alley.)
11223Ms. Marilyn J. Nowak APS-14, ASDA-07 P. O. Box 230066, Brooklyn, NY 11223-0003 Phone/Fax: (718) 645-7659 marilynjnowak@verizon... Via: Mail, Show Bourses : Approvals, Want Lists Service Specialties: First Day Covers, New Issues, U.S., United Nations
Alberts Stamps Mr. Albert R. Curulli APS-08, ASDA-07 P.O. Box 230634, Brooklyn, NY 11223 Tel.: (718) 372-3214 [email protected] Specialty: BOB, Stationery-U.S. Mint Classics & Modern, Used
11358 - General Flushing areaCarol Weishaupt Ltd. PO Box 580063, Flushing, New York 11358 Fax 1 718 358 28 49 Agent
11364 - General Rego Park areaRobin Philatelics, Ltd. Mr. Robin Ko APS-14, ASDA-07 P.O. Box 640653, Oakland Gardens, NY 11364 Phone: (347) 836-8362 robinphila@hotmail... eBay ID: robinphila : http://www.ebay.com/sch/robinphila/m.html Via Internet, Mail, Show Bourses: Appraisals, Auction Agent, Buys Stamps, Want Lists Service. Specialties: Far East, Topicals
www.robinphila.com '404' old: P. O. Box 541118, Flushing, NY 11354 : 718-321-3085 older: P. O. Box 1616, Fort Lee, NJ 07024
11374 - General Rego Park areaLoral Stamps Leon Finik APS-14 P.O. Box 740521, Rego Park, NY 11374-0521 Tel (718) 261-6971, Fax (718) 261-1838 [email protected] Russia and related old: Tel.: 718-699-2455, Fax: 718-271-3070 (c.199506) P. O. Box 237, Dickinson Center, NY 12930-0237 (c.1999)
Turkmenistan Philatelic Bureau Box 560, Rego Park, NY 11374 Agent
11415Mr. John R. Lewis APS-14 P.O. Box 150010, Kew Gardens, NY 11415-0010 Phone/Fax: (347) 829-3400 allunstamps@gmail... Part Time By Internet, Mail: Appraisals, Buys Stamps, Want Lists Service. Specialty: United Nations "At All UN Stamps, the William Henry Stamp Company specializes exclusively in philatelic material issued by the United Nations Postal Authority. Shop with confidence. We stand by the quality of every item we sell with a 100% money back guarantee.
Our promise to you... you will not be disappointed."
old: P. O. Box 1246, Selden, NY 11784-0940, [email protected] (c.1999)
The Cover Connection John L. Leszak MSDA-14*, APS-06, ASDA-07 P. O. Box 173 - Niagara Square Station, Buffalo, NY 14201-0173 43 Court St.. , Buffalo, NY 14201-0173 Phone: 716-854-0222 [email protected]*, [email protected] ASDA c.2005: Buyer, Covers: Advertising, Covers: United States, Covers: Worldwide, Covers: First Day (FDC), Postcards, Postal History: United States, Postal History: Worldwide, WholesalersSAN/SAC c.2007: The company holds 2 sales per month from August through May, and one sale in June and in July. Mail Sale Only. Local Auction Agent: Paul Duda 716-876-9648.
''Postal History''New York continues on Next Page
NY PO Philatelic Centers NYC PO's StampShows.com NY NY Clubs
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Free counters provided by Honesty.com. World Est. 4/2001, US Est. 3/2001, NY Est. 5/2001